USENET NEWSGROUP comp.research.japan

The USENET newsgroup comp.research.japan, run by the JapanCS project in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Arizona , is an electronic forum devoted to Japanese research developments in computing and computer science. The basic purpose of this electronic forum is to increase the awareness of Japanese computing and CS by providing a forum for publicizing this work and for subsequent discussions. For example, articles of the following type are appropriate:

Information about CS research papers published in Japan, including titles, authors, and sometimes abstracts. This includes papers in both English and Japanese.

Descriptions of current Japanese computing and CS activities, trip reports to Japanese universities and companies, etc.

Announcements related to computing and CS in Japan, including those related to conferences held in Japan, research opportunities in Japan, funding for research visits to Japan, etc.

Queries related to computing and CS research underway in Japan.

General discussions on computing and CS in Japan, both academic and industrial.

Regular features of comp.research.japan include reports from the Tokyo office of the Asian Technology Information Program (ATIP) headed by David Kahaner, and the Table of Contents of a number of Japanese scientific and technical journals. An electronic archive provides on-line access to these after they have been posted to the newsgroup, as well as access to other information related to computing in Japan. There is also a mailing list version of comp.research.japan called res-japan-group . More than 1650 articles have been posted to the newsgroup since it was started in December 1990. These activities are sponsored in part by a grant from the Office of Naval Research.

Several other USENET newsgroups contain information related to Japan. Most prominent are sci.lang.japan, which contains articles related to the Japanese language, and soc.culture.japan, which contain articles on Japanese life and culture. An entire USENET sub-hierarchy, fj.*, has newsgroups originating from Japan, with most of the articles being written in Japanese.

comp.research.japan is moderated, which means that articles first go to the moderator before being posted to the newsgroup. The role of the moderator here is to avoid duplicate postings, redirect articles more appropriately submitted elsewhere, actively solicit articles, etc. The current moderator of comp.research.japan is Rick Schlichting .

Articles can be submitted to comp.research.japan by the normal posting mechanism in most news reading programs; the software will then mail them to the moderator for posting. Articles for posting can also be submitted by email to address "".

res-japan-group is a mailing list version of comp.research.japan , a USENET newsgroup devoted to Japanese research developments in computing and computer science. This electronic forum includes articles submitted by readers, as well as two regular features: reports from the Asian Technology Information Program (ATIP) headed by David Kahaner, and Table of Contents of Japanese scientific and technical literature generated by the JapanCS Project . All articles posted to comp.research.japan are sent to members of res-japan-group, while each piece of mail sent to res-japan-group is transmitted as an article to comp.research.japan.

This mailing list is operated by the JapanCS Project in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Arizona . To subscribe, send mail to .

Questions & Comments Welcome:

Last updated on 9/9/97

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