Summary Documentation: Graphics Procedures

Icon version 9.5.20f

attribs.icn: Procedure to set attributes via dialog

This procedure produces a dialog in which the user can change
the most commonly used graphics attributes.

Problems:  If a text-entry field is not long enough to hold the current
value for an attribute, the attribute has to be edited.  Also, a
slider is not the best way of changing the gamma attribute -- it's
not possible to set a precise value.  A slider was used mostly for
demonstration purposes.

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autopost.icn: Procedures to activate PostScript recorder

These procedures, when linked with an unsuspecting Icon program,
cause psrecord (q.v) to begin recording PostScript commands when
an X window is opened.  This is done by overloading the built-in
"open" function.

The results of this may or may not be usable depending on how the
original program is coded.  Psrecord cannot emulate all the X calls
and works best with programs designed for it.

"stop" and "exit" are also overloaded to try and terminate the
PostScript file properly.  Other program exit paths, notably a
return from the main procedure, are not caught.

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barchart.icn: Procedures for dynamically growing barchart

These procedures draw barcharts that can grow dynamically.

barchart(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b) creates a barchart.

setbar(bc, n, v)        sets the value of a bar.

rebar(bc, sf)           redraws a barchart with a new scaling factor.

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bevel.icn: Procedures for drawing beveled objects

These procedures draw objects having a raised or sunken appearance.

BevelReset(win)                         sets/resets shading colors.

BevelCircle(win, x, y, r, bw)           draws a beveled circle.

BevelDiamond(win, x, y, r, bw)          draws a beveled diamond.

BevelTriangle(win, x, y, r, o, bw)      draws a beveled triangle.

BevelSquare(win, x, y, r, bw)           draws a beveled square.

FillSquare(win, x, y, r)                fills a square.

FillDiamond(win, x, y, r)               fills a diamond.

FillTriangle(win, x, y, r, o)           fills a triangle.

RidgeRectangle(win, x, y, w, h, bw)     draws a ridged rectangle.

GrooveRectangle(win, x, y, w, h, bw)    draws a grooved rectangle.

BevelRectangle(win, x, y, w, h, bw)     draws a beveled rectangle.

DrawRidge(win, x1, y1, x2, y2, w)       draws a ridged line.

DrawGroove(win, x1, y1, x2, y2, w)      draws a grooved line.

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bitplane.icn: Procedures for bitplane manipulation

These procedures allow a window to be treated as a series of
overlapping, independent layers, subject to some fairly severe

AlcPlane(W n)           allocates planes.

FrontPlane(W bp, color) moves a layer to the front.

BackPlane(W bp, color)  moves a layer to the back.

PlaneOp(W bp, op)       initializes layer operations.

Deplane(W color)        restores a window to normal.

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button.icn: Procedures for pushbutton sensors

These procedures implement pushbuttons using the "evmux" event
multiplexor instead of the usual vidget library.

button(win, label, proc, arg, x, y, w, h)
                                establishes a pushbutton.

buttonrow(win,x,y,w,h,dx,dy, label,proc,arg, label,proc,arg, ...)
                                establishes a row of buttons.

buttonlabel(handle, label)      changes a button label.

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cardbits.icn: Procedure for constructing playing card images

cardbits() returns an image for use in drawing playing cards.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

cells.icn: Procedures for creating and coloring panels of cells

These procedures create an manipulate panels of cells.

     makepanel(n, m, size, fg, bg, pg)
             makes a panel in a hidden window with nxm cells of the
             given size, default 10.  fg, bg, and pg are the
             colors for the window and panel backgrounds. fg
             and bg default to black and white, respectively.
             If pg is not given a patterned background is used.

     matrixpanel(matrix, size, fg, bg, pg)
             same as makepanel(), except matrix determines the

             restores the panel to its original state as made by

     colorcell(panel, n, m, color)
             colors the cell (n,m) in panel with color.

     colorcells(panel, tier)
             is like colorcell(), except it operates on a tie-up

     cell(panel, x, y)
             returns Cell() record for the cell in which x,y
             lies.  If fails if the point is out of bounds.

     tiercells(panel, matrix)
             is like colorcell(), except all cells are colored
             using a matrix of colors.

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clip.icn: Procedures for clipboard operations

XCopy(window, x, y, w, h) copies an area of window to the clipboard.

XCut(window, x, y, w, h) copies an area of window to the clipboard and
erases it from window.

XPaste(window, x, y) copies the clipboard to position x,y in window.

NewClip(w, h) is a utility procedure that discards the old clipboard and
creates a new one of the specified dimensions.

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clipping.icn: Procedures for clipping lines

ClipLine(W, L, x, y, w, h) clips the multisegment line specified
by coordinates in L to the region (x, y, w, h), which defaults
to the clipping region of the window W.  ClipLine() returns a
list of coordinates suitable for calling DrawSegment().  If no
segments remain after clipping, ClipLine() fails.

