Q: I have some prior programming experience, but I am not sure whether it's enough. Should I be in CSc 110 or 120?
A: You might be ready for CSc 120 if you know about the following topics in Python or a similar language:
Q: I need help with my homework! What should I do?
A: There are lots of resources available to help you. For example:
Q: The IPL and other resources are not enough! I need more help, such as a personal tutor. Can I get this kind of help?
A: In general, no. We in CSc do not provide individual private tutoring; there are too many students and not enough resources. We also feel that you must demonstrate your own ability and not be walked through substantial parts of the course by a private tutor. We also do not permit you to be regularly tutored "on the side" by your CSc 110/120 section leader, whether or not the section leader is being paid to do so.
Q: The homework in this class is very difficult and takes me a lot of time to finish. I see other students in the class who have past programming experience, and they say the programs are easy for them. Is it hopeless for me? Do I need to be one of those people to do well in this course?
A: There's a certain "tortoise and hare" phenomenon that occurs a lot in 110/120. There is a group of hotshots who come in with past experience at programming. We allow those people to go straight to 120 if they want to. But some of them stay in 110. This can worry the other students because there are people about who seem to already know all of the course material. This has the danger of potentially ruining the curve of an exam or pushing the expectations of the instructor/section leaders too high.
One thing we have seen many times over the years is that actually a lot of the "hares" with past experience don't do as well as they thought they would. Certainly, some hares finish at the top of the class rankings. But some of them are sloppy and careless in their programming because they don't think they need to read the directions carefully. They very quickly finish and submit a program that solves the overall problem, but maybe they don't bother to read the homework spec to match the intended programming style. Note that we explicitly mark down students who turn in programs that use "advanced material" that has not yet been taught in class. Also a careless student is less likely to try out all of the provided test cases or perform his own testing to make sure that the program really works for all cases before turning it in.
Another thing that often happens to "hares" is that their past knowledge only carries them so far. They probably know most of CSc 110's material pretty well, but some of it toward the end (lists and objects) they may not. And most hares haven't really seen much of the CSc 120 material at all, so their advantage is largely negated there. 120 is a more level playing field in this regard because most self-taught or hobbyist programmer types have not bothered to teach themselves the particular material that 120 covers. 120 is a place where the former tortoise may truly start to outpace the hare.
This is a very challenging course, and there are some folks in the room that can make the average student feel uneasy. But we try our best to make it so that it is possible to succeed in the course even if you have never seen this material before. And we also put lots of little pitfalls that could still trip up a person who has seen it all before. :-) It's important to focus on how you are doing and be pleased with your own accomplishments in the course, instead of trying to compare to other students. If you're learning a lot and are able to solve the assignments (even if it takes a long time) and get decent scores on them, then you are doing great so far. And the further you keep going in computer science and studying, the more this issue fades away and the more you become the expert.
Q: I have a scheduling conflict and need to miss a lecture or section on a particular day. Is this okay? How can I find out what I missed?
A: Lecture attendance is optional, so you may miss a lecture without penalty (so long as no exam takes place on that day). To find out what you missed, look at the Lectures section of the course web site. All slides and program code from lecture will be posted there.
You do get points for section participation and submitting the weekly problems. Section handouts will be given out only in section, so you'll have to attend if you want a copy. We don't allow students to submit the weekly problems if they aren't physically present at their section, nor to make up a missed section. But you don't need to attend every section to get the full points, so it is fine to miss a few during the quarter.
Q: I got a low score on homework and/or exams, and I'm worried about doing poorly in the course. How much impact will my past low score(s) have on my grade? What can I do?
A: You can compute for yourself the impact of your past scores on your grade. The grading weights are listed on the course syllabus.
If you want to raise your grade, the best way is to do well on future assignments and exams. We generally do not offer much extra credit nor any way to directly make up or replace low scores on past assignments or exams.
Don't forget that the final exam usually has a higher weight than the midterms, so there are still plenty of points left to be earned. Consult the grade formulas on the syllabus to figure out whether your desired grade is still attainable.
Q: When is the last date to drop the course?
A: This information can be found at the UA Academic Calendar for this year.
Q: I don't like my grade. Why is it so low?
A: See the syllabus for information about how grades are calculated. Generally grades are actually shifted upward from the promised ranges on the syllabus, so it could be worse.
Q: I checked the web site, and my overall 110 grade is (grade). I wish my grade was (higher grade). Will you please change my grade to (higher grade)?
A: I'm sorry; no. (Unless your grade is computed incorrectly for some reason.)
Q: You don't understand... I *need* to get a (higher grade) because (reason). And because of (not very convincing reason), I think I deserve a (higher grade) even though the points I got in the course only add up to (lower grade). Will you please change my grade to (higher grade)?
A: See answer to previous question.
Q: My grade is not fair! I see another student who got only (small amount) higher percentage than I did, and they get a (higher grade than mine)! I should get a (higher grade than mine).
A: We're sorry; the cut-off points between grades have to go somewhere. Each grade range has a highest and lowest student. Sometimes that student ends up being you. We do not choose cut-off points with a goal of including or excluding any particular student; it's just the way the numbers worked out in this particular case.
Q: What can I do to raise my grade? Can I do some extra credit work now, maybe? Or re-submit a past homework assignment to earn some points back?
A: Unless we made some kind of mathematical or clerical mistake, your grade is what it is. We are not willing to let you somehow change it after the quarter's over by doing more work.
Q: I would like you to re-grade my final exam, my last several homeworks, my midterm, etc. etc. in the hopes of raising my grade to (higher grade). How do I go about doing that?
A: We do re-grade final exams, and you can ask for a re-evaluation of a homework assignment within 2 weeks of the date you got back your score on it. But you should do this only if you genuinely think something specific was mis-graded. If you submit for a regrade saying things like, "I am asking for a regrade because I really need a 2.0," or, "I just want to see if I can get any more points back," you are not likely to be considered very seriously. Frivolous regrade requests do not lead to a happy regrader. Recall that regrades have the capability to -lower- your score if any missed deductions are discovered.
Q: Why didn't I pass the course? I turned in most/all of the homework, I took both exams, and I showed up to class most of the time. Shouldn't that be enough to pass?
A: Passing the course is based on getting an overall percentage above some threshold that is set each quarter, generally in the low 50s. If you do not attain that percentage, you do not pass the course, even if you did come to class and did submit the assignments. Our grades are not given solely based on attendance or participation.
Q: Can I meet with you in person to discuss my grade? This is very important.
A: Sure, you can! Next semester, when we're back in our office. Until then, it's email. If something is wrong with your grade, we'll fix it. But meeting with us in person and telling us a sad story, bargaining, begging, etc. does not lead to us raising your grade.
Q: But if this waits until next semester, it'll be too late! The grade will already be submitted.
A: That is true. Grades can be changed after submission, if necessary. If something is wrong, we will get it fixed. But we do not come in to campus during the between-semester breaks. We will have to resolve the matter by email or by a meeting during the next semester.