My research can broadly be categorized under compilers and/or operating systems. I have been affiliated with the following projects, Cassyopia, PLTO, Solar, Cactus. To see a list of my publications please refer to this page

My dissertation will propose the need for holistic systems design and describe a framework called Cassyopia. The hypothesis is : "Compilers and Operating systems have traditionally been associated with orhtogonal viewpoints for a running system. Combining these can result in a significant improvement in overall system design and scope for optimization". The benefits of this symbiosis have been illustrated in several contexts such as:performance, security and power.

At the moment, I'm working on the automatic customization of operating system kernels through a binary rewriting toolkit. This involves two tasks -- building a binary rewriter which can handle kernel binaries. And second using it to perform different types of customization ( code shrinking, specialization etc.) For the last few weeks, most of my time (and sleep!!!) has gone into creating a kernel binary-rewriter based on the PLTO binary rewriting toolkit.

Many ideas associated with this work were used for a (recently awarded) NSF grant, check here in the near future for a new page describing the work .

Many fun things I do are based on the PLTO binary rewriting toolkit. Master Linn and I rewrote the previous version of this system to free it from underlying BFD dependencies. I am now actively involved with a new rewrite (my 3rd) - extending it to handle shared libraries and dynamically linked executables.

Earlier I used to work on distributed systems design and QoS issues in the Cactus project. Cactus is a framework for building highly adaptable, highly configurable systems. Here I contributed on the following projects: Optimizing the Cactus Event Framework, cQoS - quality of service for middleware platforms (optimizations and server side design/implementation), Cactus-RMI : The RMI port of Cactus, IDLGen -- a compiler for the automated generation of cQoS stubs.

I interned with Sun Microsystems in Summer 2001. I was a part of the iPlanet Application Server core team and worked performance optimizations for the communication paths in the underlying ORB.

Other interests -- program analysis, semantic specification, event based systems, correlational coding and commpression techniques, quantum theory.
e-mail : mohan@cs , phone: (520) 621 4089
August 2004