Using Stork with your own
The Stork Repository is capable of hosting both
metadata (information about packages) and the
contents of the packages themselves.
However, for those people who already have a
their own repository it is possible to
use the Stork repository to host the metadata only,
while continuing to use your own repository to
provide access to the packages themselves. For this
example, we will assume that you have a
web-accessible repository at
Using a custom repository involves several steps:
- Generate the .metadata files for your packages
- Upload the .metadata files to the stork
- Add the .metadata files to your trusted
packages file
- Upload the trusted packages file to the stork
Step 1: Generating .metadata files
Metadata files are generated using the storkutil
program. You will need access to the packages that
you intend to make available, as storkutil needs to
analyze the packages to generate the metadata and
hashes. The following command will generate a
.metadata file:
./ extractmeta --baseurl <baseurl>
<filename> is the name of the package in your
local file system, and is the file that storkutil
will analyze to extract the metadata from.
<baseurl> is the URL of the directory where the file can be downloaded
from. For example, if your package is at ,
then the baseurl is .
The baseurl is used by the clients when they need
to fetch the package. Storkutil does not fetch the
package from your server during metadata extraction as it can perform the
analysis from the local copy of the file.
For example, assuming your files are hosted on
your local machine in /var/www/html/packages and are available on the web at, the
following would generate metadata for the package
./ extractmeta --baseurl /var/www/html/packages/amanda-2.4.5-2.i386.rpm
This command will generate a file in the current
working directory called
amanda-2.4.5-2.i386.rpm.metadata that contains the
metadata extracted from the package. This file may
then be uploaded to the stork repository.
You may also generate metadata for a large number
of packages at once by using a wildcard filename.
For example:
./ extractmeta --baseurl /var/www/html/packages/*.rpm
Step 2: Upload .metadata files to the stork
Uploading a metadata file is the similar to
upload a package to the stork repository. The
difference is that rather than uploading the package
itself, you are only uploading a metadata file, with
an embedded URL to your own repository.
- Open the following url in your browser:
- Log in
- Click the 'packages' link
- Enter the name of your .metadata file (for
amanda-2.4.5-2.i386.rpm.metadata )
- Click the <Upload> button
Step 3: Add .metadata files to your trusted packages
The trusted packages file (tpfile) contains a
list of the packages that you trust. It is essential
to maintaining security, and described in the
Stork Tutorial.
Adding metadata to your tpfile is similar to
adding packages to your tpfile. Instead of adding
the package itself (i.e. a .rpm file), you will add
the .metadata file.
For example,
./ addfile
Step 4: Upload the trusted packages file to the
stork repository
In the previous step, you modified your trusted
packages file to include the new metadata files that
you created. In order for the new tpfile to be
available to clients, you need toupload it to the
stork repository.
- Open the following url in your browser:
- Log in
- Click the 'trusted packages files' link
- Enter the name of your trusted packages file
- Click the <Upload> button
Now that you have completed the above steps, the
stork repository should be hosting the metadata for
your packages.
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