Coalesce(L) connects adjoining segments from a DrawSegment()
argument list such as is produced by ClipLine().  Coalesce()
returns a list of DrawLine() lists.

DrawClipped(W, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) draws a line using ClipLine()
with the clipping region of the window W.  DrawClipped() is
superior to DrawLine() only when lines with extremely large
coordinate values (beyond +/-32767) are involved.

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clrnames.icn: Procedure to generate color names

This procedure generates all the color names in the Icon portable color
naming system.  Not all names produce unique colors.

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clrutils.icn: Procedures to convert color formats

These procedures convert between comma-separated Icon color
specifications and a record with r, g, and b fields.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

color.icn: Procedures dealing with colors

These procedures deal with colors in various ways.

ScaleGamma(v, g)        scales a number with gamma correction.

Blend(k1, k2, ...)      generates a sequence of colors.

Contrast(win, k)        returns "white" or "black" contrasting with k.

Shade(win, k)           sets Fg(), with dithering on a bilevel screen.

RandomColor(W, p)       returns a randomly chosen color from a palette.

PaletteGrays(W, p)      returns the gray entries of a palette.

RGBKey(W, p, r, g, b)   returns the palette key closest to (r,g,b).

HSVKey(W, p, h, s, v)   returns the palette key closest to (h/s/v).

HSV(k)                  returns the h/s/v interpretation of a color.

HSVValue(hsv)           returns the ColorValue() of an h/s/v string.

HLS(k)                  returns the h:l:s interpretation of a color.

HLSValue(hls)           returns the ColorValue() of an h:l:s string.

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colorway.icn: Procedures to manipulate color ways

Note:  This file contains procedures that can be linked by programs
to add a visual interface, including programs that have one of their

These procedures support the interactive creation and modification of
color ways.  ("Color way" is a the term used in the fashion industry for
a list of colors used in coordination for fabric design or other
decorative purposes.  Think color scheme if you like.)

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colrlist.icn: Procedures to produce list of colors

colrlist(f) returns a list of the colors given in a file.

colrplte(p) returns a list of colors for the palette p.

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colrmodl.icn: Procedures to convert between color models

   These procedures convert between various color models. A color
value is represented by a record (see the declarations below).

Color values are normalized to a maximum of 1.0.

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colrspec.icn: Procedure to produce VRML color specifications

Requires:  Version 9 graphics

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cwutils.icn: Procedures to support color ways

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

decay.icn: Procedures for decaying-displays for windows

These procedures provide a way to draw objects and then have them
automatically redrawn (say, in a lighter color) n steps later.
A user routine is called to do the actual drawing.  If a second
call to draw an object comes before its time has expired, the
object's counter is reset and the drawing routine is not called.

dpipe() initializes a decay pipeline and returns a pipeline object.

decay() marks an object, unmarks another, and advances the clock.

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dialog.icn: Procedures for dialogs

This file contains several procedures for posting dialog boxes:

AskDialog() -- TextDialog() with only caption and "No" instead of "Cancel"
Notice(win, captions) -- notice dialog (a simple text dialog)
TextDialog(win, captions, labels, defaults...) -- text dialog
ToggleDialog(win, captions, labels, defaults...) -- toggle dialog
SelectDialog(win, captions, labels, defaults...) -- selection dialog
SaveDialog(win, caption, filename, len) -- save file dialog
OpenDialog(win, caption, filename, len) -- open file dialog
ColorDialog(win, captions, refcolor, callback, id) -- color dialog

In all cases, the first or only caption is used as a dialog box ID,
used to remember the dialog box location when it is closed.  A later
posting using the same ID places the new box at the same location.

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distance.icn: Procedure to compute distance in n-dimensions

distance(d1, d2, d3, ...) returns the distance between points in n-space
distances d1, d2, d3, ... from the origin.

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drag.icn: Procedures for dragging rectangles

These procedures drag rectangular objects in a window.

Drag(x, y, w, h)                provides an opaque move.

DragOutline(x, y, w, h)         drags only the outline.

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drawcard.icn: Procedure to draw a playing card

   drawcard(win, x, y, c) draws the playing card labeled <c> with its
upper left corner at (x,y).  The card size is fixed at 80w x 124h.

   Card labelings are as follows.

       label: ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz
       rank:  A23456789TJQK A23456789TJQK A23456789TJQK A23456789TJQK
       suit:  hearts....... spades....... clubs........ diamonds.....

These differ unintentionally from the card mappings used in the
"Mappings and Labelings" chapter of the Icon book (pp 243-244, 3/e).

If the label is unrecognized, the back of a card is drawn.
"-" is suggested as a conventional label for a card back.

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drawcolr.icn: Procedure to display color list

This program displays the colors given in a list.

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drawlab.icn: Procedure to draw figures

This procedure is a general-purpose interface used by various programs
that draw figures of various kinds.

Although it's listed as requiring graphics, that's really not necessary
for interfaces to other devices or just producing coordinates.

