CSC 372, Fall 2022 Assignment 5 Due: Friday, October 14, 2022 at 23:59:59


There are three assignment-wide restrictions:

  1. Minus some exceptions that are noted for group.hs and avg.hs, the only module you may import is Data.Char. The purpose of this restriction to a large extent is to keep students from wasting time scouring dozens of Haskell packages in search of something that might be useful. Data.Char and the Prelude have all that's needed.

  2. List comprehensions may not be used. They are interesting and powerful but due to time constraints we don't cover them. I want your attention focused on the elements of Haskell that we have covered.

  3. Recall the idea put forth on slide 303: To build your skills with higher-order functions I want you to solve most of these problems while pretending that you don't understand recursion! Specifically, except for warmup.hs and avg.hs you may not WRITE any recursive code! Instead, use higher-order functions like map, filter, and the various folds. Those functions and other Prelude functions might themselves be recursive but that's no problem—it's OK to use recursive functions. You're only prohibited from writing any recursive functions.

Create a symbolic link to the fall22/a5 directory

Just like you did for a4, make a symbolic link for a5.

Use the tester!

Just like for assignment 4, there's a tester for this assignment. Don't just "eyeball" your output—use the tester! I won't have any sympathy for those who fail tests during grading simply because they didn't want to bother with the tester! We'll be happy to help you with using the tester and understanding its output.

The tester is in a5/tester, as you'd expect. To maybe save a little typing, a5/t is symlinked to a5/tester, so you can run the tester with just a5/t.

Even better, I like to use a Bash alias:

alias t=a5/tester

After typing that at the Bash prompt, you can run the tester by typing t:

lectura ~/372/a5 % t

|                                                          |
|                          warmup                          |
|                                                          |

lectura ~/372/a5 % t repl

|                                                          |
|                           repl                           |
|                                                          |

Unfortunately, that t alias will only exist for the current Bash session; you'll need to again type alias t=a5/tester the next time you login to lectura. You can make it "permanent" by adding it to the appropriate Bash initialization file. The painful details of that are explained on slide 147+ in my old 352 slides, but Amy or I will be happy to help you get it set-up.

Problem 1. (7 points) warmup.hs

This problem is like warmup.hs on assignment 3—I'd like you to write your own version of some functions from the Prelude: map, filter, foldl, foldr, any, all, and zipWith.

The code for map, filter, and foldl is in the slides and the others are easy to find, but I'd like you to start with a blank piece of paper and try to write them from scratch. If you have trouble, go ahead and look for the code. Study it but then put it away and try to write the function from scratch. Repeat as needed.

To avoid conflicts with the Prelude functions of the same name, use these names for your versions:

Prelude function You call it
map mp
filter filt
foldl fl
foldr fr
any myany
all myall
zipWith zw

You should be able to write these functions using only pattern matching, comparisons in guards, list literals, cons (:), subtraction, and recursive calls to the function itself. Experiment with the Prelude functions to see how they work.

You might find foldl and foldr to be tough. Don't get stuck on them!

Just like for a3's warmup.hs, you can use a -t option with the tester to name a specific function to test. Example: "a5/tester warmup -t mp". Note that warmup precedes -t mp.

This problem, warmup.hs, and problem 10, avg.hs, are the only problems on this assignment for which you are permitted to write recursive functions.

Problem 2. (2 points) repl.hs

Write a function repl that works just like replicate in the Prelude.

> :t repl
repl :: Int -> a -> [a]

> repl 3 7

> repl 5 'a'

> repl 2 it

ADDITIONAL RESTRICTION for repl.hs: You may not use replicate.

This is an easy problem; there are several ways to solve it using various functions from the Prelude. Just for fun you might see how many distinct solutions you can come up with. If you do come up with more than one solution, show me the others by including them in repl.hs as repl2, repl3, etc.

Remember: You can't write any recursive code!

Problem 3. (2 points) doubler.hs

Create a function named doubler that duplicates each value in a list:

> :t doubler
doubler :: [a] -> [a]

> doubler [1..5]

> doubler "bet"

> doubler [[]]

> doubler []
RESTRICTION: Your solution must be two lines long and look like this:
doubler:: [a] -> [a]
doubler = foldr ...

That is, you are to bind doubler to a partial application of foldr. (Hint: Use an anonymous function.)

Replace the ... with code that makes it work. Toward the end of this assignment write-up is a wc that shows the exact length of my solution.

Problem 4. (4 points) cpfx.hs

The file a5/cpfx_starter.hs is a copy of my cpfx.hs solution from assignment 3.

