Programming Corner from Icon Newsletter 10

November 8, 1982; Icon Version 5

The material that follows relates to Version 5 of Icon. Most of the principles apply to Version 2 as well.

Inplicit Type Conversion: In Newsletter 9 the following shuffling procedure was given:
procedure shuffle(x)
   every !x :=: ?x
   return x
It was noted there that x may be a string, list, table, or record but not a cset. The reason is that the operations !x and ?x do not apply to csets directly.

If x is a cset its value is first converted to a string and then the operation is applied. Consequently
every write(!x)
writes the characters in the cset x as expected. However the implicit type conversion does not change the value of x. The expression above is therefore equivalent to
every write(!string(x))
!x :=: ?x
is equivalent to
!string(x) :=: ?string(x)
This is much like
!"abc" :=: ?"abc"
Neither argument of the exchange operation is a variable and a run-time error results.

Result Sequences: The result sequence for an expression in Icon consists of the results the expression is capable of producing. For example, the result sequence for 1 to 5 is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. The results that an expression actually produces depend on the context in which the expression is used. For example
every write(1 to 5)
causes all the results for 1 to 5 to be produced, but in
(1 to 5) = 2
only the first two results of 1 to 5 are produced.

Result sequences are interesting in themselves. independent of the context in which they are used. This subject is explored in Steve Wampler's doctoral dissertation and in the forthcoming Icon book. For example, the result sequence for
expr1 | expr2
is simply the result sequence for expr1 followed by the result sequence for expr2 (the concatenation of the result sequences).

Similarly, the result sequence for repeated alternation
is the repeated concatenation of the result sequences for expr.

From this, it follows that the result sequence for
(1 to 4) | (7 to 10)
is {1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10} and the result sequence for
is {1, 1, 1, ... }. which is infinite. Similarly, the result sequence for
(i := 1) | |(i +:= 1)
is {1, 2, 3, ... }.

An expression that fails has an empty, zero-length result sequence, {}, by definition. Empty result sequences take the place of the Boolean value false. In control structures such as while-do and if-then-else, the empty result sequence also terminates the result sequence for repeated alternation. Thus the result sequence for
|read ()
is the sequence of lines from the input file. This sequence terminates when read() fails at the end of the file.

The use of expressions that have infinite result sequences does not necessarily result in failure of the program to terminate. The generation of results from an expression can be controlled in several wavs. The most direct method of controlling generation is the limitation control structure:
expr \ i
which limits expr to at most i results. For example, the result sequence for
((i := 1) 1 I(i +:= 1)) \ j
is {1, 2, 3, ..., j}. assuming that the value of j is a positive integer j. This provides an easy way of inspecting result sequences; a typical test has the form
every write(expr) \ 10
These observations on result sequences lead to the following exercises:

1. Write expressions that have the following result sequences (do not use procedures):

(1) The squares of the positive integers: {1, 4, 9, 16, ... }

(2) The factorials: {1, 2, 6, 24, 120, ... }

(3) The Fibonacci numbers: {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... }

(4) All nonempty substrings of a string s. For "abc" the result sequence is {"a", "ab", "abc", "bc", "c"}.

(5) All the odd-sized substrings of s.

1. What are the result sequences for the following expressions? (Warning: take appropriate precautions if you try to run these.)

(1)!&lcase || !&ucase

(2)(1 to 3) + (1 to 3)

(3)(1 to 3) \ (1 to 3)

(4) 1 to 5) = (4 to 9)

(5) 1 = |0

Solutions to these exercises will appear in the next Newsletter.

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