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CS620: Topics in Programming Languages

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Using the UofA HPC Systems

  1. Make sure you have NetID+ setup.
  2. Request an account with instructor as PI by selecting UA HPC/HTC Accounts at the Using the Systems page.
  3. Once your account as been approved, follow the directions at Connecting to HPC/HTC Systems to
    In a nutshell, use your netid+ password and select one of the options to accomplish the second part of the login process.
  4. Copy one of the example code tar balls to the HPC system.
        // on HPC system
        $ pwd
        // on CS linux machines
        cd /home/[instructorUsername]/cs620Files
        scp tarbalname.tgz
  5. First run the code interactively on the HPC system to check that you can get it to build and run.
    • libration code:
      module load perl; module load gnuplot; ./ < inputs.txt 
  6. Then edit the first example PBS script at Make sure to change the job name, the email address to send information to, the group list to cs620spring2016, include the module load commands you need, change into the correct directory, and indicate how to run the executable as you did on the command line above. Here is a portion of the file:
    ### Load required modules/libraries if needed (blas example)
    ### Use "module avail" command to list all available modules
    ### NOTE: /usr/share/Modules/init/csh -CAPITAL M in Modules
    source /usr/share/Modules/init/csh
    #module load blas
    module load perl
    module load gnuplot
    ### set directory for job execution, ~netid = home directory path
    cd ~mstrout/GettingStarted/libration-checking-perl-code
    ### run your executable program with begin and end date and time output
    /usr/bin/time ./ < inputs.txt
  7. Run qsub.
        qsub scriptname.pbs
Here are some useful commands we used at the tutorial session at the HPC center: For GPUs, you will want to use ElGato. The below is from Mike Bruck. ElGato is documented separately at It is an Astronomy/SISTA system operated by UITS Systems administration. It uses the LSF batch/scheduler system. The login node is accessed as: