############################################################################ # # File: itlib.icn # # Subject: Procedures for termlib-type tools # # Author: Richard L. Goerwitz # # Date: September 2, 2010 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # Contributor: Clinton L. Jeffery # ############################################################################ # # Version: 1.33+clj # ############################################################################ # # The following library represents a series of rough functional # equivalents to the standard UNIX low-level termcap routines. They # are not meant as exact termlib clones. Nor are they enhanced to # take care of magic cookie terminals, terminals that use \D in their # termcap entries, or, in short, anything I felt would not affect my # normal, day-to-day work with ANSI and vt100 terminals. There are # some machines with incomplete or skewed implementations of stty for # which itlib will not work. See the BUGS section below for work- # arounds. # ############################################################################ # # setname(term) # Use only if you wish to initialize itermlib for a terminal # other than what your current environment specifies. "Term" is the # name of the termcap entry to use. Normally this initialization is # done automatically, and need not concern the user. # # getval(id) # Works something like tgetnum, tgetflag, and tgetstr. In the # spirit of Icon, all three have been collapsed into one routine. # Integer valued caps are returned as integers, strings as strings, # and flags as records (if a flag is set, then type(flag) will return # "true"). Absence of a given capability is signalled by procedure # failure. # # igoto(cm,destcol,destline) - NB: default 1 offset (*not* zero)! # Analogous to tgoto. "Cm" is the cursor movement command for # the current terminal, as obtained via getval("cm"). Igoto() # returns a string which, when output via iputs, will cause the # cursor to move to column "destcol" and line "destline." Column and # line are always calculated using a *one* offset. This is far more # Iconish than the normal zero offset used by tgoto. If you want to # go to the first square on your screen, then include in your program # "iputs(igoto(getval("cm"),1,1))." # # iputs(cp,affcnt) # Equivalent to tputs. "Cp" is a string obtained via getval(), # or, in the case of "cm," via igoto(getval("cm"),x,y). Affcnt is a # count of affected lines. It is only relevant for terminals which # specify proportional (starred) delays in their termcap entries. # ############################################################################ # # BUGS: I have not tested these routines much on terminals that # require padding. These routines WILL NOT WORK if your machine's # stty command has no -g option (tisk, tisk). This includes 1.0 NeXT # workstations, and some others that I haven't had time to pinpoint. # If you are on a BSD box, try typing "sh -c 'stty -g | more'" it may # be that your stty command is too clever (read stupid) to write its # output to a pipe. The current workaround is to replace every in- # stance of /bin/stty with /usr/5bin/stty (or whatever your system # calls the System V stty command) in this file. If you have no SysV # stty command online, try replacing "stty -g 2>&1" below with, say, # "stty -g 2>&1 1> /dev/tty." If you are using mainly modern ter- # minals that don't need padding, consider using iolib.icn instead of # itlib.icn. # ############################################################################ # # Requires: UNIX, co-expressions # ############################################################################ # # See also: iscreen.icn, iolib.icn, itlibdos.icn # ############################################################################ global tc_table, tty_speed record true() procedure check_features() local in_params, line # global tty_speed initial { find("unix",map(&features)) | er("check_features","unix system required",1) find("o-expres",&features) | er("check_features","co-expressions not implemented - &$#!",1) system("/bin/stty tabs") | er("check_features","can't set tabs option",1) } # clumsy, clumsy, clumsy, and probably won't work on