CSc 520
Principles of Programming
Christian Collberg
Department of Computer Science
University of Arizona
Functional Programming Languages
In contrast to procedural languages, functional programs
don't concern themselves with state and memory
locations. Instead, they work exclusively
with values, and expressions and functions
which compute values.
- Functional programming is not
tied to the von Neumann machine.
- It is not necessary to know
anything about the underlying hardware when
writing a functional program, the
way you do when writing an imperative program.
- Functional programs are more declarative
than procedural ones; i.e. they describe what
is to be computed rather than how it should
be computed.
Common characteristics of functional programming
- Simple and concise syntax and semantics.
- Repetition is expressed as recursion
rather than iteration.
- Functions are first class objects.
I.e. functions can be manipulated just
as easily as integers, floats, etc.
in other languages.
- Data as functions. I.e. we can build
a function on the fly and then
execute it. (Some languages).
- Higher-order functions. I.e. functions
can take functions as arguments and
return functions as results.
- Lazy evaluation. Expressions are
evaluated only when needed. This allows
us to build infinite data structures,
where only the parts we need are actually
constructed. (Some languages).
- Garbage Collection. Dynamic memory that
is no longer needed is automatically
reclaimed by the system. GC is also
available in some imperative languages
(Modula-3, Eiffel) but not in others
(C, C++, Pascal).
- Polymorphic types. Functions can
work on data of different types.
(Some languages).
- Functional programs can be more
easily manipulated mathematically
than procedural programs.
Pure vs. Impure FPL
- Some functional languages are pure, i.e.
they contain no imperative features at all.
Examples: Haskell, Miranda, Gofer.
- Impure languages may have assignment-statements,
goto:s, while-loops, etc. Examples: LISP, ML, Scheme.
- Functions and data share the same representation:
- Scheme is an impure functional language.
- I.e., Scheme has imperative features.
- I.e., in Scheme it is possible to program with side-effects.
- S-expressions are constructed using dotted pairs.
- Scheme is homoiconic, self-representing, i.e.
programs and data are both represented the same (as S-expressions).
- To evaluate an expression
(op arg1 arg2 arg3) we first
evaluate the arguments, then apply the operator
op to the resulting values.
This is known as applicative-order
- This is not the only possible order of evaluation
- In normal-order evaluation parameters
to a function are always passed unevaluated.
- Both applicative-order and normal-order evaluation
can sometimes lead to extra work.
- Some special forms (cond, if, etc)
must use normal order since they need to consume their
arguments unevaluated.t
- One way to define the semantics of a language (the effects that
programs written in the language will have), is to write a
metacircular interpreter.
- I.e, we define the language by writing an interpreter for it,
in the language itself.
- A metacircular interpreter for Scheme consists of two mutually
recursive functions, Eval and Apply.
- Lists are heterogeneous, they can contain
elements of different types, including other lists.
- (equal? L1 L2) does a structural comparison of two lists.
- (eqv? L1 L2) does a ``pointer comparison''.
- This is sometimes referred to as deep equivalence
vs. shallow equivalence.
- Unlike languages like Java and C which are
statically typed (we describe in the program
text what type each variable is) Scheme is
dynamically typed.
We can test at runtime what particular type of number an atom is:
- (complex? arg),
(real? arg)
- (rational? arg),
(integer? arg)
- A function is higher-order if
- it takes another function as an argument, or
- it returns a function as its result.
- Functional programs make extensive use of higher-order
functions to make programs smaller and more elegant.
- We use higher-order functions to encapsulate common
patterns of computation.
- Haskell is statically typed (the signature of all functions and the
types of all variables are known prior to execution);
- Haskell uses lazy rather than eager evaluation
(expressions are only evaluated when needed);
- Haskell uses type inference to assign types to
expressions, freeing the programmer from having to
give explicit types;
- Haskell is pure (it has no side-effects).
- No expression is evaluated until its value is needed.
- No shared expression is evaluated more than once; if the
expression is ever evaluated then the result is shared between all
those places in which it is used.
- No shared expression should be evaluated more than once.
- Lazy evaluation makes it possible
for functions in Haskell to manipulate `infinite' data structures.
- The advantage of lazy evaluation is that it
allows us to construct infinite objects piece by piece as necessary
- Consider the following function which can be used
to produce infinite lists of integer values:
countFrom n = n : countFrom (n+1)
? countFrom 1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,^C{Interrupted!}]
(53 reductions, 160 cells)
- Haskell only supports one-argument
functions. Multi-argument functions are constructed by
successive application of arguments, one at a time.
- Currying is the preferred way of constructing
multi-argument functions.
- The main advantage
of currying is that it allows us to define
specialized versions of an existing
- A function is specialized by supplying values
for one or more (but not all) of its arguments.
Referential Transparency
- The most important concept of functional programming
is referential transparency.
- RT means that the value of a particular expression
(or sub-expression) is always the same, regardless
of where it occurs.
- RT makes functional programs easier to reason about
- Pure functional programming languages are
referentially transparent.
