Details of Icon Functions P through R

pop (L) : x -- pop from list

Produces the leftmost element of L and removes it from L, but fails if L is empty; synonym for get(L).
See also: get(), pull(), push(), and put()

pos (i1) : i2 -- test scanning position

Produces &pos if &pos = i1, but fails otherwise.
See also: &pos and &subject

proc (x,i) : p -- convert to procedure

Produces a procedure corresponding to the value of x, but fails if x does not correspond to a procedure. If x is the string name of an operator, i specifies the number of arguments: 1 for unary (prefix), 2 for binary (infix), and 3 for ternary. proc(x,0) produces the built-in function named x even if the global identifier having that name has been assigned another value. proc(x,0) fails if x is not the name of a function.
i       1

See also: args()

pull (L) : x -- pull from list

Produces the rightmost element of L and removes it from L, but fails if L is empty.
See also: get(), pop(), push(), and put()

push (L,x1,x2,...,xn) : L -- push onto list

Pushes x1, x2, ... onto the left end of L. Values are pushed in order from left to right, so xn becomes the first (leftmost) value on L. push(L) with no second argument pushes a null value onto L.
See also: get(), pop(), pull(), and put()

put (L,x1,x2,...,xn) : L -- put onto list

Puts x1, x2, ... onto the right end of L. Values are pushed in order from left to right, so xn becomes the last (rightmost) value on L. put(L) with no second argument puts a null value onto L.
See also: get(), pop(), pull(), and push()

read (f) : s -- read line

Produces the next line from f, but fails on end of file.
f       &input

See also: reads()

reads (f,i) : s -- read string

Produces a string consisting of the next i characters from f, or the remaining characters of f if fewer remain, but fails on an end of file. In reads(), unlike read(), line termination sequences have no special significance. reads() should be used for reading binary data. See also: read()
f       &input
i       1

real (x) : r -- convert to real

Produces a real number resulting from type conversion of x, but fails if the conversion is not possible.
See also: integer() and numeric()

remove (s) : n -- remove file

Removes (deletes) the file named s, but fails if s cannot be removed.
See also: rename()

rename (s1,s2) : n -- rename file

Renames the file named s1 to be s2, but fails if the renaming cannot be done.
See also: remove()

repl (s1,i) : s2 -- replicate string

Produces a string consisting of i concatenations of s1.

reverse (s1) : s2 -- reverse string

Produces a string consisting of the reversal of s.

right (s1,i,s2) : s3 -- position string at right

Produces a string of size i in which s1 is positioned at the right, with s2 used for padding on the left as necessary.
i       1
s2      " " (blank)

See also: center() and left()

rtod (r1) : r2 -- convert radians to degrees

Produces the degree equivalent of r1 given in radians.
See also: dtor()

runerr (i,x) -- terminate with run-time error

Terminates program execution with error i and offending value x.
x       no offending value