Assignment 6 FAQs, Clarifications and Corrections


  1. Q: What should we do if a name meets the inclusion criteria wrt. the bounding years but goes down to zero uses in a middle year?
    A: Assume that never happens. If you find a case like that, let me know!
    Incidentally, it looks like I never mention in the write-up that the SSA doesn't include names that have only a few occurrences. (See here.)


None yet!

Corrections (fixed on the web)

  1. In two grep examples, a path was specified as a6/yob/yob1949.txt instead of a6/yob/1949.txt.
  2. There was a mangled link for '"a maze of twisty little passages, all alike"' in the label.rb write-up.
  3. The example output shown for Ms. Tong's "Addison" didn't have enough spaces after "Addison".