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This page will maintain a list of design issues in tZaman. Some of the issues are OPEN, but some have been resolved and are indicated as CLOSED. Send e-mail to Curtis Dyreson to add an issue.
Status: OPEN
Title: Servers passing dates to other servers
Date: Mar-2-2006
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: If a server doesn't know how to parse a date, in theory it could hand it off to another server that does know how to parse it. The TODO is to investigate if this is feasible, and how to set this up in the system.

Status: OPEN
Title: Floating point division/multiplication
Date: Mar-2-2006
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: Currently, division like 3 days / 2 days will produce an integer rather than a float. Add the floating point division. Ditto for multiplication so we could do something like 1.5 * 3 days.

Status: OPEN
Title: Multiple Systems, unloading/loading
Date: Mar-2-2006
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: If a remote service is unavailable an exception is thrown, but in general suppose that a server has several active services. How do we manage the "unloading" of a calendric system that is active in several of the services?

Status: OPEN
Title: CalendricSystem consistency
Date: Mar-2-2006
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: If a calendricSystem is changed on the web, when is such a change detected by a running tauZaman server, and what is the exact semantics? Right now it would not be detected, the server has to re-load the system.

Status: OPEN
Title: URL/String passing
Date: Mar-2-2006
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: Right now the methods that pass URLs pass them as URL objects, but we could pass them as Strings and do the URL construction in TauZaman to be more flexible.

Status: OPEN
Title: Starting a service
Date: Mar-2-2006
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: The method to connect to a TauZaman server takes three parameters: IP, name, port, but a subset of those three should be sufficient. For instance if the port is not given, it should default to the RMI port. Or if the IP is not given, it should use the server name. We should add method headers for the others.

Status: OPEN
Title: Schema validation
Date: Mar-2-2006
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: We now have XML Schemas for the specification files. We should use a validating parser to check the spec against the schema during parsing. We need also to check how this affects performance.

Status: OPEN
Title: Language property
Date: Jan-20-2004
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: There is no language property. I think there *should* be a language property, but this will require redesign of some of the system, so I suggest we defer this to V2.

Status: OPEN
Title: Missing Epochs
Date: Jan-20-2004
Raised by: Jessica
Synopsis: We decided not to support epochs, but they appear to be useful. How about if we add epochs?

Status: OPEN
Title: Allen's algebra in Period
Date: Feb-5-2003
Raised by: Rick
Synopsis: For each operation in the DeterminateSemantics/IndeterminateSemantics, should we add a signature for that operation to the Instant, Period, or Interval class, depending on the class of the first operand? Currently, the operation is called through a Semantics. We would need to add a "cached" Semantics to each constructed time value to support this.

Status: CLOSED
Title: Granularity lattice
Date: Feb-4-2003
Raised by: Curtis
Synopsis: The design of the granularity lattice is open. Basically we have to figure out how to generate and cache mappings.

Status: OPEN
Title: Probability Mass Function Class
Date: Feb-4-2003
Raised by: Curtis
Synopsis: Has yet to be designed.

Status: OPEN
Title: System Testing
Date: Feb-4-2003
Raised by: Curtis
Synopsis: We have to develop a comprehensive set of tests. There should be both stress tests and performance tests. TimeADT has some test code. Initially, the code specified there should be adapted.

Status: OPEN
Title: Full elaboration of Semantics
Date: Feb-4-2003
Raised by: Curtis
Synopsis: The IndeterminateSemantics and DeterminateSemantics lack an exhaustive set of operations, for instance there is no overlaps constructor (there is a predicate, but no constructor). All operations need to be fully elaborated.

Status: CLOSED
Title: Logo Design
Date: Jan-31-2003
Raised by: Curtis
Synopsis: The logo needs to be redesigned to make the dates legible.

Status: OPEN
Title: Use Cases
Date: Jan-31-2003
Raised by: Curtis
Synopsis: We need to develop a use case document. Jessica added that the tool she uses for the UML diagrams can generate some use cases. We should definitely incorporate as many automatically generated cases as possible. But we also should hand-develop some use cases. The idea is a set of examples that a user, interested in particular components, can use to further write his/her own code. Bedirhan is to develop use cases for the Server/CalendricSystem. Curtis is to develop use cases for timestamp/temporaldatatypes.
E-mail questions or comments to Curtis Dyreson