This is a permuted keyword index to procedures in the Icon program library. In the middle column, the file name containing the procedure is followed by a colon and the procedure name.
Note: Not all procedures are indexed.
keyword file:procedure description
13ths datetime:full13th full moons on Friday 13ths absolute complex:cpxabs complex absolute value action conffile:Directive_table_ build table of sets: action key value(s) action conffile:Directive_table build table: action key value action conffile:Directive_set build set: action value(s) action conffile:Directive_list build list: action value(s) action conffile:Directive_value build value: action value action conffile:Directive_exists build existence flag: action add complex:cpxadd complex add add genrfncs:ratsseq reverse add and then sort sequence add pdco:AddTabbyPDCO PDCO to add tabby to treadling add polynom:polyadd add polynomials additive numbers:adp additive digital persistence additive numbers:adr additive digital root adjacent seqops:sremdupl remove duplicate adjacent terms adjacent seqops:ssplitdupl split duplicate adjacent terms adjust seqops:sparity adjust parity ahead io:ReadAhead read ahead along seqops:get_splace find motif along a path in sequence along seqops:splace place motif along a path along seqops:splacep place motif along a path along seqops:splaceg generalized motifs along a path alternately pdco:WobblePDCO PDCO to produce sequence values alternately alternation pdco:AltPDCO PDCO to model alternation alternation pdco:RepaltPDCO PDCO to model repeated alternation american numbers:spell spell integer in American English any conffile:Directive_ignore quietly ignore any directive appearance strings:ochars first appearance unique characters approximate periodic:Sqrt rational approximate to square root approximation periodic:cfapprox continued-fraction approximation approximation rational:rat2real floating-point approximation of rational approximations pdco:CFapproxPDCO PDCO for continued-fraction approximations arbitrary convert:exbase10 convert base 10 to arbitrary base arbitrary convert:inbase10 convert arbitrary base to base 10 archive zipread:iszip check for ZIP archive archive zipread:zipfile open member of ZIP archive arithmetic genrfncs:arandseq arithmetic sequence with random intervals arithmetic genrfncs:arithseq arithmetic sequence arithmetic numbers:amean arithmetic mean assemble io:readline assemble backslash-continued lines back io:GetBack get back line written back io:PutBack put back line read backslash io:readline assemble backslash-continued lines bands genrfncs:zebra black and white bands base adjuncts:Basename obtain base filename base base64:base64encode encode a string into base 64 (MIME) base base64:base64decode decode a string from base 64 (MIME) base basename:basename base name of file base convert:exbase10 convert base 10 to arbitrary base base convert:inbase10 convert arbitrary base to base 10 based genrfncs:fareyn1seq Farey fraction numerator sequence, 1-based based numbers:mod1 modulus for 1-based integers based numbers:residue residue for j-based integers bases convert:radcon convert between bases beatty genrfncs:beatty1seq Beatty sequence 1 beatty genrfncs:beatty2seq Beatty sequence 2 beyond factors:nxtprime next prime beyond n binary binop:binop apply binary operation binary gettext:get_offsets binary search of index binary pdco:BinopPDCO PDCO to apply binary operation to sequences binary pdco:ReducePDCO PDCO to reduce sequence using binary operation binary seqops:sbinop binary operation on terms binomial math:binocoef binomial coefficient black genrfncs:zebra black and white bands block weaving:Block weaving block bogus seqops:smissing missing terms in sequence BOGUS?? bound seqops:sbound compute sequence upper bound FIX! bound seqops:smin compute sequence lower bound FIX bracketed seqops:simageb bracketed sequence image brute gettext:sequential_search brute-force database search buffer io:ClearOut remove contents of output buffer buffer io:Flush flush output buffer buffered io:Read read a line in buffered mode buffered io:Write write in buffered mode build conffile:Directive Wrapper to build directive specification build conffile:Directive_table_ build table of sets: action key value(s) build conffile:Directive_table build table: action key value build conffile:Directive_set build set: action value(s) build conffile:Directive_list build list: action value(s) build conffile:Directive_value build value: action value build conffile:Directive_exists build existence flag: action builds conffile:ReadDirectives Builds icon data structures from a config file built iftrace:iftrace trace built-in functions calculate cartog:sbsize calculate scalebar size calendar calendar:Cal_Init initialize calendar globals canonical gedcom:geddate get canonical date canonical html:canpath put path in canonical form carpet readcpt:read_cpt convert numerical carpet to matrix carpet writecpt:write_cpt convert matrix to numerical carpet case mixsort:mixsort mixed-case string sorting catalan genrfncs:catlnseq generalized Catalan sequence ceiling numbers:ceil ceiling centered genrfncs:chexmorphseq sequence of centered hexamorphic numbers chaotic genrfncs:chaosseq Hofstadter's chaotic sequence character strings:charcnt character count character strings:comb