Homework 1 (Song) FAQ
Q: What are some good resources I can look at to help me on this assignment?
A: The book chapter, lecture programs/slides, and section handout are always good places to look. In particular, you may want to look at the following examples:
- Chapter 1 case study:
- Lecture program
- Section handout 1, Problem 7 (
Q: Will my solution get 10 / 10 points? Is it written in the style you want? Are my functions okay? Will I get marked off for this function?
A: These are inappropriate questions. We call this "pre-grading." The SL won't look over your entire program for mistakes or tell you exactly what things you will get marked off for. We'll grade you on the guidelines in the homework document, and we can help you with specific issues but cannot evaluate your entire program.
Q: How do I fix the redundancy between lines that are very similar, but not identical?
A: You do not need to remove such redundancy, because it is not easy to do yet with the tools we have learned. Just treat the lines as though they are different and handle them that way.
Q: Is this a suitable creative verse?
A: The grading is pretty lenient on the creative verse. If it meets the criteria in the assignment spec, it should get full credit, even if it is not particularly creative or exciting.