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dsetup.icn: Procedures for creating dialog boxes

dsetup(win, wlist) initializes a set of widgets according to
a list of specifications created by the interface editor VIB.

win can be an existing window, or null.

wlist is a list of specifications; the first must be the Sizer and
the last may be null.  Each specification is itself a list consisting
of a specification string, a callback routine, and an optional list
of additional specifications.  Specification strings vary by vidget
type, but the general form is "ID:type:style:n:x,y,w,h:label".

dsetup() returns a table of values from the dialog, indexed by ID.

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enqueue.icn: Procedures for queued events

These procedures manipulate Icon window events.

Enqueue(W, eventcode, x, y, modkeys, interval) posts an event.

pack_modkeys(s)         encodes the modifier keys for an event.
unpack_modkeys(n)       decodes a modifier key value.

pack_intrvl(n)          encodes an event interval.
unpack_intrvl(n)        decodes an event interval.

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event.icn: Procedure to produces events from a window event history

Event(win) overloads the built-in function Event() and produces
events using evplay().

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evmux.icn: Procedures for window event multiplexor

These procedures implement a simple event handling package.  This
package has more recently been superseded by the vidget library.

The event multiplexor is configured by registering *sensors*, which
respond to events that occur when the mouse cursor is within a
particular region.  When a sensor fires, it calls a user procedure
that was registered when the sensor was created.

These routines interpret window events and invoke callbacks:

        sensor()        registers the events of interest.

        evhandle()      reads and responds to the next event.

        evmux()         loops forever, handling events.

Two other small procedures help build event-driven programs:

        quitsensor()    registers a standardized response to Q or q.

        argless()       is a "glue" procedure usable as a callback.

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evplay.icn: Procedure to "play back" recorded window events

evplay(win) reads a window event history file (such as produced by
evrecord()), and puts an event on the event queue for the given window.
If the global identifier EventFile is nonnull, it is used as the
event history; otherwise standard input is used.

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evrecord.icn: Procedure to record window events

This procedure writes a file of graphics events.  The file can be
converted to "pseudo events" by evplay.icn.

When used with a vidget interface, evrecord can be passed as an
argument to, say, GetEvents(), as in

     GetEvents(root, , evrecord)

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fetchpat.icn: Procedure to fetch a pattern specification

This procedure fetches a pattern by number from a file of pattern
specifications.  It fails if the file does not exist or does not
contain that many pattern specifications.

The file is searched for in the current directory first, then using

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fstars.icn: Procedure to produce traces of fractal stars

This procedure produces traces of fractal "stars".  For a discussion of
fractal stars, see

     Fractals; Endlessly Repeated Geometrical Figures, Hans Lauwerier,
     Princeton University Press, 1991, pp. 72-77.


     Geometric and Artistic Graphics; Design Generation with
     Microcomputers, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 55-63.

The arguments are:

     x, y, n, p, r, incr, extent

     x       x coordinate of the initial point, default 0
     y       y coordinate of the initial point, default 0.5
     n       number of vertices, default 5
     p       number of phases, default 5
     r       reduction factor, default 0.35
     incr    angular increment factor, default 0.8
     extent  extent of drawing, 1.0

Chosing values for these arguments that produce interesting results and
centering the star in the window is somewhat of an art.  See fstartbl.icn
for some good values.

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fstartbl.icn: Procedure to produce calls for fractal stars

This procedure produces a table of calls from which fractal stars
can be produced.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gdisable.icn: Procedure to disable graphics functions

This procedure effectively disables the graphics functions.  Care should
be taken in the way the disabled functions are used, since in their
disabled forms, they return their first argument (if any).

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getcolrs.icn: Procedures for getting color palette

These procedures support the interactive selection of colors.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gifsize.icn: Procedure to return size of GIF file

This procedure returns the size of a GIF file in the form
width,height.  It fails if the file does not exist or is
not a valid GIF file.

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glabels.icn: Procedure to produce graph ticks

glabels(min, max, nticks) produces a list of aesthetically pleasing labels
for graph ticks to cover a given range.  It is based on the algorithm
given by Paul S. Heckert in "Graphic Gems", Andrew S Glassner, ed.,
Academic Press, 1990.

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glib.icn: Procedures for graphics

Comments: This package is the collection of routines
   developed to facilitate traditional 2D graphics.
   It is incomplete, but still provides
   a reasonable amount of support.  There is some
   support for 3D graphics here, but that is not so
   well developed.  People are encouraged to improve
   these routines and add new routines.

   All routines use list-based subscripting.  This allows
   programs to describe points as lists OR records.

   In the turtle graphics code, the use gives angles in

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gpxlib.icn: Procedures for graphics tasks

This file contains a few eclectic graphics procedures.

ScratchCanvas(w, h, id)   creates a temporary, hidden window.

PushWin(L)                adds a default window to an argument list.

Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)  computes the distance between two points.

InBounds(x, y, w, h)      succeeds if (&x,&y) is within (x,y,w,h).

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gpxop.icn: Procedures for graphics operations

This file contains some graphics procedures.