The cpfx function in my solution is recursive. Rewrite that function, cpfx, to be non-recursive but still make use of my cpfx' function, the code for which you are to include in your solution. (Yes, cpfx' is recursive. That's OK.)

See the assignment 3 write-up for examples of using cpfx.

Problem 5. (5 points) rtext.hs

Write a function rtext repSpec numRows numCols that prints numRows rows of numCols columns of text that follows the repeating pattern specified by repSpec, a list of 2-tuples that each specify a character and a replication count.

The type of rtext is [(Char, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> IO ().


> rtext [('a',2),('.',1),('+',3)] 5 10

Make the following assumptions:

More examples: (my ghci prompt is shown after the output of each call)

> rtext [('a',2),('.',1),('+',3)] 2 6
> rtext [('a',1),('b',0),('c',2),('d',0)] 1 20
> rtext [('x',1),('-',4)] 4 4
> rtext [('x',100000),('-',4)] 1 1

Like squares on assignment 3, rtext returns an action, of type IO (), that produces output when it is evaluated. Structure rtext like this:

rtext repSpec numRows numCols = putStr result
        result = ...

Implementation note: Two of the functions used in my solution are cycle and unlines from the Prelude.

Remember: You can't write any recursive code!

Problem 6. (7 points) nnn.hs

The behavior of the function you are to write for this problem is best shown with an example:

> nnn [3,1,5]

The first element is a 3 and that causes a corresponding value in the result to be a string of three 3s, separated by dashes. Then we have one 1. Then five 5s.

More examples:

> :t nnn
nnn :: [Int] -> [[Char]]

> nnn [1,3..10]

> nnn [10,2,4]

> length (head (nnn [100]))

Note the math for the last example: 100 copies of "100" and 99 copies of "-" to separate them amount to 399 characters.

Assume that the values are greater than zero.

Remember: You can't write any recursive code!

Problem 7. (9 points) expand.hs

Consider the following two "dictionary" entries that specify the spelling of a word and spelling of forms of the word with suffixes:


If a suffix begins with a pound sign (#), it indicates that the last letter of the word should be doubled when adding the suffix. If a suffix begins with an at-sign (@), it indicates that the last letter of the word should be dropped when adding the suffix. In all other cases, including the possessive ('s), the suffix is simply added. Given those rules, the two entries above represent the following words:



For this problem you are to write a function expand entry that returns a list that begins with the word with no suffix and is followed by all the suffixed forms in turn.

> :t expand
expand :: [Char] -> [String]

> expand "code,s,d,@ing"

> expand "program,s,#ed,#ing,'s"

> expand "adrift"   (If no suffixes, produce just the word.)

> expand "a,b,c,d,e,f"

> expand "a,b,c,d,@x,@y,@z,#1,#2,#3"

> expand "ab,#c,d,@e,f,::x"

A word may have any number of suffixes with an arbitrary combination of types. Words and suffixes may be arbitrarily long. You may assume that an entry never contains a blank, like "a b,c".

Note that the only characters with special meaning are comma, #, and @. Everything else is just text.

Assume that entries are well-formed. For example, you won't see things like a zero-length word or suffix. Here are examples of three entries that will not be tested: ",", "test,", "test,s,#,@".

Remember: You can't write any recursive code!

Problem 8. (15 points) pancakes.hs

In this problem you are to print a representation of a sequence of stacks of pancakes. Let's start with an example:

> :t pancakes
pancakes :: [[Int]] -> IO ()

> pancakes [[3,1],[3,1,5]]
***   *   
 *  ***** 

The list specifies two stacks of pancakes: the first stack has two pancakes, of widths 3 and 1, respectively. The second stack has three pancakes. Pancakes are always centered on their stack. A single space separates each stack. Pancakes are always represented with asterisks. Here's another example:

> pancakes [[1,5],[1,1,1],[11,3,15],[3,3,3,3],[1]]
      *   ***********   ***   
  *   *       ***       ***   
***** * *************** *** * 

There are opportunities for creative cooking:

pancakes [[7,1,1,1,1,1],[5,7,7,7,7,5],[7,5,3,1,1,1],
    [5,7,7,7,7,5], [7,1,1,1,1,1],[1,3,3,5,5,7]]
*******  *****  *******  *****  *******    *    
   *    *******  *****  *******    *      ***   
   *    *******   ***   *******    *      ***   
   *    *******    *    *******    *     *****  
   *    *******    *    *******    *     *****  
   *     *****     *     *****     *    ******* 

Make the following assumptions:

The smallest "order" you'll ever see is this:

> pancakes [[1]]

Like rtext on this assignment and squares on assignment three, pancakes produces output.

