Assignment 3 FAQs and Corrections


  1. Q: For rme.hs I know that using strings (lists of characters) are prohibited, but would it be ok to use a list of integers?
    A: I'd want to see your solution to be sure, but anything that employs a list is most likely not using an arithmetic approach.

  2. Q: What should happen if drawSquares gets called with an empty list?
    A: Ouch—I hadn't considered that case! Assume the list is non-empty.

  3. Q: For editstr's x operation how should we handle the case of a negative int or a non-int character, or even an empty string for the "parameter" of x?
    A: Assume that "parameter" represents a non-negative integer.


In the a3 handouts, the two longest examples of drawSquares invocations are truncated. The full invocations can be found in the copy on the web.