LeftString(x, y, s)       draws a string left-aligned at (x, y).

CenterString(x, y, s)     draws a string centered at (x, y).

RightString(x, y, s)      draws a string right-aligned at (x, y).

ClearOutline(x, y, w, h)  draws a rectangle, erasing its interior.

Translate(dx, dy, w, h)   moves the window origin and optionally
                          sets the clipping region.

Zoom(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2)
                          copies and distorts a rectangle.

Capture(p, x, y, w, h)    converts a window area to an image string.

Sweep()                   lets the user select a rectangular area.

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graphics.icn: Procedures for graphics

Links to core subset of graphics procedures.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

grecords.icn: Declarations for graphics

These declarations are used in procedures that manipulate objects
in two- and three-dimensional space.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gtrace.icn: Procedures to process graphic traces

As used here, the term "trace" refers to a sequence of points that
generally consists of locations on a curve or other geometrical object.
These procedures process such traces in various ways.

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ifg.icn: Procedure to tell if graphics are running

ifg() fails if (a) the running version of Icon does not support
graphics, or (b) if it is, the graphics system is not running.

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imagedim.icn: Procedures for getting image dimensions

imagedim(s) returns a record that contains the type and dimensions of an
image named s.

The assumptions about image formats are naive.

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imageseq.icn: Procedure to write sequences of images

These procedures provide help for applications that write sequences
of images.

seq_init(opts) initializes the naming parameters from the table opts.
opts["n"] is the name, opts["f"] is the first number, and opts["c"]
is the number of columns for the serial number.

save_image(win, x, y, w, h) write the specified area of win using the
next name in sequence.  There is no check for duplicate names if the
numbering wraps around.

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imgcolor.icn: Procedure to produce table of colors in area

This procedure produces a table of all the colors in a specified
area of a window.  The value corresponding to a color key is
the number of pixels with that color

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imrutils.icn: Procedures to deal with image records

Procedures to manipulate image strings as records.

     imrcath(imr1, imr2)
                     concatenates imr1 and imr2 horizontally

     imrcatv(imr1, imr2)
                     concatenates imr1 and imr2 vertically

     imrcopy(imr)    create copy of imr

     imrdraw(win, x, y, imr)
                     draws an image record

     imrfliph(imr)   flips an image record horizontally

     imrflipv(imr)   flips an image record vertically

                     produces "negative" of image; intended for
                     grayscale palettes

     imropen(imr)    opens a hidden window with an image record

     imror(imr)      forms inclusive "or" of two images

     imrpshift(imr, ir)
                     shifts colors by mapping rotated palette

                     rotates an image record 180 degrees

                     rotates an image record 90 degrees clockwise

     imrshifth(imr, i)
                     shifts an image record horizontally by i pixels
                     with wrap-around; positive i to the right,
                     negative to the left.

     imrshiftv(imr, i)
                     shifts an image record vertically by i pixels
                     with wrap-around; positive i to the top,
                     negative to the bottom.

     imstoimr(s)     converts an image string to an image record

     imrtoims(imr)   converts an image record to an image string

Note:  All the procedures that produce image records modify their
argument records; they do not return modified copies.

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imscanon.icn: Procedure to put bi-level image string in canonical form

This procedure puts a bi-level image string in canonical form so
that duplicates up to shifting can be eliminated.  It is intended to
be used in imlreduc.icn, which handles the rotational case.

It presently only handles widths that are a multiple of four.

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imscolor.icn: Procedures for manipulating images

These procedures manipulate image strings.

imswidth(im)            returns the width of an image.
imsheight(im)           returns the height of an image.
imspalette(im)          returns the palette used by an image.

imsmap(s1, s2, s3)      applies map() to the image data.

imswrite(f, s, n)       writes an image string to a file.

drawpalette(W, p, x, y, w, h, f, n)     draws the color palette p.

pickpalette(W, p, dx, dy, w, h, n)      maps window coordinates
                        to a palette drawn by drawpalette().

XPMImage(W, f, p)       reads an XPM file, returning an image string.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

imsutils.icn: Procedures to manipulate image specifications

This file contains procedures that manipulate string representations for

     patident(imx1, imx2)
     XDrawTile(win, xoff, yoff, pattern, magnif, mode)
     XDrawRows(win, xoff, yoff, imx, magnif, mode)
     pat2xbm(pattern, name)
     pix2pat(window, x, y, cols, rows)

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imxform.icn: Procedures to transform image matrices

This file contains procedures that manipulate matrices that represent

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interact.icn: Procedures to support interactive applications

edit_file(s)    launches an editor, default vi, for the file named

edit_list(L)    provides edit dialog for the strings in the list L.

error_notice(i, x, s)
                produces a notice dialog noting a run-time
                error.  It can be used to handle procedure
                errors by runerr := error_notice.

execute()       provides a dialog for specifying a command.

expose(win)     attempt to make win the active window for the
                window manager.

load_file(s, n) presents a standard open dialog with the caption s.
                and suggest name n.