Remember: You can't write any recursive code!

Problem 9. (15 points) group.hs

For this problem you are to write a program that reads a text file and prints the file's contents with a line of dashes inserted whenever the first character on a line differs from the first character on the previous line. Additionally, the lines from the input file are to be numbered.

Here's an example. cat is first used to show the contents of the file.

$ cat a5/group.1
$ runghc group.hs a5/group.1
1 able
2 academia
3 algae
4 carton
5 fairway
6 hex
7 hockshop

Note the following:

Another example:

$ cat a5/group.2
elemPos' _ [] = -1
elemPos' x ((val,pos):vps)
    | x == val = pos
    | otherwise = elemPos' x vps

f x y z = (x == chr y) == z

add_c x y = x + y

add_t(x,y) = x + y

fromToman 'I' = 1
fromRoman 'V' = 5
fromRoman 'X' = 10

p 1 (x:xs) = 10
$ runghc group.hs a5/group.2
1 elemPos' _ [] = -1
2 elemPos' x ((val,pos):vps)
3     | x == val = pos
4     | otherwise = elemPos' x vps
5 f x y z = (x == chr y) == z
6 add_c x y = x + y
7 add_t(x,y) = x + y
8 fromToman 'I' = 1
9 fromRoman 'V' = 5
10 fromRoman 'X' = 10
11 p 1 (x:xs) = 10

Note that when the line numbers grow to two digits the line contents are shifted one column to the right. That's OK.

If all lines start with the same character, no separators are printed. Example:

$ cat a5/group.3
$ runghc group.hs a5/group.3
1 test
2 tests
3 testing
One final example:
$ cat a5/group.4
$ runghc group.hs a5/group.4
1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 a
6 a
7 b
8 a
9 a
10 a
11 b

Implementation notes for group.hs

Unlike everything you've previously written in Haskell, this is a whole program, not just a function run at the ghci prompt. Follow the example of longest on slide 334 and have a binding for main that has a do block that sequences (1) getting the command line arguments with getArgs, (2) reading the whole file with readFile, and then (3) calling putStr with result of a function named group, which does all the computation.

In short, structure your group.hs like this:

import System.Environment (getArgs)

main = do
          args <- getArgs
          bytes <- readFile $ head args
          putStr $ group bytes

...your functions here...

Yes, there's an import for something other than Data.Char. In this case we're asking for the getArgs function from the System.Environment module. This exception is permitted.

Note that the application operator, $, from slide 361, is used to avoid some parentheses.

Remember: You can't write any recursive code!

Problem 10. (17 points) avg.hs

Important: This problem can be easily done without writing any recursive functions but on this problem, avg.hs, you may write recursive functions as you see fit. If you do choose to solve this problem without writing any recursive functions, add a comment that says "-- Look! No recursive functions!".

For this problem you are to write a Haskell program that computes some simple statistics for the hours reported in observations.txt submissions.

I'll use a pipeline to get a few lines of data from some observations.txt submissions into the file a5/avg.1:

$ grep -i -h hours {...four students...}/observations.txt > a5/avg.1
Here's what I got:
$ cat a5/avg.1
Hours: 3-5
Hours: 10
I spent 8 hours on this.
Hours: 4-12

For this problem we'll handle both a simple quantity of hours, such as "10", and also ranges of hours, such as "3-5" and "4-12".

Hmm. It looks like maybe somebody didn't read the instructions and wrote "I spent...". We'll ignore lines that don't start with "Hours:", case-sensitive.

That leaves three lines, two with ranges. There's merit in being able to reflect uncertainty by reporting a range but we can't do simple arithmetic on a range. Let's view a range as representing three values: a low, a midpoint, and a high. Let's also view a single value as a range with low, midpoint, and high values that are equal. That gives us this view of the data:

Hours Low Midpoint High
"3-5" 3 4 5
"10" 10 10 10
"4-12" 4 8 12

Let's run avg.hs and specify only an input file:

$ runghc avg.hs a5/avg.1
n = 3
mean = 7.333
median = 8.000

Line 3: I spent 8 hours on this.
We see that: If avg.hs is run with a -l (L) option, which must precede the file name, the low values (see the table) are used instead. In ascending order, those values are 3, 4, and 10. We see this output:
$ runghc avg.hs -l a5/avg.1
n = 3
mean = 5.667
median = 4.000

Line 3: I spent 8 hours on this.