character combinations character strings:compress character compression characters genrfncs:meanderseq generate meandering characters characters pscript:psprotect escape special PostScript characters characters sets:cset2set set of characters characters strings:csort lexically ordered characters characters strings:deletec delete characters characters strings:diffcnt number of different characters characters strings:fchars characters in order of frequency characters strings:ochars first appearance unique characters characters strings:replc replicate characters characters strings:schars lexical unique characters characters strings:selectp select characters characters strings:transpose transpose characters characters weavgenr:shaftmap produce shaft map for characters chars adjuncts:Strip remove chars from string check weavutil:check check for pattern form check zipread:iszip check for ZIP archive chunks html:htchunks generate chunks of HTML file chunks strings:slugs generate s in chunks of size <= n clock calendar:Cal_SecToClock convert seconds to &clock clock datetime:SecToClock convert seconds to &clock close ddfread:ddfclose close DDF file close lists:lclose close open palindrome closed seqops:scpal closed sequence palindrome closure graphpak:closure transitive closure of graph closure strings:starseq closure sequence coefficient math:binocoef binomial coefficient collate strings:multicoll collate strings in list collation lists:lcollate generalized list collation collation seqops:get_scollate find collation in sequence collation seqops:scollate sequence term collation collation seqops:sscollate entire sequence collation collation strings:collate string collation combinations lists:lcomb list combinations combinations strings:comb character combinations commas numbers:commas insert commas in number comment scan:balqc balq() with comment escaping common numbers:gcd greatest common divisor common numbers:gcdl greatest common divisor of list common numbers:lcm least common multiple common numbers:lcml least common multiple of list common strings:coprefix find common prefix of strings common strings:cosuffix find common suffix of strings compact lists:lcompact compact sequence compact seqops:scompress compact sequence compactness seqops:is_scompact test sequence for compactness compare equiv:equiv compare values for equivalence compare lists:lequiv compare lists for equivalence compare pdco:ComparePDCO PDCO to compare sequences complement boolops:b01 complement pattern complex complex:strcpx convert string to complex number complex complex:cpxstr return complex number as string complex complex:cpxadd complex add complex complex:cpxsub complex subtract complex complex:cpxmul complex multiply complex complex:cpxdiv complex divide complex complex:cpxconj complex conjugate complex complex:cpxabs complex absolute value components io:components get components of file name composite cartog:compose define composite projection compression strings:compress character compression concatenate pdco:GaltPDCO PDCO to concatenate sequences concatenate seqops:sconcat concatenate sequences concatenate seqops:sconcatp concatenate sequences as pattern concatenate strings:cat concatenate strings conditional pdco:CondPDCO PDCO for generalized Lisp conditional conditional pdco:LcondPDCO PDCO for Lisp conditional config conffile:ReadDirectives Builds icon data structures from a config file conjugate complex:cpxconj complex conjugate conjunction pdco:GconjPDCO PDCO for generalized conjunction connect seqops:connect connect friends connected seqops:srun create connected runs connell genrfncs:connellseq generalized Connell sequence constant seqops:sconstant test for constant sequence construct dijkstra:do_od Dijkstra's do_od construct construct dijkstra:if_fi Dijkstra's if_fi construct construct trees:ldag construct dag from string construct trees:ltree construct tree from string construct trees:stree construct string from tree contents io:ClearOut remove contents of output buffer contents showtbl:showtbl show table contents continued converge:converge continued-fraction convergents continued genrfncs:cfseq continued-fraction sequence continued io:readline assemble backslash-continued lines continued pdco:CFapproxPDCO PDCO for continued-fraction approximations continued periodic:rat2cf continued fraction sequence for rational continued periodic:cfapprox continued-fraction approximation convergents converge:converge continued-fraction convergents conversion geodat:geodat define geodetic conversion conversion geodat:nadcon define NAD data conversion conversion geodat:molodensky define geodetic conversion convert calendar:Cal_DateLineToSe convert &dateline to seconds convert calendar:Cal_DateToSec convert &date to seconds convert calendar:Cal_SecToDate convert seconds to &date convert calendar:Cal_SecToDateLin convert seconds to &dateline convert calendar:Cal_SecToUnixDat convert seconds to UNIX time convert calendar:Cal_ClockToSec convert &date to seconds convert calendar:Cal_SecToClock convert seconds to &clock convert complex:strcpx convert string to complex number convert convert:exbase10 convert base 10 to arbitrary base convert convert:inbase10 convert arbitrary base to base 10 convert convert:radcon convert between bases convert datetime:ClockToSec convert &date to seconds convert datetime:DateLineToSec convert &dateline to seconds convert datetime:DateToSec convert &date to seconds convert datetime:SecToClock convert seconds to &clock convert datetime:SecToDate convert seconds to &date convert datetime:SecToDateLine convert seconds to &dateline convert datetime:SecToUnixDate convert seconds to UNIX time convert exprfile:plst2pstr convert program list to string convert exprfile:pstr2plst convert program string to list convert io:dosname convert file name to DOS format convert ivalue:ivalue convert string to Icon value convert lists:imag2lst convert limage() output to list convert lists:lst2str convert list to string convert numbers:roman convert integer to Roman numeral convert numbers:unroman convert Roman numeral to integer convert periodic:dec2rat convert repeating decimal to rational convert polynom:str2poly convert string to polynomial convert ptutils:pt2coord convert point to coordinate convert ptutils:coord2pt convert coordinate to path convert rational:rat2str convert rational to string convert rational:real2rat convert to rational with precision p convert readcpt:read_cpt convert numerical carpet to matrix convert writecpt:write_cpt convert matrix to numerical carpet coordinate ptutils:pt2coord convert point to coordinate coordinate ptutils:coord2pt convert coordinate to path coordinate ptutils:getpts make point list from coordinate file coordinate vrml:u_crd_idx create VRML coordinate index coordinates cartog:project project a list of coordinates copy io:fcopy copy file copy seqops:copyl copy list of lists copy trees:tcopy tree copy corresponding records:movecorr move corresponding record fields cosine math:cosh hyperbolic cosine count digitcnt:digitcnt count digits in file count ngrams:ngrams n-grams with count count strings:charcnt character count count strings:strcnt substring count create exprfile:ucode create ucode file create lists:file2lst create list from lines in file create pdco:DecimationPDCO PDCO to create decimation sequence create pqueue:pq create priority queue create seqops:sopal create open sequence palindrome create seqops:srun create connected runs create vrml:point_field create VRML point field create vrml:u_crd_idx create VRML coordinate index created created:created number of structures created cumulative pdco:CumsumPDCO PDCO to produce cumulative sum current io:getdrive get current DOS drive cycles permutat:cycles permutation cycles cycling pdco:CycleparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with cycling dag trees:ldag construct dag from string database gettext:gettext search database by indexed term database gettext:sequential_search brute-force database search datafile adjuncts:getidxname obtain index from datafile name date calendar:Cal_DateToSec convert &date to seconds date calendar:Cal_SecToDate convert seconds to &date date calendar:Cal_ClockToSec convert &date to seconds date datetime:ClockToSec convert &date to seconds date datetime:DateToSec convert &date to seconds date datetime:SecToDate convert seconds to &date date datetime:calendat Julian date date datetime:date date in natural English date datetime:julian Julian date date gedcom:geddate get canonical date dateline calendar:Cal_DateLineToSe convert &dateline to seconds dateline calendar:Cal_SecToDateLin convert seconds to &dateline dateline datetime:DateLineToSec convert &dateline to seconds dateline datetime:SecToDateLine convert seconds to &dateline day datetime:dayoweek day of the week ddf ddfread:ddfopen open DDF file ddf ddfread:ddfread read DDF record ddf ddfread:ddfclose close DDF file decimal numbers:decimal decimal expansion of rational decimal numbers:decipos position decimal point decimal periodic:dec2rat convert repeating decimal to rational decimal periodic:rat2dec decimal expansion of rational decimate pdco:DecimatePDCO PDCO to decimate sequence decimate seqops:sdecimate decimate sequence decimation pdco:DecimationPDCO PDCO to create decimation sequence decode base64:base64decode decode a string from base 64 (MIME) decollate pdco:DecollatePDCO PDCO to decollate sequence decollation lists:ldecollate list decollation decollation seqops:sdecollate sequence decollation decollation strings:decollate string decollation decomposition factors:prdecomp prime decomposition default tables:tbldflt table default define cartog:rectp define rectangular projection define cartog:pptrans define planar projective transformation define cartog:utm define UTM projection define cartog:compose define composite projection define geodat:geodat define geodetic conversion define geodat:nadcon define NAD data conversion define geodat:molodensky define geodetic conversion delete lists:ldelete delete specified list elements delete strings:deletec delete characters delete strings:deletes delete string delta seqops:sdelta sequence delta delta seqops:sdirection sequence delta "direction" denominator genrfncs:fareydseq Farey fraction denominator sequence depth trees:depth depth of tree detect numbers:large detect large integers determine calendar:Cal_IsLeapYear determine if year is leap determine datetime:IsLeapYear determine if year is leap determines calendar:Cal_IsDST determines if seconds (local) is DST difference pdco:DeltaPDCO PDCO to generate difference sequence difference