2. Calendric System Specification





<calendricSystem name = "american">

       <!-- names of imported Calendars should be unique through out this spec.-->

       <importCalendar name = "Gregorian" url = "*.xml" />
       <importCalendar name = "Astronomy" url = "*.xml" />

       <!-- url is of instant input format (it may be other than InstantInputFormat of default Properties) -->

       <!-- name should be equal to one of the above -->

       <calendricSystemEpoch name = "Gregorian" url = "*.xml" />
            <start calendarName = "Astronomy">
                  <!-- This part contains a temporal constant or "beggining" -->
            <!-- to allow gaps in timeline -->

            <start calendarName = "none" >
                  <!-- This part contains a temporal constant  -->
            <start calendarName = "Gregorian">
                  <!-- This part contains a temporal constant -->



       <!-- url is of default properties -->
       <defaultProperties url = "*.xml" />


            <function label = "arabicNumeral" url = "http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/ascii/arabic/cardinal/symbols/x.class" from = "0" to = "4294967295" />


            <table label = "englishMonthsName" url = "http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/ascii/english/gregorian/month/names/x.xml" from = "1" to = "12" />

      <!-- The anchor will be zero if it is not explicitly specified. Each calendar should have its underlying

              granularity mapped in terms of other known granularity except the first imported calendar

              which contains the base line granularity, in our case Gregorian and Gregorian.second.-->

       <!-- See the design decision on representation of Regular Mappings in a Calendric Spec.. -->


             <mapping from = "Astronomy.second" to = "Gregorian.second" conversionFactor = "1" anchorGran = "Astronomy.second"/>


       <!-- Below is just a imaginary, irregular mapping example purposed, assume we have Timecard cal.-->

       <!-- See another way of representing an irregular mapping in Calendric Spec.. -->

              <mapping from = "TimeCard.year" to = "Gregorian.day" url = ".../classname.class">

                    <function name = "astroCastYearToDay" />

                    <function name = "astroCastDayToYear" />


       <!-- default token refers regexs for temporal inputs that are used if there is no regex

               from FVT -->

       <defaults plausability = "50" maxNumberOfGranularity = "15" token = "[^\s]+"/>

       <!-- functionName might be url to a code snippet ??-->
      <distribution name = "uniform" functionName = "PMFUniform"/>



When analyzing examples, note that some of the structure is changed. I left the above representation untouched to see the differences.

See an example of american Calendric System.



See also a discussion on improving descriptiveness of this specification file.

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