all systems tty_speed := getspeed() return "term characteristics reset; features check out" end procedure setname(name) # Sets current terminal type to "name" and builds a new termcap # capability database (residing in tc_table). Fails if unable to # find a termcap entry for terminal type "name." If you want it # to terminate with an error message under these circumstances, # comment out "| fail" below, and uncomment the er() line. #tc_table is global check_features() tc_table := table() tc_table := maketc_table(getentry(name)) | fail # er("setname","no termcap entry found for "||name,3) return "successfully reset for terminal " || name end procedure getname() # Getname() first checks to be sure we're running under UNIX, and, # if so, tries to figure out what the current terminal type is, # checking successively the value of the environment variable # TERM, and then the output of "tset -". Terminates with an error # message if the terminal type cannot be ascertained. local term, tset_output check_features() if not (term := getenv("TERM")) then { tset_output := open("/bin/tset -","pr") | er("getname","can't find tset command",1) term := !tset_output close(tset_output) } return \term | er("getname","can't seem to determine your terminal type",1) end procedure er(func,msg,errnum) # short error processing utility write(&errout,func,": ",msg) exit(errnum) end procedure getentry(name, termcap_string) # "Name" designates the current terminal type. Getentry() scans # the current environment for the variable TERMCAP. If the # TERMCAP string represents a termcap entry for a terminal of type # "name," then getentry() returns the TERMCAP string. Otherwise, # getentry() will check to see if TERMCAP is a file name. If so, # getentry() will scan that file for an entry corresponding to # "name." If the TERMCAP string does not designate a filename, # getentry() will scan /etc/termcap for the correct entry. # Whatever the input file, if an entry for terminal "name" is # found, getentry() returns that entry. Otherwise, getentry() # fails. local f, getline, line, nm, ent1, ent2, entry # You can force getentry() to use a specific termcap file by cal- # ling it with a second argument - the name of the termcap file # to use instead of the regular one, or the one specified in the # termcap environment variable. /termcap_string := getenv("TERMCAP") if \termcap_string ? (not match("/"), pos(1) | tab(find("|")+1), =name) then { # if entry ends in tc= then add in the named tc entry termcap_string ?:= tab(find("tc=")) || # Recursively fetch the new termcap entry w/ name trimmed. (move(3), getentry(tab(find(":")), "/etc/termcap") ? (tab(find(":")+1), tab(0))) return termcap_string } else { # The logic here probably isn't clear. The idea is to try to use # the termcap environment variable successively as 1) a termcap en- # try and then 2) as a termcap file. If neither works, 3) go to # the /etc/termcap file. The else clause here does 2 and, if ne- # cessary, 3. The "\termcap_string ? (not match..." expression # handles 1. if find("/",\termcap_string) then f := open(termcap_string) /f := open("/etc/termcap") | open("infocmp -C " || getenv("TERM"), "p") | er("getentry","I can't access your /etc/termcap file",1) getline := create read_file(f) while line := @getline do { if line ? (pos(1) | tab(find("|")+1), =name, any(':|')) then { entry := "" while (\line | @getline) ? { if entry ||:= 1(tab(find(":")+1), pos(0)) then { close(f) # if entry ends in tc= then add in the named tc entry entry ?:= tab(find("tc=")) || # recursively fetch the new termcap entry (move(3), getentry(tab(find(":"))) ? # remove the name field from the new entry (tab(find(":")+1), tab(0))) return entry } else { \line := &null # must precede the next line entry ||:= trim(trim(tab(0),'\\'),':') } } } } } close(f) er("getentry","can't find and/or process your termcap entry",3) end procedure read_file(f) # Suspends all non #-initial lines in the file f. # Removes leading tabs and spaces from lines before suspending # them. local line \f | er("read_tcap_file","no valid termcap file found",3) while line := read(f) do { match("#",line) & next line ?:= (tab(many('\t ')) | &null, tab(0)) suspend line } fail end procedure