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Stork Tutorial

Stork Tutorial: Installation

1. Installing Stork and Storkutil

Stork consists of two separate installations: the Stork client and the Stork enduser utilities (Storkutil). The stork client is used to directly install packages on a node, while Storkutil will provide tools to help prepare and organize your package installations and management. In general, while the Stork client can be used manually, it is more likely that you will use Storkutil to manage your packages, which will in turn use the Stork client for installation. In either case, both will need to be set up for use.

To use Stork on your slice, you must run the Stork initscript from PlanetLab. Log into PlanetLab, choose a slice, and select Add New Attribute. Select pl_initscript, and then select arizona_stork2.

After finishing installation, download the Stork Enduser tarball and unpack it to obtain the Stork enduser utilities. This tarball also includes a sample stork configuration file, named sample-stork.conf which will need to be modified in order to successfully use the stork utilities.

After you have installed Stork, you can create your tarball package. If you already have a package ready, you can move on to creating an identity or modifying your Stork configuration files.

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