Term Project Final Report

Reports should be included in your GitHub repository as PDFs. Students may use a format of any relevant conference / journal. The the NeurIPs format is recommended but not required.


The report should contain the following sections at a minimum:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Problem Statement
  4. Approach
  5. Related work
  6. Results
  7. Conclusion / Discussion
Reports should be roughly 8 or 9 pages with additional pages for references only. The Approach section should detail the approach taken, as opposed to what was originally proposed.


The following rubric will be used to grade reports out of a total of 30 points:

  • 10pts - Clearly formulated problem statement and approach
  • 10pts - Clear reporting of results (and evaluation if appropriate)
  • 10pts - Overall writing and presentation

© Jason Pacheco, 2022