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A ship in port is safe,
but that is not what ships are for.
Sail out to sea and do new things.

-- Admiral Grace Hopper, Computer Pioneer

Computer systems are continuing to evolve at a rapid pace. Based on SPECint95 reports, system performance has doubled in the past seven years roughly once every twenty months [96]. In 1965, Moore predicted that the transistor density of semiconductor chips would double roughly every twelve to eighteen months and his prediction has largely held true ever since [90, 69].1 To put this in perspective, the first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, was implemented using only 2,300 transistors in a 16-pin package. Twenty-seven years later, the DEC Alpha 21264 contains about 15.2 million transistors in a single 588-pin PGA package. Despite this breathtaking pace, fundamental changes in the way we interact with these systems are exceedingly rare. As we argue later in this chapter, one such fundamental paradigm shift occurred when time-sharing replaced batch-oriented systems. Paradigm shifts imply deep changes in the way we perceive problems, the languages we use to express them, and the infrastructure we employ to solve them. A central tenet of this dissertation is that the world is facing another paradigm shift that will lead us into the age of information appliances. The aim of this work is to anticipate the changes required to support the new appliance paradigm and to propose, discuss, and evaluate an operating system infrastructure that will serve well the needs of such appliances. Before going into more detail, it is illustrative to give a brief history of operating systems to this date.

1.1 From Mainframes To Personal Computers

1.2 The Advent of the Information Appliance

1.3 The Need for Configurable and Modular Operating Systems

1.4 Performance Implications of Modular Systems

1.5 Beyond Modularity: The Path Abstraction

1.6 Thesis Statement and Contributions

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