- We can evaluate it by substitution.
I.e. we can replace a function application by the function definition
- Expressions and sub-expressions always
have the same value, regardless of the
environment in which they're evaluated.
- The order in which sub-expressions are
evaluated doesn't effect the final result.
- Functions have no side-effects.
- There are no global variables.
- Programs with side effects are hard to read and understand.
- Referential transparency -- expressions without side-effects
can be executed in any order.
- equational reasoning -- if two expressions are
ever the same, they are always the same.
- Interacting with the real world (file IO, terminal IO,
GUI, networking, etc) doesn't seem to fit in well in
the functional paradigm.
- Since, in these cases, we are actually ``changing the
state of the world'', side-effect free programming
is problematic.
- Haskell uses monads to sequence
IO operations. See Scott, pp. 607-609.
- A monad is an Abstract Data Type that supports
- In pure functional languages variables never change.
- If we want to change the second element of a list
[1,2,3] to 4, we have to create a new list,
copying the elements from the original list.
- If we want to sort a list in a functional language
we have to create new lists, rather than sorting
in-place, which is more efficient.
- Adding two matrices
2#2 will create
a new matrix, even if we're throwing away 3#3, and
could do the addition in-place.
- Similarly, how do we construct an array of 0s without
copying the entire array for every new element?
- Sisal is a functional language
intended to be used for high-performance codes
(scientific programming, think FORTRAN).
- The Sisal compiler tries to verify that an
updated array will never be used again, if
so, a copy need not be made.
- The Sisal compiler can remove 99-100% of all
unnecessary copy operations this way.
type OneDim = array [ real ];
type TwoDim = array [ OneDim ];
function generate( n : integer returns TwoDim, TwoDim )
for i in 1, n cross j in 1, n
returns array of real(i)/real(j)
array of real(i)*real(j)
end for
end function % generate
function doit( n : integer; A, B : TwoDim returns TwoDim )
for i in 1, n cross
j in 1, n
c := for k in 1, n
t := A[i,k] * B[k,j]
returns value of sum t
end for
returns array of c
end for
end function % doit
function main( n : integer returns TwoDim )
let A, B := generate( n )
in doit( n, A, B )
end let
end function % main
- The Sisal compiler will automatically parallelize the
code on the previous slide.
- Although the code looks imperative, it is actually
functional. The compiler makes the necessary transformations
of the loops into tail-recursion.
Lambda Calculus
- Branch of mathematical logic. Provides a foundation
for mathematics. Describes -- like Turing machines --
that which can be effectively computed.
- In contrast to Turing machines, lambda calculus does
not care about any underlying ``hardware'' but rather
uses simple syntactic transformation rules to define
- A theory of functions where functions are manipulated
in a purely syntactic way.
- Lambda calculus is the theoretical foundation of functional
programming languages.
- To evaluate a lambda expression we reduce it
until we can apply no more reduction rules. There are four
principal reductions that we use:
- -- variable renaming
to avoid name clashes in .
- -- function application.
- -- formula simplification.
- -- evaluation of
predefined constants and functions.
- Question:
Can every lambda expression be reduced to a normal form?
- Answer: No.
- Lambda calculus contains non-terminating reductions.
- Question:
Is there more than one way to reduce a lambda expression?
- Answer: Yes.
- The leftmost redex is that redex whose 5#5 is
textually to the left of all other redexes within the expression.
- An outermost redex is defined to be a redex which
is not contained within any other redex.
- An innermost redex is defined to be a redex which contains
no other redex.
- A normal order reduction always reduces the leftmost
outermost (or ) first.
- A applicative order reduction always reduces the leftmost
innermost (or ) first.
- Question:
If there is more than one reduction strategy, does each one lead to the
same normal form expression?
- Answer: Yes, if a lambda expression is in normal form, it is
unique, except for changes in bound variables.
- Theorem:
For any lambda expressions 6#6, 7#7 and 8#8, if
9#9 and
there is a lambda expression 11#11 such that
- Corollary:
For any lambda expressions 6#6, 14#14 and 15#15, if
16#16 and
where 14#14 and 15#15 are in normal form, 14#14 and 15#15 are variants of
each other (except for changes in variables, using ).
- Question:
Is there a reduction strategy that will guarantee that
a normal form expression will be produced, if one
- Theorem:
For any lambda expressions 6#6 and 15#15, if
17#17 where 15#15 is in normal form,
there is a normal order reduction from 6#6 to 15#15.
- Answer: Yes, normal order reduction will produce
a normal form lambda expression, if on exists.
The effectively computable functions on the positive integers
are precisely those functions definable in the pure lambda
- Turing Machines and lambda calculus are equivalent.
- Since it's not possible to determine whether a Turing Machine
will terminate, it's not possible to determine whether a normal
order reduction will terminate.
- Pure lambda calculus has no constant --
everything is a function.
- Data structures (lists), numbers, booleans,
control structures (if-expressions, recursion) can
all be constructed within a pure lambda calculus.
Christian S. Collberg