The listing below show the patterns of vowels in words that contain all the "vowels" (aeiou) in alphabetical order. The words were obtained from a word list for Webster's Second.

Last updated March 27, 1996

abietineous                   1 32 3 245 
abstemious                    1   2 345 
abstemiously                  1   2 345   
abstemiousness                1   2 345  2  
abstentious                   1   2  345 
acetabuliferous               1 2 1 5 3 2 45 
acetarious                    1 2 1 345 
acheilous                     1  23 45 
acheirous                     1  23 45 
acleistous                    1  23  45 
actinopterygious              1  3 4  2   345 
adenocarcinomatous            1 2 4 1  3 4 1 45 
advectitious                  1  2  3 345 
adventitious                  1  2  3 345 
adventitiously                1  2  3 345   
adventitiousness              1  2  3 345  2  
adversarious                  1  2  1 345 
adversifolious                1  2  3 4 345 
aeciotelium                   12 34 2 35 
aegithognathous               12 3  4  1  45 
aeriferous                    12 3 2 45 
aerobious                     12 4 345 
aeroperitoneum                12 4 2 3 4 25 
aerophilous                   12 4  3 45 
aeruginous                    12 5 3 45 
affectious                    1  2  345 
alternipetalous               1  2  3 2 1 45 
alternisepalous               1  2  3 2 1 45 
amberiferous                  1  2 3 2 45 
amentiferous                  1 2  3 2 45 
ametoecious                   1 2 42 345 
ampelidaceous                 1  2 3 1 245 
ampelideous                   1  2 3 245 
anaerobious                   1 12 4 345 
androdioecious                1   4 342 345 
andromonoecious               1   4 4 42 345 
anemophilous                  1 2 4  3 45 
anepigraphous                 1 2 3  1  45 
annelidous                    1  2 3 45 
antenniferous                 1  2  3 2 45 
antheriferous                 1   2 3 2 45 
anthraceniferous              1    1 2 3 2 45 
antireligious                 1  3 2 3 345 
aploperistomatous             1  4 2 3  4 1 45 
appendicious                  1  2  3 345 
appenditious                  1  2  3 345 
appetitious                   1  2 3 345 
aqueoigneous                  1 5243  245 
archicleistogamous            1   3  23  4 1 45 
arenarious                    1 2 1 345 
arenicolous                   1 2 3 4 45 
argentiferous                 1  2  3 2 45 
argilloferruginous            1  3  4 2  5 3 45 
argumentatious                1  5 2  1 345 
arietinous                    1 32 3 45 
armeniaceous                  1  2 31 245 
arreptitious                  1  2  3 345 
arseniferous                  1  2 3 2 45 
arsenious                     1  2 345 
arteriopalmus                 1  2 34 1  5 
arterious                     1  2 345 
arteriovenous                 1  2 34 2 45 
asclepiadaceous               1   2 31 1 245 
asclepiadeous                 1   2 31 245 
asperifolious                 1  2 3 4 345 
assentatious                  1  2  1 345 
athericerous                  1  2 3 2 45 
autecious                     15 2 345 
auteciously                   15 2 345   
auteciousness                 15 2 345  2  
autoecious                    15 42 345 
autoeciously                  15 42 345   
autoeciousness                15 42 345  2  
bacteriaceous                  1  2 31 245 
bacterioagglutinin             1  2 341   5 3 3 
bacteriofluorescin             1  2 34  54 2  3 
bacteriogenous                 1  2 34 2 45 
bacteriophagous                1  2 34  1 45 
bacteriopurpurin               1  2 34 5  5 3 
bacteriotherapeutic            1  2 34  2 1 25 3 
bacterious                     1  2 345 
caesalpiniaceous               12 1  3 31 245 
caesious                       12 345 
calcareoargillaceous           1  1 241  3  1 245 
calcareobituminous             1  1 24 3 5 3 45 
calcareosiliceous              1  1 24 3 3 245 
cavernicolous                  1 2  3 4 45 
ceratopteridaceous             2 1 4  2 3 1 245 
chaetiferous                    12 3 2 45 
Chamaesiphonaceous              1 12 3  4 1 245 