                If the user specifies a file that can be opened,
                dialog_value is set to it.  Otherwise, the dialog
                is presented again.  The name of the selected
                button is returned.

open_image(s)   presents a standard open dialog with the caption s.
                If the user specifies a file that can be opened as
                an image in a window, the window is opened.  Otherwise
                the dialog is presented again.

ExitNotice(s[]) Notice() that exits.

FailNotice(s[]) Notice() that fails.

save_as(s, n)   presents a standard save dialog with the caption s
                and suggested name n.  If the user specifies a file
                that can be written, the file is assigned to
                dialog_value.  Otherwise the dialog is presented
                again.  save_as() fails if the user cancels.

save_file(s, n) presents a standard save dialog with the caption s
                and suggested name n.  If the user specifies a file
                that can be written, the file is returned.
                Otherwise, save_as() is called.  The name of
                the selected button is returned.

save_list(s, L) provides dialog for saving list items in a file.

select_dialog(s, L, d)
                provides a dialog for selecting from a list of
                items.  d is the default selection.

snapshot(win, x, y, w, h, n)
                writes an image file for the specified portion of
                the window.  The name for the file is requested from
                the user via a dialog box.  If there already is a
                file by the specified name, the user is given the
                option of overwriting it or selecting another name.
                The procedure fails if the user cancels.  n sets
                the width of the text-entry field.

unsupported()   provides Notice() for unsupported feature.

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isdplot.icn: Procedures to create grid plots for ISDs

NOTE:  The drawdown code is patched in from code in pfd2ill.icn and
uses a different method than the others.  One way or another, the
methods should be made consonant.

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isdxplot.icn: Procedures to create grid plots for ISDs

NOTE:  The drawdown code is patched in from code in pfd2ill.icn and
uses a different method than the others.  One way or another, the
methods should be made consonant.

This version is for ISDs without explicit thread-color information.

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joinpair.icn: Procedure to connect pairs of points

joinpair(points1, points2) draws lines between all pairs of points
in the lists of points.

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jolygs.icn: Procedure to produce traces of "jolygons"

This procedure produces traces of jolygons.  See

     Geometric and Artistic Graphics; Design Generation with
     Microcomputers, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 20-24.

The arguments specify the starting positions, the extent of the
drawing, the number of segments, the angle between consecutive
segments, the ratio of the lengths of consecutive segments,
a length factor, and a y scaling factor.

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linddefs.icn: Procedure to produce table of L-systems

This procedure produces a table of L-systems.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

linddraw.icn: Procedure to draw L-System strings

This procedure draws strings of characters produced by

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lindrec.icn: Declarations for L-systems

These declarations are provided for representing Lindenmayer systems
as records.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lindterp.icn: Procedure to interpret and draw L-System strings

This procedure interpreters strings of characters produced by
L-Systems and draws them using turtle graphics.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lsystem.icn: Procedures for Lindenmayer systems support

Comments: This package is the collection of routines
   developed to facilitate experiments with L-systems,
   including the interpretation of strings as turtle
   graphics commands.

   Only rudimentary L-systems are currently implemented.
    users are encouraged to extend this system.

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mapnav.icn: Procedures for navigating a map interactively

These procedures implement a user interface for browsing a map
that is drawn using a simple rectangular projection.  The
following interface actions are provided, if not overridden
by the calling program:
   The arrow keys pan the display.
   Shifted arrows pan by a smaller amount.
   The + and - keys zoom in and out.
   The 0, 1, or HOME key resets the original display.
   The q key causes an immediate exit.
   Sweeping a region with the mouse zooms the display.
   Resizing the window causes it to be redrawn.

The calling program provides the main loop and a drawing
procedure; this module handles the interface and computes
the output transformation.

mapinit(win, proc, arg, xleft, xright, ytop, ybottom, m) initializes.
mapgen(win, proc, arg) generates the map by invoking the callback.
mapevent(win, e) handles a window event, possibly invoking a callback.
mapproj(win) returns the projection used in the window.

The win argument is optional in all procedures but can be used
to supply the correct graphics context.  The window argument is
always supplied to the callback procedure.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

mirror.icn: Procedure to mirror tile

mirror(win)  mirrors win using p2mm symmetry and returns the result as a
             hidden window.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

modlines.icn: Procedure to produce trace of modular lines

For a description of the method used here, see

     Geometric and Artistic Graphics; Design Generation with
     Microcomputers, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 90-95.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

navitrix.icn: Procedures to perform file navigation

This package provides an interface for file navigation.  It is
intended for use with another application with a visual interface.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

optwindw.icn: Procedures to open window with standard options

optwindow() opens a window, interpreting command options to
set various window attributes.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

orbits.icn: Procedures to produce traces of orbits

These procedures produce traces of orbits.  See

     Geometric and Artistic Graphics; Design Generation with
     Microcomputers, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 65-73.

