C-- Language Specification
Lexical rules |
Syntax rules |
Typing rules |
Operational characteristics
Extended BNF Notation
In the lexical and syntax rules given below, BNF notation characters are
written in green.
- Alternatives are separated by
vertical bars: i.e., 'a | b' stands for
"a or b".
- Square brackets indicate optionality:
'[ a ]' stands for
an optional a, i.e., "a | epsilon"
(here, epsilon refers to the empty sequence).
- Curly braces indicate repetition:
'{ a }' stands for
"epsilon | a | aa
| aaa | ..."
letter |
::= |
a | b |
... | z | A
| B |
... | Z |
digit |
::= |
0 | 1 |
... | 9 |
id |
::= |
letter { letter | digit
| _ } |
intcon |
::= |
digit { digit } |
charcon |
::= |
' ch'
| ' \n'
| ' \0' ,
where ch denotes any printable ASCII character,
as specified by isprint(), other than \
(backslash) and ' (single quote). |
stringcon |
::= |
where ch denotes any printable ASCII character
(as specified by isprint()) other than
" (double quotes) and the newline character. |
Comments |
Comments are as in C, i.e. a sequence
of characters preceded by /* and followed by */, and not
containing any occurrence of */. |
Nonterminals are shown in italics; terminals are shown in boldface,
and sometimes enclosed within quotes for clarity.
2.1 Grammar Productions
prog |
: |
{ dcl
';' | func } |
dcl |
: |
type var_decl {
',' var_decl } |
| | |
[ extern ] type id
'(' parm_types ')'
{ ',' id '(' parm_types
')' } |
| | |
[ extern ] void id
'(' parm_types ')'
{ ',' id '(' parm_types
')' } |
var_decl |
: |
id [ '[' intcon
']' ] |
type |
: |
char |
| | | int |
parm_types |
: |
void |
| | | type id [ '[' ']' ]
{ ',' type id
[ '[' ']'
] } |
func |
: |
type id '('
parm_types ')' '{'
{ type
var_decl {
',' var_decl
';' } { stmt
} '}' |
| |
void id '('
parm_types ')' '{'
{ type var_decl { ',' var_decl }
';' } { stmt
} '}' |
stmt |
: |
if '(' expr ')'
stmt [ else stmt
] |
| | |
while '(' expr
')' stmt |
| | |
'(' [ assg ] ';'
[ expr ] ';'
[ assg ]
')' stmt |
| | |
return [ expr ] ';' |
| | |
assg ';' |
| | |
'(' [expr {
',' expr }
')' ';' |
| | |
'{' { stmt } '}' |
| | |
';' |
assg |
: |
id [
'[' expr ']' ]
= expr |
expr |
: |
'–' expr |
| | |
'!' expr |
| | |
expr binop expr |
| | |
expr relop expr |
| | |
expr logical_op expr |
| | |
id [ '(' [expr
',' expr }
] ')'
'[' expr
] |
| | |
'(' expr ')' |
| | |
intcon |
| | | charcon |
| | | stringcon |
binop |
: |
+ |
| | | – |
| | | * |
| | | / |
relop |
: |
== |
| | | != |
| | | <= |
| | | < |
| | | >= |
| | | > |
logical_op |
: |
&& |
| | | || |
2.2. Operator Associativities and Precedences
The following table gives the associativities of various operators and their
relative precedences. An operator with a higher precedence binds
"tighter" than one with lower precedence. Precedences decrease as we go
down the table.
Operator |
Associativity |
!, – (unary) | right to left |
*, / | left to right |
+, – (binary) | left to
right |
<, <=, >, >= | left to
right |
==, != | left to right |
&& | left to right |
|| | left to right |
3.1. Declarations
The following rules guide the processing of declarations. Here, the
definition of a function refers to the specification of its
formals, locals, and its body.
An array must have non-negative size.
An identifier may be declared at most once as a global, and at
most once as a local in any particular function; however, an identifier may
appear as a local in many different functions.
A function may have at most one prototype; a function may be defined at most once.
If a function has a prototype, then the types of the formals
at its definition must match (i.e., be the same), in number and
order, the types of the argument in its
prototype; and the type of the return value at its definition must match the
type of the return value at its prototype.
The prototype, if present, must precede the definition of the function.
An identifier can occur at most once in the list of formal parameters in a
function definition.
The formal parameters of a function have scope local to that function.
If a function takes no parameters, its prototype must indicate this
by using the keyword void in place of the formal parameters.
A function whose prototype is preceded by the keyword extern must not be
defined in the program being processed.
3.2. Type Consistency Requirements
Variables must be declared before they are used. Functions must have their
argument types and return value specified (either via a prototype or via a
definition) before they are called.