chlamydobacteriaceous            1   4 1  2 31 245 
desmarestiaceous               2  1 2  31 245 
diapensiaceous                 31 2  31 245 
eflagelliferous               2  1 2  3 2 45 
facetious                      1 2 345 
facetiously                    1 2 345   
facetiousness                  1 2 345  2  
filamentiferous                3 1 2  3 2 45 
flagellariaceous                1 2  1 31 245 
flagelliferous                  1 2  3 2 45 
fracedinous                     1 2 3 45 
fragmentitious                  1  2  3 345 
frankeniaceous                  1  2 31 245 
garnetiferous                  1  2 3 2 45 
hamamelidaceous                1 1 2 3 1 245 
haploperistomous               1  4 2 3  4 45 
hexapetaloideous               2 1 2 1 43 245 
hypocraterimorphous              4  1 2 3 4   45 
krameriaceous                   1 2 31 245 
laboulbeniaceous               1 45  2 31 245 
laemodipodous                  12 4 3 4 45 
lamellicornous                 1 2  3 4  45 
lamelliferous                  1 2  3 2 45 
Lapeirousia                    1 23 45 31
lateriflorous                  1 2 3  4 45 
laterifolious                  1 2 3 4 345 
lateritious                    1 2 3 345 
macrolepidopterous             1  4 2 3 4  2 45 
magnetiferous                  1  2 3 2 45 
majestious                     1 2  345 
malacopterygious               1 1 4  2   345 
malesherbiaceous               1 2  2  31 245 
malleiferous                   1  23 2 45 
metarsenious                   2 1  2 345 
myxobacteriaceous                4 1  2 31 245 
nonabstemious                  4 1   2 345 
nonadventitious                4 1  2  3 345 
nonargentiferous               4 1  2  3 2 45 
nonfacetious                   4  1 2 345 
overabstemious                4 2 1   2 345 
overabstemiousness            4 2 1   2 345  2  
palaeodictyopterous            1 124 3   4  2 45 
pancreaticoduodenal            1   21 3 4 54 2 1 
pancreaticoduodenostomy        1   21 3 4 54 2 4  4  
parallelinervous               1 1  2 3 2  45 
parallepipedous                1 1  2 3 2 45 
parmeliaceous                  1  2 31 245 
paroecious                     1 42 345 
paroeciously                   1 42 345   
paroeciousness                 1 42 345  2  
placentiferous                  1 2  3 2 45 
placentigerous                  1 2  3 2 45 
polygamodioecious              4   1 4 342 345 
pseudosacrilegious              25 4 1  3 2 345 
pyroarsenious                    41  2 345 
quadragenarious                51  1 2 1 345 
quadrigeminous                 51  3 2 3 45 
quadrigenarious                51  3 2 1 345 
racemiferous                   1 2 3 2 45 
rafflesiaceous                 1   2 31 245 
ramentiferous                  1 2  3 2 45 
sacrilegious                   1  3 2 345 
sacrilegiously                 1  3 2 345   
sacrilegiousness               1  3 2 345  2  
sanguineobilious               1  53 24 3 345 
saprolegniaceous               1  4 2  31 245 
saprolegnious                  1  4 2  345 
sarmentiferous                 1  2  3 2 45 
sarraceniaceous                1  1 2 31 245 
satellitious                   1 2  3 345 
sphacelariaceous                 1 2 1 31 245 
sphaeriaceous                    12 31 245 
squamelliferous                 51 2  3 2 45 
stapediovestibular              1 2 34 2  3 5 1 
sulpharsenious                 5   1  2 345 
sulphoarsenious                5   41  2 345 
supracensorious                5  1 2  4 345 
taeniosomous                   12 34 4 45 
thioarsenious                   341  2 345 
trajectitious                   1 2  3 345 
ultraceremonious              5   1 2 2 4 345 
ultraconscientious            5   1 4   32  345 
ultraexpeditious              5   12  2 3 345 
ultraingenious                5   13  2 345 
ultrareligious                5   1 2 3 345 
unfacetious                   5  1 2 345 
unsacrilegious                5  1  3 2 345 
valerianaceous                 1 2 31 1 245 
vallisneriaceous               1  3  2 31 245 
vaucheriaceous                 15  2 31 245 

vowel words

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