Similarly, there's a -h option to compute the statistics using the high values (5, 10, and 12):

$ runghc avg.hs -h a5/avg.1
n = 3
mean = 9.000
median = 10.000

Line 3: I spent 8 hours on this.

Here are some points to keep in mind:

Implementation notes for avg.hs

Here's a collection of implementation notes for avg.hs.

Some useful imports

In addition to the functions in the Prelude and Data.Char you are permitted to use the following functions on this problem, avg.hs:

and all functions in the Data.List module.
My solution starts by importing getArgs from System.Environment, printf from Text.Printf, and then all functions in Data.List, and Data.Char:
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.List
import Data.Char
See for documentation on the functions in the Data.List module. Note: My solution uses only two functions from Data.List: sort and partition.

main for avg.hs

Just like group.hs, avg.hs uses the command line arguments and reads a file. Here's the binding for main that I recommend you use:

main = do
    args <- getArgs
    bytes <- readFile $ last args
    putStr $ averages bytes $ init args
The averages function computes a string with newlines that main outputs with putStr. Note that the application operator, $ (slide 361) is used to avoid some parentheses.

Double to fixed point conversion

Use the following function to convert Doubles to Strings with three places of precision, for printing mean and median.

fmtDouble::Double -> String
fmtDouble x = printf "%.3f" x

Dividing a Double by an Int (or Integer)

You'll find that dividing a Double by an Int or an Integer produces a type error. A conversion can be done with the fromIntegral function:

> sum = read "10.4"::Double
> sum / (fromIntegral $ length [1,2])
The type of fromIntegral is worth noting:
fromIntegral :: (Num b, Integral a) => a -> b
Rather than converting an Integral type to a specific type, like Double, it's treated as a more general thing, a type that's an instance of Num. Then in turn, that type can be converted to a Double.

A starter file

As a convenience, a5/avg_starter.hs has the above imports, main, a stub for averages, and fmtDouble from above.


Also in in a5/avg_starter.hs is splitHours, a function to split up specifications of hours:

> splitHours "10"

> splitHours "3.4-10.3"

Another development/debugging technique

One way to get a look at values bound in a where clause for a function is to temporarily have the function return a tuple that comprises values of interest. Look at this mid-development snapshot of averages:

averages bytes args = (validEntries, "values:", values,
         "selected:", selected, "errors:", errs, stats, errors)
    where ...
        validEntries = ...
        values = ...
        selected = ...
        errs = ...
        stats = ...
        errors = ...
        ...and more...
Instead of returning a fully-formatted final result, averages just creates a tuple with the various intermediate bindings like validEntries, values, selected, etc.

Let's try a call to averages, passing in a string with embedded newlines, which might come from a two-line file, and the list ["-h"], simulating a -h command-line argument:

> averages "Hours: 10\nI spent 2 hours\n" ["-h"]
"errors:",[(2,False,"I spent 2 hours")],
"n = 1\nmean = 10.000\nmedian = 10.000\n",
"\nIgnored:\nLine 2: I spent 2 hours\n")
Note that the literal strings like "values:" just serve as labels, to help us see what's what. Note also that the "stats:" and "errors:" strings are the final output, in two pieces. Also, you might learn a few things about how I approached avg.hs by examining that output.

Below is a main that works with the mid-development snapshot of averages above. Because the version of averages above returns a tuple and putStr wants a string, I use show to turn that tuple into a string:

main = do
    args <- getArgs
    bytes <- readFile $ last args
    putStr $ (show $ averages bytes (init args)) ++ "\n"
With the above development/debugging versions of averages and main, here's what I see with my version:
$ runghc avg.hs -h a5/avg.1
"values:", [(3.0,4.0, 5.0), (10.0,10.0,10.0), (4.0,8.0,12.0)],
"selected:",  [5.0,10.0,12.0],
"errors:",[(3,False,"I spent 8 hours on this.")],
"n = 3\nmean = 9.000\nmedian = 10.000\n",
"\nIgnored:\nLine 3: I spent 8 hours on this.\n")

a5/tryall script

a5/tryall is a Bash script that runs avg.hs on a given data file using each of the low, midpoint, and high modes in turn. Do cat a5/tryall to get a look at it and then do this:

$ a5/tryall a5/avg.1
...output for each of the three modes in turn...

An experiment, when avg.hs is working

Just for fun, here's a quick experiment I'd like you to try when avg.hs is complete if you have time.

