CSc 210: Software Development, Fall 2017


Java Resources
The UofA library provides a free online copy of both of our texts:

Core Java by Cay Horstmann can be found here
Java in a Nutshell, 5th Edition by David Flanagan can be found here

The Java Developement Kit for Java 8 (make sure you have the correct version) will most likely need to be installed on your computer. Here is where the JDK can be found: Oracles website

We will be using/learning about the eclipse IDE. To download, follow this link. Download the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" option and install that.

The Style Guidelines all of your Java programs must adhere to may be found here

Command Line Resources
Here is a link to cygwin Website

Here is a video detailing how to install, set up, and install packages to cygwin. Video

Here is a link to PuTTy Website

Here is a video detailing how to set up putty and ssh to lectura. Video

Here is a tutorial to installing the linux subsystem onto windows 10. link

Here is a quick video on how to run programs from a command line. Video