Lecture 15
recall the readers writers problem and our first solution
it gives readers preference and is VERY difficult to modify to be fair
we are now going to solve the problem in a different way
the method we will use has two key attributes:
(1) it can be used to solve ANY synchronization problem
(2) it leads to solutions that can readily be modified to
change the scheduling strategy
Readers/Writers Revisited
let's start by developing a predicate that exactly characterizes
the good and bad states
let nr = the number of active readers (initially zero)
nw = the number of active writers (initially zero)
BAD state (to be avoided):
(nr > 0 and nw > 0) or (nw > 1)
GOOD states == not BAD states == RW: (nr = 0 or nw = 0) and nw <= 1
Coarse-Grained Solution
we want RW to be a global invariant! we can do so as follows:
reader: << await (nw == 0) nr++; >>
<< nr--; >>
writer: << await (nr == 0 and nw == 0) nw++; >>
<< nw--; >>
that's all there is to it! (using await statements at least)
Fine-Grained Solution
how can we turn the above into a solution that just uses semaphores?
need CS protection and to implement the delay in the await statements
we actually know how to do this using split binary semaphores
outline of basic idea of "passing the baton"
start with baton on table
each process:
(1) waits to be able to pick up the baton
(2) if (not OK to proceed) {
increment a counter to record that you have to wait
put the baton back on the table
take a seat and wait (DELAY)
(3) once your are awakened (or if it was OK to proceed):
change nr or nw
give the baton to somebody else OR put it on the table (SIGNAL)
at this point I get my class to act out the actual algorithm
I use a marker pen as the baton and get four volunteers: two readers
and two writers
we keep track of the counters on the board, use a table in front
for the baton, and use seats in front for the waiting "processes"
the students like the break from normal routine and the "visualization"
of the protocol helps them to remember it
actual solution -- transparencies for Figures 4.12 and 4.13
Scheduling Problems and Policies
modifying the readers/writers solution
describe basic idea; see text for details
shortest job next allocation -- Section 4.5.2
request(time, id)
if (free)
take resource
delay by time
if (some process delayed)
awaken first one (min value of time) and give it the resource
make resource free
transparency for Figure 4.14
the solution uses PRIVATE SEMAPHORES
how could we change the solution so that requests are served in FIFO order?