When done, your averages function probably will look something like this:

averages bytes args = ...
    where ...
        v1 = ...
        v2 = ...
        v3 = ...
        vN = ...

Slide 217 says that a where clause specifies bindings that may be needed. A where clause does not specify a sequence of operations to perform. Thus, the above is not specifying that first a value for v1 needs to be computed, and then v2, etc. Instead it's saying that if you need v1, or v2, or v3, etc., the corresponding expression on the right hand side of the equals sign represents the required value.

Here's the experiment: shuffle those v1 to vN lines and see if you code still works! After shuffling you might have something like this:

averages bytes args = ...
    where ...
        vN = ...
        v1 = ...
        v6 = ...
        v8 = ...
        v2 = ...

I believe you'll find that no matter what order those bindings are in, your code will work just like it originally did.

Problem 11. (ZERO points) rmranges.hs

This problem is worth no points. Try it if you wish.

Write a function rmranges that accepts a list of ranges represented as 2-tuples and produces a function that when applied to a list of values produces the values that do not fall into any of the ranges. Ranges are inclusive, as the examples below demonstrate.

Note that rmranges is typed in terms of the Ord type class, so rmranges works with many different types of values.

> :type rmranges
rmranges :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> [a] -> [a]

> rmranges [(3,7)] [1..10]

> rmranges [(10,18), (2,5), (20,20)] [1..25]

> rmranges [] [1..3]

> rmranges [('0','9')] "Sat Feb  8 20:34:50 2014"
"Sat Feb   :: "

> rmranges [('A','Z'), (' ', ' ')] it

> f = rmranges [(5,20),(-100,0)]

> f [1..30]

> f [-10,-9..21]
Assume for a range (x, y) that x <= y, i.e, you won't see a range like (10,1) or ('z', 'a'). As you can see above, ranges are inclusive. The range (1,3) removes 1, 2, and 3.

Just for fun...Here's an instance declaration from the Prelude:

instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (a, b)
It says that if the values in a 2-tuple are orderable, then the 2-tuple is orderable. With that in mind, consider this rmranges example:
> rmranges [((3,'z'),(25,'a'))] (zip [1..] ['a'..'z'])

Problem 12. Extra Credit observations.txt

Submit a plain text file named observations.txt with...

(a) (1 point extra credit) An estimate of how many hours it took you to complete this assignment. Put that estimate on a line by itself, like this:

Hours: 3.5
There should be only one "Hours:" line in observations.txt. (It's fine if you care to provide per-problem times, and that data is useful to us, but report it in some form of your own invention that doesn't contain the string "Hours:". Thanks!)

Feedback and comments about the assignment are welcome, too. Was it too long, too hard, too detailed? Speak up! I appreciate all feedback, favorable or not.

(b) (1-3 points extra credit) Cite an interesting course-related observation (or observations) that you made while working on the assignment. The observation should have at least a little bit of depth. Think of me thinking "Good!" as one point, "Excellent!" as two points, and "Wow!" as three points. I'm looking for quality, not quantity.

Turning in your work

Use a5/turnin to submit your work.

My solutions

To give you an idea about the size of my solutions, here's what I see as of press time:
$ wc $(grep -v txt a5/delivs)  # this command should work for you, too
  26  129  464 warmup.hs
   2   13   54 repl.hs
   2   12   58 doubler.hs
   7   30  131 cpfx.hs
  12   55  334 rtext.hs
   5   36  212 nnn.hs
  19   84  536 expand.hs
  16   81  551 pancakes.hs
  19   84  554 group.hs
  58  310 1936 avg.hs
   9   54  309 rmranges.hs
 175  888 5139 total
My code has few comments.


Point values of problems correspond closely to the "assignment points" mentioned in the syllabus. For example, a 10-point problem would correspond to about 1% of your final grade in the course.

Feel free to use comments as you see fit, but no comments are required in your code.

Remember that late assignments are not accepted and that there are no late days; but if circumstances beyond your control interfere with your work on this assignment, there may be grounds for an extension. See the syllabus for details.

My estimate is that it will take a typical CS junior from 10 to 15 hours to complete this assignment, assuming they successfully completed assignments 3 and 4.

Our goal is that everybody gets 100% on this assignment AND gets it done in an amount of time that is reasonable for them.

We hope you'll make use of Piazza, email, Discord and office hours if problems arise. If you're getting toward twelve hours into this assignment and don't seem to be close to completing it, or you're simply worried about your "slope", email us! Give us a chance to speed you up!