The University of Arizona

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Cog Sci Brown Bag Seminar

DateFriday, December 4, 2009
Time12:00 pm
LocationGS 906
SpeakerMorgan Barense
TitleAssistant Professor
AffiliationDepartment of Psychology, University of Toronto

Medial Temporal Lobe Amnesia: A Deficit in Memory, Perception, or Both?

ABSTRACT: Amnesia resulting from medial temporal lobe lesions is traditionally considered to be a selective deficit in long-term declarative memory. Here, I challenge this view with data from studies that indicate that high-level perceptual processing – or very short-term visual working memory – may also be compromised in the disorder. These results, combined with convergent evidence from fMRI, suggest that neural circuitsin the medial temporal lobe are involved in both memory and perception, contrary to theories that posit functional and neuroanatomical segregation of these processes.