############################################################################ # # File: invkdefs.icn # # Subject: Definitions for operator symbols # # Author: Ralph E. Griswold # # Date: February 12, 1995 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # These definitions can be used in string invocation, as in # # Plus(i, j) # # Operators that cannot be used in string invocation in the Icon interpreter # are omitted. # ############################################################################ # Unary operators $define Postive "+" $define Negative "-" $define Complement "~" $define Match "=" $define Activate "@" $define Refresh "^" $define Size "*" $define Random "?" $define Generate "!" $define Null "/" $define Notnull "\\" $define Dereference "." # Binary operators $define Plus "+" $define Minus "-" $define Times "*" $define Divide "/" $define Remainder "%" $define Raise "^" $define Union "++" $define Difference "--" $define Intersection "**" $define Catenation "||" $define ListCatenation "|||" $define Conjunction "&" $define GreaterThan ">" $define GreaterEqual ">=" $define Equal "=" $define LessEqual "<=" $define LessThan "<" $define NotEqual "~=" $define LexGreaterThan ">>" $define LexGreaterEqual ">>=" $define LexEqual "==" $define LexLessEqual "<<=" $define LexLessThan "<<" $define LexNotEqual "~==" $define Equivalent "===" $define NotEquivalent "~===" # Other forms $define ToBy "..." $define Subscript "[]" $define Section "[:]"