The arguments specify the starting positions, the extent of the
drawing, the number of segments, and various parameters that
control the orbit.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

overlay.icn: Procedure to overlay an image in a window

overlay(window, image) writes the image in the window, a line at a time.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

palettes.icn: Procedures for programmer-defined palettes

These procedures implement programmer-defined palettes.  They overload
and build on top of the built-in palette mechanism.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pattread.icn: Procedure to read pattern

Reads BLP or row file and produces pattern in row form.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

patutils.icn: Procedures to manipulate patterns

This file contains procedures that manipulate graphic pattern
representations.  These procedures are intended for bi-level patterns
representable by 0s and 1s.

A row pattern is a list of strings, with each string representing
a row in the pattern.

     DrawTile(win, xoff, yoff, pattern, magnif, mode)
     DrawRows(win, xoff, yoff, rows, magnif, mode)
     eqpats(prws, rows2)
     pat2xbm(pattern, name)
     pix2pat(window, x, y, cols, rows)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

patxform.icn: Procedures to transform patterns in row form

pborder(rows, l, r, t, b, c)
pcaten(rows1, rows2, dir)
pcenter(rows, w, h)
pcrop(rows, l, r, t, b)
pdouble(rows, dir)
pflip(rows, dir)
phalve(rows, dir, choice)
por(rows1, rows2)
protate(rows, dir)
pscramble(rows, dir)
pshift(rows, shift, dir)
ptrim(rows, c)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pixelmap.icn: Procedure to create image from pixel list

pixelmap(name, p, args[]) reads the pixel list in file name and
constructs an image, applying p ! args to each pixel.  If p is
omitted or null, the pixels are used as-is.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

popular.icn: Procedure to show "popularity" of colors in image string

This procedure shows the "popularity" of colors in an image string.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

psrecord.icn: Procedures for PostScript record of window

These procedures intercept graphics calls in order to produce
a PostScript copy of what is drawn.  The record is decidedly

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

putpixel.icn: Procedure to write quantized, processed pixel

These procedures assist pixel-by-pixel image construction.

PutPixel(W, x, y, k)    draws a single pixel after applying
                        dithering, color quantization, and
                        gamma correction.

PixInit(gamma, cquant, gquant, drandom)
                        initializes parameters for PutPixel().

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

randarea.icn: Procedures to generate random points in areas

These procedures generate randomly selected points with specified

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

randfigs.icn: Procedures to generate random figures

These procedures generate random geometrical figures.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rawimage.icn: Procedures to write and read images in raw format

These procedures write and read raw image files.  The format of a raw
image file is:

     <palette entries with 2 hex digits, a blank, and a color specification>
     <blank line>
     <image data consisting of pairs of hext digits in row-primary order>

These procedures are slow and should only be used when the image file
formats that Icon can read and write are not sufficient.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

repeats.icn: Procedure to repeat image

This procedure produces repeats of an image specified number of times.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rgbcomp.icn: Procedures to perform computations on RGB values

rgbsum(s1, s2) returns a color whose RGB components are the sums of the
components for s1 and s2.

rgbdif(s1, s2) returns a color whose RGB components are the differences of
the components for s1 and s2.

rgbavg(s1, s2) returns a color whose RGB components are the averages of
the components for s1 and s2.

rsgcomp(s) returns the color that is the complement of s.

The results may not be what's expected in some cases.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rgbrec.icn: Procedure to produce RGB record from color specification

This procedure produces a three-field RGB record from an Icon color
specification.  It fails id its argument is not a valid color specifi-

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rpolys.icn: Procedure to produce traces of regular polygons

Generate points for a regular polygon with the specified number of
vertices and radius, centered at cx and cy.  The offset angle is theta;
default 0.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rstars.icn: Procedure to generate traces of regular stars

This procedure generates traces of regular stars.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rstartbl.icn: Procedure to produce calls for regular stars

This procedure produces a table of calls from which regular stars
can be produced.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

select.icn: Procedure to get selection from window

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

slider.icn: Procedures for slider sensors

These procedures implement slider using the "evmux" event
multiplexor instead of the usual vidget library.

slider(win, proc, arg, x, y, w, h, lb, iv, ub)  creates a slider.

slidervalue(h, v)                       modifies a slider's value.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

spirals.icn: Procedure to produce traces of fractal stars

Draw spiral with n segments and t rotations, starting at (x,y).
The extent determines the size of the drawing.

