Joseph A. Roback
Ph.D. Student
Office: Gould-Simpson 749
Phone: 520-621-2738
Fax: 520-621-4246
I am currently pursuing my Ph.D in Computer Science at the University Of Arizona. My faculty advisor is Dr. Gregory R. Andrews.
I completed my Bachelor's in Computer Science with a minor in Physics from Wilkes University in 2002. I recieved my Master's in Computer Science from University of Arizona in 2006.
I worked for GUARD Insurance Group from 2002 to 2004, directly out of college. Later, I packed everything I owned into my car and drove off to California (no job, no place to live). While in California, I worked briefly for a company called Choicepoint.
Research Interests
Parallel Computing, Multicore/Manycore Architectures, Operating Systems, and Compilers. I am currently working with the SOLAR research group.