tBench - A temporal extension of XBench Alpha Release v1.0 (December 4, 2010) (Includes tXSchema v2.1, XBench V1.0) Stephen W. Thomas, Richard T. Snodgrass, and Rui Zhang TimeCenter/TAU Group University of Arizona and Queen's University INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== This package contains the tBench suite of benchmarks, data, and tools. For a complete description of tBench, see the attached TimeCenter technical report. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE =============================================================================== data: this directory holds the four datasets defined by tBench (all benchmarks can work with any of the datasets) benchmarks: this directory holds the actual benchmarks (schemas and workloads) tools: this directory holds the supporting tool suite (e.g., tGenerator and tCorruptor) xbench: this directory holds a copy of the original XBench package. USAGE =============================================================================== See the README files in each subdirectory. SUPPORTING TOOLS =============================================================================== Some additional tools are needed to run the tBench benchmarks: - tXSchema tool suite (included). - xmllint (standard on most *nix distributions). http://xmlsoft.org/ - XBench (included). - Galax (not included). http://www.galaxquery.org/ CONTACT =============================================================================== Stephen W. Thomas: sthomas@cs.queensu.ca Richard T. Snodgrass: rts@cs.arizona.edu Rui Zhang: ruizhang@email.arizona.edu