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Cumulative Release Notes for Icon

Gregg M. Townsend
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona

Last updated July 10, 2022


This page summarizes changes in the official Arizona implementation of the Icon programming language:

Not all minor changes are listed here. For an exhaustive list, review the Git history at https://github.com/gtownsend/icon/commits/master.

Changes in the GitHub version of Icon

Changes since the last formal release of Icon (version 9.5.1) are noted here.

Minor enhancements

The musl C library can be used to build Icon by manually defining _MUSL in CFLAGS when configuring or by using the new linux_musl configuration.

A port to the Haiku operating system is now included and can be selected by specifying the haiku configuration.

Minor fixes

For graphics programs, the environment variable DISPLAY can now exceed 63 characters. This bug was exposed by the release of Mac OS 10.10 (“Yosemite”).

Support for pre-1995 versions of the GNU C library was removed to adapt to internal changes in version 2.28 of 2018.

Library changes

The core library files remain stable. Minor changes include:

procs/numbers	gcd(i,j) now allows all argument values except i=j=0.
procs/random	choose(k,n) returns a set of k distinct integers in [1..n].

Earlier feature additions

These features appeared in earlier releases of Icon but subsequent to publication of the Icon books.

Execution profiling

(new with version 9.5.1 of Icon)

An execution profile can be produced by setting the environment variable ICONPROFILE at execution time to specify an output file. For a separately built program, profiling must also be enabled during linking.

For each line of the program that is executed, the profiler reports the number of visits and also the number of timer ticks attributed to the line.

The report is ordered by memory layout, which is based on linkage order. To arrange by filename, use the Unix sort utility with keys –k3,3 –k4n. To see the CPU hotspots, use sort –nr | head.

External values

(new with version 9.5.0 of Icon)

External code incorporated by loadfunc() can now create and return to Icon code opaque values that can be stored and passed on subsequent calls. See External Values for more information.

Millions of colors

(new with version 9.4.2 of Icon)

Icon's X-windows interface no longer limits each window to 256 colors at one time. Median-cut quantization selects image colors when writing a GIF file.

Scriptable source files

(new with version 9.4.1 of Icon)

An Icon source file can be made executable under Unix by prefixing it with a comment line

#!/usr/bin/env icon
and setting its execute permission bit. This uses a new icon command, which in another form allows a small Icon program to be embedded within a shell script. See the man page for details. The traditional icont command remains available when more flexibility is needed.

Path searching

(new with version 9.4.0 of Icon)

Under Unix, colons (:) may now separate directories in the LPATH and IPATH environment variables as an alternative to spaces. The Icon translator and linker search these paths when looking for $include and link files respectively.

The Icon program library is now searched automatically, but LPATH and IPATH can still be set to control the search order. The effective path in each case is:

  1. The current directory
  2. Any directories named by the environment variable
  3. The Icon library directory

Other changes affect the configuration of Icon at installation time and the way executable Icon programs locate the interpreter. These changes, which are transparent to most users, are discussed in more detail on the File Organization page.

Reading directory contents

(new with version 9.3.2 of Icon)

The files in a directory can be listed by opening the directory as a file. Subsequent reads return the names of the files contained in the directory. The names are returned in no particular order, and for Unix, the directories "." and ".." are included.

Reading foreign text files

(new with version 9.3.1 of Icon)

The function read() recognizes three kinds of line terminators when reading a file opened in translated mode: Windows (CR+LF), Macintosh (CR), or Unix (LF). Consequently, text files created on one platform can be read by an Icon program running on a different platform.

Limitations, bugs, and problems

(This list has remained essentially unchanged for a quarter of a century. The remaining knotty problems relate to fundamental design decisions.)

Icon deals strictly in 8-bit characters and expects a superset of ASCII such as ISO 8859-1 (“Latin 1”). It does not translate UTF-8 escape sequences and does not support Unicode.

Large integers cannot be used with i to j, with seq(), or with integer-valued keywords.

Large-integer literals are constructed at run-time, so such literals are best kept outside of loops.

Conversion of a large integer to a string is quadratic in the length of the integer. Conversion of a very large integer may take a long time.

An "evaluation stack overflow" can occur when a procedure is called with a huge number (thousands or more) of arguments. The capacity can be increased by setting the environment variable MSTKSIZE or COEXPSIZE, as appropriate.

Stack overflow checking uses a heuristic that is not always effective. Stack overflow in a co-expression is especially likely to escape detection and cause a mysterious program malfunction.

Pathologically nested structures can provoke a memory or segmentation fault during garbage collection by reaching the stack limit. The stack limit can be raised by the limit or ulimit shell command.

If an expression such as x := create expr is used in a loop, and x is not a global variable, uncollectable co-expressions accumulate with each iteration. This problem can be circumvented by making x a global variable or by assigning a value to x before the create operation, as in

x := &null
x := create expr

Integer overflow on exponentiation may not be detected during execution. Such overflow may occur during type conversion.


When a comparison operation must convert its right operand for type compatibility, the converted value is returned on success. For example, the expression 2.5 < 3 returns the value 3.0.

Graphics system limitations, bugs, and problems

Icon graphics facilities utilize only server-side fonts (those listed by xlsfonts) and not the more modern client-side fonts.

Now that graphics memory is cheap, very few platforms require or support mutable colors. Icon code for mutable colors is still present but untested.

Windows are not always refreshed properly while a program is blocked awaiting standard input.

Depending on the window manager, values set and read back from the pos, posx, and posy attributes may be slightly inconsistent.

The $DISPLAY bug (noted above as a minor fix) exposed problems when a program uses multiple displays. CopyArea() calls are not properly clipped, and the management of colors is suspect.


See the documentation guide for an overview of the available Icon documentation.

For installation instructions, see Installing Binaries or Building from Source as appropriate.


Steve Wampler suggested the gcd liberalization.
Sean Jensen fixed an ancient bug in the lexer.
Cheyenne Wills provided the GNU C library fix and the musl adaptation.
Arthur Eschenlauer provided the linux_musl configuration.
The GitHub user “turboencabulator” noted and fixed several questionable uses of signed values.
He and Cheyenne Wills both, independently, isolated a nasty bug in the string conversion of MinLong.
Jason Martin supplied the Haiku port.