The University of Arizona

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DateTuesday, May 7, 2013
Time11:00 am
Concludes12:15 pm
LocationGould-Simpson 906
SpeakerBrendan Mumey
TitleAssociate Professor
AffiliationMontana State University

Splitting a Flow Revisited

In this talk, I will discuss recent progress on the problem of decomposing a flow network with source node s and destination node t (with flow values already given on every edge) into a minimum number of s,t path flows. We propose a new approximation algorithm for integer flows whose approximation ratio depends on the largest flow value in the flow network. The problem has application to finding efficient routing paths in communications networks and our work improves on a recent Infocom result. Several interesting variations of the problem are open to future work.


Brendan Mumey is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Montana State University. His research interests are in applied algorithms, networks and computational biology. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Washington in 1997. In 2011 he was a visiting Fulbright scholar at Aalto University in Finland and in spring 2012 he spent a sabbatical semester at the University of Arizona. He has authored over 60 papers and is the current editor of ACM SIGACT News.