If an identifier is declared to have scope local to a function, then all
uses of that identifier within that function refer to this local entity;
if an identifier is not declared as local to a function, but is declared as
a global, then any use of that identifier within that function refers to the
entity with global scope.
The following rules guide the checking of type consistency. The notion
of two types being compatible is defined as follows:
int is compatible with int, and char is compatible
with char;
int is compatible with char, and vice versa;
an array of int is compatible with an array of int,
and an array of char is compatible with an array of char; and
any pair of types not covered by one of the rules given above is not
3.2.1. Function Definitions
Any function called from within an expression must not have return type
Any function call that is a statement must have return type void.
A function whose return type is void cannot return a value, i.e.,
it cannot contain a statement of the form
"return expr;"
A function whose return type is not void cannot
contain a statement of the form "return;"
Such functions must contain at least one statement of the form
"return expr;"
(Note that it is still possible for such functions to fail to return a value
by "falling off the end".)
3.2.2. Expressions
The type of an an expression e is given by the following:
If e is an integer constant, then its type is int.
If e is an identifier, then the type of e is the type of that
identifier; if e is an array element, then the type of e is the type
of the elements of that array.
If e is a function call, then the type
of e is the return type for that function.
If e is an expression of the form e1 + e2,
e1 - e2, e1 * e2,
e1 / e2, or -e1, then the type of
e is int.
If e is an expression of the form
e1 >= e2, e1 <= e2,
e1 > e2, e1 < e2,
e1 == e2, or e1 != e2
then the type of e is bool.
if e is an expression of the form e1 && e2,
e1 || e2,
or !e1, then the type of e is bool.
A string constant has the type "array of char".
The rules for type checking expressions are given by the following:
The type of the index in an array reference must be compatible with
Each actual parameter of a function call must be compatible with the
corresponding formal parameter.
The subexpressions associated with the operators +, -, *,
/, <=, >=, <, >, ==,
and != must be compatible with int.
The subexpressions associated with the operators
&&, ||, and !
must be of type bool.
3.3.3. Statements
Only variables of type char or int, or elements of arrays, can
be assigned to; the type of the right hand side of an assignment must be
compatible with the type of the left hand side of that assignment.
The type of the expression in a return statement in a function must
be compatible with the return type of that function.
The type of the conditional in if, for, and while
statements must have type bool.
Each actual parameter of a function call must be compatible with the
corresponding formal parameter.
The C-- language has the execution characteristics expected of a C-like
block-structured language. The description below mentions only a few
specific points that are likely to be of interest. For points
not mentioned explicitly, you should consider the behavior of C--
to be as for C.
4.1. Data
4.1.1. Scalars
An object of type int occupies 32 bits;
an object of type char occupies 8 bits.
Values of type char are considered to be signed quantities, and
widening a char to an int requires sign extension.
String Constants
A string constant "a_1 ... a_n"
is an array of characters containing n+1 elements, whose first n
elements are the corresponding characters in the string, and whose last
element is the NUL
character \0.
An arrays of size n consists of n elements, each occupying
an amount of storage equal to that required for the type of the array
element, laid out contiguously in memory.
4.2. Expressions
4.2.1. Order of Evaluation
4.2.2. Type Conversion
If an object of type char is part of an expression, its value is converted
(sign extended) to a value of type int before the expression is evaluated.
Array Indexing
Arrays are zero-based, i.e.,
the elements of an array of n elements are indexed from 0 to n-1.
The result of indexing into an array with an out-of-range index is left
4.3. Assignment Statements
Order of Evaluation
The order in which the left
and right hand sides of an assignment are evaluated is left unspecified.
Type Conversion
A value of type char is converted (sign extended) to a 32-bit quantity
before it is assigned to an object of type int.
A value of type int is converted (truncated) to an 8-bit quantity,
by discarding the top 24 bits, before it is assigned to an object of type
4.4. Functions
4.4.1. Evaluation of Actuals
The order in which the actual
parameters in a function call are evaluated is unspecified.
4.4.2. Parameter Passing
Scalar values are passed by value, while arrays (and string constants,
which are represented as arrays of characters) are passed by reference.
An object of type char is converted (sign extended) to a 32-bit
quantity before it is passed as an actual parameter to a function.
Since a function that has a formal parameter of type char will, in
any case, be passed a 32-bit quantity as an actual, it must convert
(truncate) the actual to an 8-bit quantity before using it.
4.4.3. Return from a Function
Execution returns from a function if either an explicit return
statement is executed, or if execution "falls off" the end of the function
body. In the latter case, no value is returned.
4.5. Program Execution
Execution begins at a procedure named main().