maketc_table(entry) # Maketc_table(s) (where s is a valid termcap entry for some # terminal-type): Returns a table in which the keys are termcap # capability designators, and the values are the entries in # "entry" for those designators. local k, v, decoded_value /entry & er("maketc_table","no entry given",8) if entry[-1] ~== ":" then entry ||:= ":" /tc_table := table() entry ? { tab(find(":")+1) # tab past initial (name) field while tab((find(":")+1) \ 1) ? { &subject == "" & next if k := 1(move(2), ="=") then decoded_value := Decode(tab(find(":"))) else if k := 1(move(2), ="#") then decoded_value := integer(tab(find(":"))) else if k := 1(tab(find(":")), pos(-1)) then decoded_value := true() else er("maketc_table", "your termcap file has a bad entry",3) /tc_table[k] := decoded_value &null } } return tc_table end procedure getval(id) /tc_table := maketc_table(getentry(getname())) | er("getval","can't make a table for your terminal",4) return \tc_table[id] | fail # er("getval","the current terminal doesn't support "||id,7) end procedure Decode(s) local new_s, chr, chr2 # Does things like turn ^ plus a letter into a genuine control # character. new_s := "" s ? { while new_s ||:= tab(upto('\\^')) do { chr := move(1) if chr == "\\" then { new_s ||:= { case chr2 := move(1) of { "\\" : "\\" "^" : "^" "E" : "\e" "b" : "\b" "f" : "\f" "n" : "\n" "r" : "\r" "t" : "\t" default : { if any(&digits,chr2) then { char(integer("8r"||chr2||move(2 to 0 by -1))) | er("Decode","bad termcap entry",3) } else chr2 } } } } else new_s ||:= char(ord(map(move(1),&lcase,&ucase)) - 64) } new_s ||:= tab(0) } return new_s end procedure igoto(cm,col,line) local colline, range, increment, padding, str, outstr, chr, x, y if \col > (tc_table["co"]) | \line > (tc_table["li"]) then { colline := string(\col) || "," || string(\line) | string(\col|line) range := "(" || tc_table["co"]-1 || "," || tc_table["li"]-1 || ")" er("igoto",colline || " out of range " || (\range|""),9) } # Use the Iconish 1;1 upper left corner & not the C-ish 0 offsets increment := -1 outstr := "" cm ? { while outstr ||:= tab(find("%")) do { tab(match("%")) if padding := integer(tab(any('23'))) then chr := (="d" | "d") else chr := move(1) if case \chr of { "." : outstr ||:= char(line + increment) "+" : outstr ||:= char(line + ord(move(1)) + increment) "d" : { str := string(line + increment) outstr ||:= right(str, \padding, "0") | str } } then line :=: col else { case chr of { "n" : line := ixor(line,96) & col := ixor(col,96) "i" : increment := 0 "r" : line :=: col "%" : outstr ||:= "%" "B" : line := ior(ishift(line / 10, 4), line % 10) ">" : { x := move(1); y := move(1) line > ord(x) & line +:= ord(y) &null } } | er("goto","bad termcap entry",5) } } return outstr || tab(0) } end procedure iputs(cp, affcnt) local baud_rates, char_rates, i, delay, PC, minimum_padding_speed, char_time static num_chars, char_times # global tty_speed initial { num_chars := &digits ++ '.' char_times := table() # Baud rates in decimal, not octal (as in termio.h) baud_rates := [0,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] char_rates := [0,333,166,83,55,41,20,10,10,10,10] every i := 1 to *baud_rates do { char_times[baud_rates[i]] := char_rates[i] } } type(cp) == "string" | er("iputs","you can't iputs() a non-string value!",10) cp ? { delay := tab(many(num_chars)) if ="*" then { delay *:= \affcnt | er("iputs","affected line count missing",6) } writes(tab(0)) } if (\delay, tty_speed ~= 0) then { minimum_padding_speed := getval("pb") if /minimum_padding_speed | tty_speed >= minimum_padding_speed then { PC := tc_table["pc"] | "\000" char_time := char_times[tty_speed] | (return "speed error") delay := (delay * char_time) + (char_time / 2) every 1 to delay by 10 do writes(PC) } } return end procedure getspeed() local stty_g, stty_output, c_cflag, o_speed stty_g := open("/bin/stty -g 2>&1","pr") | er("getspeed","Can't access your stty command.",4) stty_output := !stty_g close(stty_g) \stty_output ? { # tab to the third field of the output of the stty -g cmd tab(find(":")+1) & tab(find(":")+1) & c_cflag := integer("16r"||tab(find(":"))) } | er("getspeed","Unable to unwind your stty -g output.",4) o_speed := iand(15,c_cflag) return o_speed end