Lecture 12

Review -- Barriers and Data Parallel Algorithms

   synchronous execution -- SIMD machines
      every processors does the same thing at the same time; hardware barriers

   asynchronous execution -- MIMD machines
      divide up data
      use SPMD programming style (define it; array of identical workers)
      implement barriers in software (or use library)
         note:  barriers are NOT a part of the Pthreads library

Parallel Scientific Computing (intro to Part 3)

   goal:  speedup on LARGE problems (or solve an even larger problem)

   speedup:  T1 / Tp  for p processors

   start with a good algorithm and optimized sequential code

   the challenge for a parallel program is to minimize overheads:
      create processes once
      have good load balancing
      minimize the need for synchronization and use efficient algorithms
         for critical sections and barriers

Scientific Modeling (Chapter 11)

   simulation of phenomena
      start with a model
      step through time:  for [t = start to finish] {

      PDEs -- grid computations
      particles/bodies -- particle computations (n-body problems)
      linear equations -- matrix computations

      some models are deterministic; some are stochastic

Grid Computations (Section 11.1)

   applications:  weather, fluid (air) flow, plasma physics, etc.

   example:  Laplace's equation

   diagram for grid (mesh) of points
      boundary -- constant above
      interior -- compute steady state
      in practice:  changing boundaries, multiple attributes
         (e.g., think about weather modeling)

   parallelization -- the idea of domain decomposition:
      divide area into blocks or strips of points; assign a worker to each

   iterative techniques (slow to fast)
      Jacobi iteration
      SOR (red/black)

   [this year I gave a BRIEF overview of the ideas; many years I say more
    and have the students implement some of these for their parallel project.]

Particle Computations (Section 11.2)

   applications:  particle interactions due to chemical bonding,
      gravity, electrical charge, fluid flow, etc.

   gravitational N-body problem (your programming project)

      initialize bodies
      for time step {
         calculate forces
         move bodies

   body:  position   p    (x, y, z)
          velocity   v    (x, y, z)
          mass       m    constant
          force      f    (x, y, z)

      F = (G * m[i] * m[j]) / r**2

      direction:  vector from one body to the other
      magnitude:  symmetric ("equal and opposite")

   force on a body is the vector sum of the forces from all other bodies

   change in position and velocity (moving a body) -- leapfrog scheme

     F = m * a, so a = F / m
     dv = a * DT
     dp = v * DT + (a/2)*DT**2   [ approximation]
        = (v + dv/2) * DT

N-Body Programs

   transparency for Figure 11.9 -- sequential program

   parallelization -- divide bodies among workers
                      use a barrier after each phase

   basic algorithm:  compute all pairs of forces (twice)
      sketch the basic idea
   minimizing overheads:
      create workers once
      compute forces into "private" arrays; add them when ready to move bodies
         in other words, avoid critical sections by:
            calculate phase:  read p, m; compute f 
            move phase:  read f, m; compute new p and v
      load balancing:  blocks, stripes, reverse stripes -- see Figure 11.10

   better algorithms (see Section 11.2)

      exploit symmetry -- 1/2 the work of the basic algorithm, but still O(n**2)
      Barnes-Hut -- hierarchical, O(n log n)
      Fast Multipole Method -- also hierarchical and O(n log n), but can be better

   [Note:  I'll be assigning your programming project on this next class.]

Matrix Computations (Section 11.3) [very brief mention]

   take a look if you are interested
   arise in things like optimization problems -- e.g., modeling the stock
      market or the economy