The University of Arizona

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DateTuesday, November 22, 2011
Time11:00 am
Concludes12:00 pm
LocationGould-Simpson 906
SpeakerArun Sen
AffiliationComputer Science and Engineering Program, Arizona State University

Connectivity and Coverage Problems in Emerging Networks

Efforts are currently underway in the U.S. Air Force to utilize a heterogeneous set of physical links (RF, Optical/Laser and SATCOM) to interconnect a set of terrestrial, space and highly mobile airborne platforms (satellites, aircrafts and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)) to form an Airborne Network (AN). We propose an architecture for an Airborne Network to provide a stable operating environment. We design algorithms to compute the minimum transmission range of the airborne platforms, so that the resulting dynamic topology remains connected at all times. An enemy attack might inflict damage to the network. However, failures caused by such an attack are likely to be localized. To capture the notion of locality in fault tolerance capability a network, we introduce the notion of region-based connectivity. The attractive feature of the region-based connectivity as a metric is that it can achieve the same level of fault-tolerance as the metric connectivity, but with much lower transmission power for the nodes. For the network under attack scenario, we design algorithms to compute the minimum transmission range of the airborne platforms, so that the surviving network remains connected, irrespective of the location or time of the attack.


Arunabha (Arun) Sen ( received a Bachelor degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Program at Arizona State University. He served as the Associate Chairman of the department responsible for Graduate Programs and Research from 2001-7. His research interest are in the areas of resource optimization problems networks, including wireless, optical, power grid, transportation, social networks and the newly emerging discipline of Network Science. He primarily studies the algorithmic issues related to the problems in these domains utilizing graph theoretic, game theoretic and combinatorial optimization techniques to find solutions. He has published over one hundred research papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences on these topics. He has served as a Program Committee member or as the Chair of the Program Committee of several IEEE and ACM workshops and conferences. Currently, he is serving as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. His research is sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Office, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Defense Threat Reduction Agency and Office of Naval Research. He is also a member of the ASU team that won the DoD Minerva project award in 2009. He started the International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom) in 2009 and has served as a Co-Chair of the first three workshops held in conjunction with IEEE Infocom in Rio de Janeiro in 2009, San Diego in 2010 and Shanghai in 2011.