



1. First alternative is based on component separation found in Multical related papers.


    According to this idea, we have two basic packages under tauzaman (by convention package names should be all lower-case) package; ucs and tadt. ucs (Uniform Calendric Support) package contains all classes related to calendar, property, field since they provide calendar services. On the other hand, tadt (Temporal Abstract Data Type) package contains low level classes, such as temporal data types and timestamp operations. So, although components inside these packages communicate with each other, we have the understanding of clusters.


    Figure 1 shows overall package structure based on this idea.




   Information on which sub-package contains which class is shown in Table 1.


   Disadvantage of this structure is that package names such as ucs and tadt are hard to understand at first sight.


2. Second alternative is flattened version of first one. Here each component has a package name.


    Under tauzaman package, we have calendar, calendricsystem, property, field, timestamp, temporaldatatypes.


    Figure 2 shows overall package structure based on this idea.




    Information on which sub-package contains which class is shown in Table 1.


    Disadvantage of this structure may be that it is too flattened that there is no understanding of relations between them, at first sight. Another idea here in this structure is, placing timestamp package under temporaldatatypes package, since operations in timestamp are only called by classes in temporaldatatypes package. But when we choose flat idea, then there is no concrete gain doing so.



sub-package name



CalendricSystemManager, CalendricSystemEpoch, Granularity

along with package granularitylattice, which will provide services for building and maintaining a granularity lattice of calendars. And related exceptions


Calendar CalendarRepository, along with a package mapping (that contains a base mapping

class, and two specialized classes; RegularMapping and IrregularMapping), which will

keep granularity information of a calendar. And related exceptions


PropertyManager, Property, Format, ImportFormat, FieldInfo PropertyStackService. And related exceptions.


FVManager, FVTable, FVFunction, Field, Fields. And related exceptions.

temporaldatatypes Input, Output and temporal data types and related exceptions
timestamp all low level operations
root package tauZaman service classes, XMLParser, root tauZaman Exception,


                                                                                       Table 1


Note: I chose to go with the second alternative (flat structure). My reasons may seem a little bit vague, nevertheless I think 

         none of the alternatives (or any other) is better than others.

            1. Since there is no distinct advantage between alternatives, it is better to use a general way of structuring, which is 

                obviously the flat way.

            2. Although clusters of ucs and tadt in the first alternative seems fine, for a user they don't make too much sense 

                since one has to be familiar with the history of tauzaman (multical, timeadt) to understand them.

            3. The idea of packaging (or in general encapsulation) is to partition the components as isolated as possible, however,

                even with the clusters there is an extensive communication between ucs and tadt. (even more in multical -due to 

                variable spans-). So, it is really hard to include one component into the other and make them self understandable,

                and furthermore, although it seems convenient to include them in clusters, it may also confuse a user due to complexity

                (or should I say "nature") of interactions.

            4. History shows that multical is open to further developments and improvements, so, it might be appropriate to

                use a flat structure to adjust to possible future changes easily.


As we tried to emphasize above, criteria of packaging the classes does not necessarily depend on interaction between classes in the same package. There are two examples; field and temporaldatatype packages