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Stork Applications

The following projects have assisted with the operation of Stork:

PlanetLab: A global research network that serves as the sandbox for Stork development and testing.

CoBlitz: A scalable large-File transfer service over HTTP (part of CoDeeN).

PlanetLab Appmanager: A PlanetLab application that provides the ability to start, stop and monitor other applications running on PlanetLab.

CoMon: A Monitoring Infrastructure for PlanetLab (part of the CoDeeN project)

Coral: The content distribution network

Planetary Scale Event Propagation and Router ("PsEPR" pronounced "pepper") is an experimental status and notification service being developed by researchers at Intel to investigate the beneifts of providing an unified reporting and event service to the PlanetLab community.

Stork uses BitTorrent to increase speed and availability of package downloads. The BitTorrent service and logo are trademarks of BitTorrent, Inc., and are used with permission.

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