Lecture 18


   info on project tests and reports
   return midterm and go over answers

Big Picture (see diagram on page 292)

                  await and << ... >>   (chap 2)

                  spin locks and barriers  (chap 3)

                  semaphores (chap 4)

         monitors (chap 5)         message passing (chap 7)

                 RPC and rendezvous (chap 8)

   we will learn about more programming tools but our emphasis will now
   change to focus more on program structures and interaction paradigms


   more structure than semaphores; more control than await

   history:  Hoare's 1974 paper
             OS structure -- e.g., Unix
             languages -- Mesa, ..., and now Java and Pthreads library

Basic Concepts

   data encapsulation
   implicit mutual exclusion
   explicit signaling

   monitor structure

      monitor name {
         declarations of permanent (static) variables
         initialization code -- executes first
         procedures (methods)

  program structure

          monitor1 ... monitorM

      process1      ...      processN

      o  processes interact indirectly by using the same monitor
      o  processes call monitor procedures
      o  at most one call active in a monitor at a time -- by definition
      o  explicit signaling using condition variables
      o  monitor invariant:  predicate about local state that is true when no call is active

Condition Variables

   cond cv;          # queue of delayed processes; initially empty

   wait(cv);         # block on cv's queue AND release monitor lock

   signal(cv);       # awaken one process on cv's queue, if there is one

   questions about signal:
      which one to awaken?  default is oldest (FIFO queue)
      who executes next?  the signaled process?  or the signaler?

   signaling disciplines:
      signal and continue (SC) -- signaler goes next; used in Java, Unix, Pthreads
      signal and wait (SW) -- signaled process goes next; used in Hoare's paper

      SW is preemptive; SC is not

   state diagram for synchronization in monitors -- Figure 5.1
      [I develop it on the board, explaining as I go]

Examples of the Use of Monitors -- see Figures 5.2 and 5.3

   monitor Semaphore {
      int s = 0;      ## s >= 0
      cond pos;       # signaled when s > 0

      procedure Psem() {
         while (s == 0) wait(pos);
         s = s-1;

      procedure Vsem() {
         s = s+1;

   this code works for BOTH the SC and SW signaling disciplines.  how?
   but it is not FIFO for SC discipline.  why?

      suppose use if instead of while in Psem? -- works and is FIFO for SW only
      suppose use double armed ifs in both procedures (see Figure 5.2) --
         works and is FIFO for both SC and SW