############################################################################ # # File: isize.icn # # Subject: Program to measure size of an Icon program # # Author: Ralph E. Griswold # # Date: May 11, 1999 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # This program give several measures of the size of an Icon program. # The name of the program is given on the command line. # # The command line option -t produces tab-separated values without # labeling instead of multipl labeled lines. # ############################################################################ # # UNIX and the itokens meta-translator # ############################################################################ # # Links: numbers, options # ############################################################################ link numbers link options $define Col 15 procedure main(args) local chaff, code, line, cbytes, nbytes, input, tokens, opts, format opts := options(args, "t") format := opts["t"] input := open(args[1]) | stop("*** cannot open file") cbytes := nbytes := code := chaff := 0 while line := read(input) do { line ? { tab(many(' \t')) if ="#" | pos(0) then { chaff +:= 1 nbytes +:= *line + 1 } else { code +:= 1 cbytes +:= *line + 1 } } } input := open("itokens " || args[1], "p") tokens := read(input) if /format then { write(left("bytes:", Col), right(cbytes + nbytes, 6)) write(left("lines:", Col), right(code + chaff, 6)) write(left("tokens:", Col), right(tokens, 6)) write(left("% code lines", Col + 2), fix(100 * code, code + chaff, 7, 2)) write(left("bytes/token:", Col + 2), fix(cbytes, tokens, 7, 2)) write(left("tokens/code line:", Col + 2), fix(tokens, code, 7, 2)) } else { writes(cbytes + nbytes, "\t") writes(code + chaff, "\t") writes(tokens, "\t") writes(fix(100 * code, code + chaff, 7, 2), "\t") writes(fix(cbytes, tokens, 7, 2), "\t") writes(fix(tokens, code, 7, 2)) write() } end