CSc 453: Programming Assignment 1 (html2txt): Part 1
Start Date: Mon Aug 27, 2012
Due Date: 11:59 PM, Sun Sept 2, 2012
1. General
This assignment involves writing a simple HTML-to-TXT translator.
The primary goal of this assignment is to get you acquainted with the compiler
front-end tools lex and yacc, which we'll
be using for the rest of the project. A secondary goal is to point out that
compiler ideas and tools are applicable for non-compiler problems as well.
In this assignment (Assignment 1, part 1),
you are to use the lex or flex scanner-generator tools to
write a program that translates HTML to text. Since the main focus of
this assignment is to get you started with these tools, we'll keep things
simple and not try to handle all of the subtleties of HTML the way they
should really be handled (this means that if you compare your output with
the results of a commercial HTML-to-text translator, there may very well be
some differences).
Documentation on lex/flex is available
2.1. Functionality
Your tool should have the following functionality.
It should read its input from stdin, discard all HTML tags
(including comments: see below), recognize and handle a small set of
"special entities",
and write the remaining text to stdout.
2.2. HTML Tags
The HTML standard defines a wide variety of tags. Since the goal of this
assignment is to learn to use compiler front-end tools, we will approximate
this with a much simpler definition:
A tag is a sequence of characters of the form
<S>, where S is
a sequence of printable characters not beginning with a whitespace character
and not containing any ">" characters.
Printable characters are specified via the C library function
isprint(); whitespace characters are specified via the C
library function isspace(). They correspond to the flex
character class expressions [:print:] and [:blank:]
respectively (see man flex).
According to this definition, each of the following is a tag:
<a href="">
<bgh#i u&)by 168 jh>
<!-- this is an HTML comment, and has the structure of a tag as described
above -->
2.3. Special Entities
HTML defines some "special entities" for some characters. Your
tool should recognize the following character sequences in the input and
handle them specially, as follows:
Input character sequence | Output |
& | & |
< | < |
> | > |
" | " |
3. Invoking Your Program
Your executable program will be called myhtml2txt. It will read
input from stdin and write its output to stdout. Thus, to
translate an HTML file foo.html to a text file bar.txt,
invoke your program as
myhtml2txt < foo.html > bar.txt
4. Getting Started
To help you get started, I have placed the following files in the directory
/home/cs453/fall12/assignments/html2txt-1 on lectura:
Makefile: a sample makefile that shows how flex might be
myhtml2txt: an executable that (supposedly) implements the behavior
expected of your program. This is a x86-64/Linux executable, and
will run on lectura but may not run on other machines (e.g.,
Macs or Windows machines).
test.html: a test input.
Please note that this is one of possibly many inputs your
program may be tested with; it is made available to be helpful, but does not
make any pretense of being exhaustive.
It is your responsibility to understand
the assignment spec, implement your program accordingly, and test it
5. Turnin
Turn in your files on host You should turn
in all of your source files, as well as a Makefile that supports the
following targets:
- clean
Executing the command make clean should delete the *.o files,
as well as the executable myhtml2txt, from the current directory.
- myhtml2txt
Executing the command make myhtml2txt should create, in the current
directory, an executable file myhtml2txt that implements your
HTML-to-text translator from scratch, by invoking the appropriate tools
(lex/flex) on the input specifications.
To turn in your files, use the command
turnin cs453f12-html2txt-part1 files
For more information on the turnin command, try man turnin.
Note: The turnin command copies the files submitted
into another directory. Because of this, programs that compile and execute
without problems in your directory may not work correctly once they are
turned in, because of problems with relative path names in include files
and make files. Such problems are considered to be sloppiness inappropriate
in an upper division course, and are liable to be penalized heavily.
The output of your program will be compared with our output using
diff utility (see diff(1)), so it is recommended that you follow
the specification, and instructions for turnin, closely.