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CS620: Topics in Programming Languages

Reading Papers and Writing Paper Reviews

Tia Newhall provides a very brief set of tips for reading research papers.

Start keeping track of all the papers you have read in a bibtex format. You can store your notes about the paper in a field called Annote. If you have a mac, there is an awesome utility that helps you do this called BibDesk. JabRef and Mendeley are also quite useful.

I recommend that you write your reviews in latex. Your final report will need to be in a format that is easiest to do with latex. See an example latex file to get started. Additionally, below the latex source is provided for an example review.

Review Requirements

These requirements are also listed in the syllabus.

Each review should be one to two pages and cover the following questions about the paper:

Example Review

Here is an example review for the LamWolf91 paper that we read in CS553 last semester (pdf, tex, bib).

The detail in the example review is the amount of detail you will need in your review for the paper you present in class. For your submitted paper reviews, use the same format, but you only need to do ONE of the following:

The above three activities are quite useful when reviewing a paper, but do take time.