The eccentricity is e (1 gives circle) and the reduction factor is r.
The angular increment is incr and the y scaling factor is yfact.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

spokes.icn: Procedure to draw spokes

spokes(x, y, radius1, radius2, n, m) draws spokes.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

strpchrt.icn: Procedure for dynamic stripchart for windows

A stripchart models a continuous roll of paper that is marked along
the right edge while it moves continuously to the left.  This is
also known as a chart recording.

stripchart(window, x, y, width, height) creates a stripchart.

sadvance(sc)                            advances a stripchart.

smark(sc, y1, y2)                       marks a stripchart.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

subturtl.icn: Procedures for turtle-graphics (subset version)

These procedures implement a simplified subset of the turtle.icn
package.  The main omissions are scaling, TWindow(), THome(), and
high-level primitives like TCircle().  Some procedures accept fewer
arguments, omit defaults, or omit the return value.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

symrand.icn: Procedures to generate random points

rand(x, y, extentx, extenty, n) generates random points in a rectangle.

symrand(x, y, extentx, extenty, size, n) generates points symmetrically.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tieedit.icn: Procedures to create and edit binary arrays

This package provides a variety of facilities for creating and
editing binary arrays.  It is intended for use with weaving tie-ups
and liftplans.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tieutils.icn: Procedures related to weaving tie-ups

imr2tie(imr)    converts g2 image record to tie-ip

pat2tie(pat)    converts bi-level pattern to tie-up string

pat2tier(pat)   converts bi-level pattern to tie-up record

showpat(pat, size, fg, bg)
                produces a hidden window for the pattern as a matrix
                with the specified foreground and background colors

str2matrix(shafts, treadles, s)
                produce matrix from binary string

testtie(s)      succeeds if s is a valid tie-up but fails otherwise

tie2imr(s)      converts tie-up to g2 image record

tie2pat(i, j, tie)
                converts tie-up to bi-level pattern

tie2coltier(s)  creates a black/white color tieup-record for
                  tie-up s

tie2tier(s)     creates a 0/1 tie-up record for tie-up s

tier2rstring(r) creates a tie-up string from a tie-up record

twill(pattern, shift, shafts)
                twill tie-up

overunder(pattern, treadles)
                over/under tie-up structure

direct(shafts, treadles)
                direct tie-up

satin(counter, shafts, treadles)
                satin tie-up

tabby(shafts, treadles)
                tabby tie-up

general(pattern, shift, rep, shafts)
                general tie-up

exptie(expression, shafts, treadles)
                expression tie-up

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tile.icn: Procedure to tile window

This procedure tiles a portion of win1 over the specified portion
of win2, doubling to reduce the number of copies required.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tiler.icn: Procedures to tile window with image

tileimg(win, image) tiles win with copies of image.

tileims(win, ims) tiles win with copies of the image specified by ims

Note that tileimg() uses the gamma value of win.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

turtle.icn: Procedures for turtle-graphics interface

These procedures provide a "turtle graphics" interface to Icon.
With this approach, popularized by the Logo programming language,
all drawing is done by a "turtle" that carries a pen over a drawing
surface under program control.

TWindow(W)      sets the turtle window.

TDraw(n)        moves forward and draws.

TSkip(n)        skips forward without drawing.

TDrawto(x, y)   draws to the point (x,y).

TScale(n)       sets or queries current scaling factor.

TRight(d)       turns right d degrees.

TLeft(d)        turns left d degrees.

THeading(a)     sets or queries the heading.

TFace(x, y)     sets or queries the heading.

TX(x)           sets or queries the current x position.

TY(y)           sets or queries the current y position.

TGoto(x, y, a)  sets the location and optionally changes the heading.

THome()         moves to the window center and turns to face upward.

TReset()        clears the window and reinitializes.

TSave()         saves the turtle state.

TRestore()      restores the turtle state.

TRect(h, w)     draws a rectangle centered at the turtle.

TCircle(d)      draws a circle centered at the turtle.

TPoly(d, n)     draws a polygon centered at the turtle.

TFRect(h, w)    draws a filled rectangle centered at the turtle.

TFCircle(d)     draws a filled circle centered at the turtle.

TFPoly(d, n)    draws a filled polygon centered at the turtle.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

twists.icn: Procedures to produce traces of "twists"

These procedures produce traces of twisting orbits.  See

     Geometric and Artistic Graphics; Design Generation with
     Microcomputers, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 73-80.

The arguments specify the starting positions, the extent of the
drawing, the number of segments, and various parameters that determine
the orbits.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

vfilter.icn: Procedure to change filter mode in sliders and scrollbars

VSetFilter(vidget, value) sets the appropriate field in the structure for
vidget to change the filtering mode (null for no filtering, "1" for

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

vidgets.icn: Procedures for vidgets

Links to basic vidget files needed to use the library.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

vsetup.icn: Procedures for vidget application setup

vsetup(win, cbk, wlist[]) initializes a set of widgets according to
a list of specifications created by the interface editor VIB.

win can be an existing window, a list of command arguments to be
passed to Window(), null, or omitted.  In the latter three cases
a new window is opened if &window is null.

cbk is a default callback routine to be used when no callback is
specified for a particular vidget.

wlist is a list of specifications; the first must be the Sizer and
the last may be null.  Each specification is itself a list consisting
of a specification string, a callback routine, and an optional list
of additional specifications.  Specification strings vary by vidget
type, but the general form is "ID:type:style:n:x,y,w,h:label".

vsetup returns a table of vidgets indexed by vidget ID.
The root vidget is included with the ID of "root".

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

wattrib.icn: Procedures for attributes

These are "helper" procedures to use in place of WAttrib().

This is a work in progress; at present it only handles fetching
of a few attribute values.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

weavegif.icn: Procedure to produce a woven image from a draft

This procedure produces a woven image from a pattern-form draft, which
is passed to it as it's first argument.  Window attributes may be
passed as a list in the second argument

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

wifisd.icn: Procedure to convert WIF to xencoded ISD

This procedure analyzes a Weaving Information File and returns xencoded

Information in a WIF that is not necessary for an ISD is ignored.

If there is a liftplan, the symbols in the treadling sequence
correspond to shaft patterns given in the liftplan.  The symbols
for these pattern shafts are implicit and occur in orde to the number
of shaft patterns.

There is a problem where there is treadling with multiple treadles
and no liftplan.  *Presumably* that treadling can be used like a
liftplan, but without, necessarily, a direct tie-up.  This problem
problem has not been addressed yet.

If there is a liftplan, then a direct tie-up is implied by the
wording in the WIF documentation.  However, that's in the interpretation
of the draft.  The tie-up produced here is the one given in the WIF.

If there is a liftplan and a treadling with multiple treadles,
the treadling is ignored.

This procedure does not attempt to detect or correct errors in WIFs,
but it does try to work around some common problems.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

win.icn: Procedures to open bare-bones window

These procedures are provided as quick-and-dirty ways to get a
nominal window as, for example, when testing.

win() causes error termination if a window can't be opened.
winf(), on the other hand, just fails.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

window.icn: Procedure for opening window

Window() opens a window with provisions for option processing and
error handling.  The returned window is assigned to &window if
&window is null.  If the window cannot be opened, the program is

The characteristics of the window are set from several sources:
Window's arguments, optionally including the program argument list;
user defaults; and built-in defaults.  These built-in defaults are
the same as for optwindow(): bg=pale gray, fg=black, size=500,300.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

winsnap.icn: Procedure to take snapshot of a portion of a window

This procedure writes an image file for a specified portion of a
window.  The name for the file is requested from the user via a
dialog box.  If there already is a file by the specified name, the
user is given the option of overwriting it or selecting another
name.  The procedure fails if the user cancels.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

wipe.icn: Procedure to wipe window area

wipe(window, color, direction, x, y, w, h)  "wipes" a rectangular area of
window to the specified color.  The direction of wiping can be any one of:

     "right"         from left to right
     "left"          from right to left
     "down"          from top to bottom
     "up             from bottom to top
     "left-right"    from left and right toward center
     "up-down"       from top and bottom toward center
     "in"            from outside to inside

The default direction is "right".

The default color is the background color of the window.

x, y is the top left corner of the area and w and h are the width and
height. An omitted value defaults to the one for the entire window.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

wopen.icn: Procedures for graphics input/output

These procedures provide window input and output using "W" names as
substitutes for standard input and output functions.  WOpen() opens
and returns a window; the result is also assigned to &window if
&window is null.

WOpen(attrib, ...)      opens and returns a window.

WRead(W)                reads a line from a window.

WReads(W, i)            reads i characters from a window.

WWrite(W, s, ...)       writes a line to window.

WWrites(W, s, ...)      writes a partial line to window.

WDelay(W, n)            flushes a window, then delays n milliseconds.
                        default:  n = 1

WClose(W)               closes a window;
                        if W === &window, sets &window to &null.

WDone(), WQuit(), QuitCheck(), and QuitEvents() incorporate knowledge
of the Icon standard set of "quit" events, currently the letters
"q" or "Q".  The procedures themselves are trivial.

WQuit() consumes unread window events and succeeds if a quit event
is seen.  It does not wait.  WDone() waits until a quit event is read,
then exits the program.  QuitCheck(ev) calls exit() if its parameter
is a quit event; QuitCheck can be used with the vidget package as a
default event handler.  QuitEvents() generates the standard set of
quit events.

ZDone() is a zooming version of WDone().  If the window is resized
while waiting for a quit event, its contents are zoomed to fill the
new size.  Zooming to a multiple of the original size can also be
accomplished by typing a nonzero digit into the window.

SubWindow(W, x, y, w, h) produces a subwindow by creating and
reconfiguring a clone of the given window.  The original window
is not modified.  In the clone, which is returned, clipping
bounds are set by the given rectangle and the origin is
set at the rectangle's upper left corner.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xbfont.icn: Procedures for X font selection

BestFont(W, s, ...) generates X-windows font names matching a
given specification, beginning with the closest match.  The
ranking algorithm is similar to that used in Font() but it is
not identical.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xform.icn: Procedures to transform points

This file contains procedures that manipulate points representing

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xformimg.icn: Procedures to transform image

These procedures perform reflections, rotations, and concatenations
of images.

Warning:  Some of these operations are slow.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xgtrace.icn: Procedures to draw traces of points

As used here, the term "trace" refers to a sequence of points that
generally consists of locations on a curve or other geometrical object.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

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