University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 453: Mailing List

A mailing list has been set up for email correspondence and discussions relating to this class. Even if you are registered for this class, however, you are not automatically subscribed to this list; you have to explicitly subscribe to the list (see below).

Subscription is strongly recommended, since this mailing list will be used for all class-related communication outside the classroom, e.g., clarifications on programming assignments, changes to assignment specifications or due dates, etc. Note that it is your responsibility to monitor mailing list postings and to find out about any class-related announcements in a timely manner.

Basic Information

Mailing list name: cs453fall10
Mailing list email address:
General information about listservs is available here.


Subscription to the mailing list involves the following sequence of steps:
  1. Information about how to subscribe to the mailing list is available here; follow the directions on this page with xxxxxx = cs453fall10.
  2. After you have sent the initial subscription request, you will get an automated reply asking that you confirm your email address with an "OK" response
  3. Once you have confirmed your email address, your subscription request will be forwarded to me, and I will add you to the mailing list.


The following policies apply specifically to this mailing list: