Details of Icon Functions E through J

entab (s1,i1,i2,...,in) : s2 -- insert tabs

Produces a string based on s1 in which runs of blanks are replaced by tabs. Tab stops are at i1, i2, ..., in, with additional stops obtained by repeating the last interval.
i1      9

See also: detab()

errorclear () : n -- clear error indication

Clears the indications of the last error.
See also: &error()

exit (i) -- exit program

Terminates the program with exit status i.
i       normal exit (system dependent)

See also: stop()

exp (r1) : r2 -- compute exponential

Produces e raised to the power r1.
See also: log() and N1 ^ N2

find (s1,s2,i1,i2) : i3,i4,...,in -- find string

Generates the sequence of integer positions in s2 at which s1 occurs as a substring in s2[i1:i2], but fails if there is no such position.
s2      &subject
i1      &pos if s2 defaulted, otherwise 1
i2      0

See also: bal(), match(), and upto()

flush (f) : n -- flush I/O buffer

Flushes the output buffers for f.

function () : s1,s2,...,sn -- generate function names

Generates the names of the Icon (built-in) functions.

get (L) : x -- get value from list

Produces the leftmost element of L and removes it from L, but fails if L is empty; synonym for pop(L).
See also: pop(), pull(), push(), and put()

getch () : s -- get keyboard character

Waits until a character has been entered from the keyboard and then produces the corresponding one-character string. The character is not displayed. The function fails on an end of file.
See also: getche() and kbhit()

getche () : s -- get and echo keyboard character

Waits until a character has been entered from the keyboard and then produces the corresponding one-character string. The character is displayed. The function fails on an end of file.
See also: getch() and kbhit()

getenv (s1) : s2 -- get value of environment variable

Produces the value of environment variable s1, but fails if the variable is not set or environment variables are not supported.

iand (i1,i2) : i3 -- compute bit-wise and

Produces the bitwise and of i1 and i2.
See also: icom(), ior(), ishift(), and ixor()

icom (i1) : i2 -- compute bit-wise complement

Produces the bitwise complement (1's complement) of i1.
See also: iand(), ior(), ishift(), and ixor()

image (x) : s -- produce string image

Produces a string image of x.

insert (X,x1,x2) : X -- insert element

If X is a table, inserts the key x1 with value x2 into X. If X is a set, inserts x1 into X. Produces X.
x2      &null

See also: delete() and member()

integer (x) : i -- convert to integer

Produces the integer resulting from converting x, but fails if the conversion is not possible.
See also: numeric() and real()

ior (i1,i2) : i3 -- compute bit-wise inclusive or

Produces the bitwise inclusive or of i1 and i2
See also: iand(), icom(), ishift(), and ixor()

ishift (i1,i2) : i3 -- shift bits

Produces the result of shifting the bits in i1 by i2 positions. Positive values of i2 shift to the left, negative to the right. Vacated bit positions are zero-filled.
See also: iand(), ior(), ior(), and ixor()

ixor (i1,i2) : i3 -- compute bit-wise exclusive or

Produces the bitwise exclusive or of i1 and i2.
See also: iand(), icom(), ior(), and ixor()