rational:subrat difference of rationals difference tables:tbldiff table difference differentiation polynom:polydiff polynomial differentiation digit numbers:digred sum digits of integer repeated to one digit digit verncnt:verncnt number of n-digit versum numbers digital numbers:adp additive digital persistence digital numbers:adr additive digital root digital numbers:digroot digital root digital numbers:mdp multiplicative digital persistence digital numbers:mdr multiplicative digital root digits digitcnt:digitcnt count digits in file digits numbers:digred sum digits of integer repeated to one digit digits numbers:digprod product of digits digits numbers:digsum sum of digits dijkstra dijkstra:do_od Dijkstra's do_od construct dijkstra dijkstra:if_fi Dijkstra's if_fi construct direction seqops:sdirection sequence delta "direction" directive conffile:Directive Wrapper to build directive specification directive conffile:Directive_ignore quietly ignore any directive directive conffile:Directive_warnin flag directive with a warning directory io:dosdir process DOS directory directory io:dosdirlist get list of DOS directory directory io:directory succeed if name is a directory directory io:getwd get DOS working directory directory zipread:zipdir open ZIP directory divide complex:cpxdiv complex divide divide factors:pfactors primes that divide integer divide rational:divrat divide rationals. division numbers:div real division divisor numbers:gcd greatest common divisor divisor numbers:gcdl greatest common divisor of list divisors factors:divisors generate the divisors of n divisors factors:divisorl return list of divisors of n domain sets:domain domain of table dos io:dosdir process DOS directory dos io:dosdirlist get list of DOS directory dos io:dosfiles DOS file names dos io:dosname convert file name to DOS format dos io:getdrive get current DOS drive dos io:getwd get DOS working directory dosfile io:DOS_FileParts parse DOSfile name downrun weaving:DownRun weaving downrun downto weaving:Downto weaving downto downup weaving:DownUp weaving downup dpath io:dopen open file on DPATH dpath io:dpath full path to file on DPATH drive io:getdrive get current DOS drive dst calendar:Cal_IsDST determines if seconds (local) is DST duplicate pdco:RemoveDuplPDCO PDCO for remove duplicate values in a sequence duplicate seqops:sremdupl remove duplicate adjacent terms duplicate seqops:ssplitdupl split duplicate adjacent terms duplication lists:ldupl list term duplication duplication pdco:UniquePDCO PDCO to filter out duplication values eis genrfncs:eisseq EIS A sequence element lists:lswap list element swap element pqueue:pqget remove first priority queue element element pqueue:pqput insert priority queue element elements hetero:stypes types of structure elements elements lists:ldelete delete specified list elements elements lists:lunique keep only unique list elements elements pqueue:pqgen generate priority queue elements elevate lists:levate elevate values elevate pdco:ElevatePDCO PDCO to elevate sequence ellipsoid geodat:ellipsoid return [a, 1/f] for named ellipsoid encode base64:base64encode encode a string into base 64 (MIME) english datetime:date date in natural English english datetime:saytime time in natural English english numbers:spell spell integer in American English entire seqops:sscollate entire sequence collation entry lists:lmaxlen size of largest list entry entry lists:lminlen size of smallest list entry equal lists:lconstant test list for all terms equal equality ptutils:pteq test point equality equivalence equiv:equiv compare values for equivalence equivalence lists:lequiv compare lists for equivalence equivalence sets:seteq set equivalence equivalence tables:tbleq table equivalence equivalence trees:teq tree equivalence escape pscript:psprotect escape special PostScript characters escapes scan:slashbal bal() with escapes escapes scan:slashupto upto() with escapes escapes scan:slshupto upto() with escapes escaping scan:balq bal() with quote escaping. escaping scan:balqc balq() with comment escaping evaluation pdco:AllparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with repeats evaluation pdco:CycleparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with cycling evaluation pdco:FifoAER PDAE for reversal of lifo evaluation evaluation pdco:LifoAER PDAE for standard lifo evaluation evaluation pdco:ParallelAER PDAE for parallel evaluation evaluation pdco:SimpleAER PDAE for simple evaluation evaluations genrfncs:polyseq sequence of polynomial evaluations even pdco:OddEvenPDCO PDCO to force odd/even sequence even strings:odd_even odd-even numerical string execute exprfile:exec_expr execute expression in lists existence conffile:Directive_exists build existence flag: action existence io:exists test file existence expand weavutil:expandpfd expand PFD expansion numbers:decimal decimal expansion of rational expansion periodic:rat2dec decimal expansion of rational expansion seqops:sunmod modular expansion exponentiate polynom:polyexp exponentiate polynomial expression evallist:evallist list of values generated by Icon expression expression expander:pfl2pwl pattern form to Painter expression expression expander:pfl2gxp pattern form to generating expression expression expander:pwl2pfl Painter expression to pattern form expression exprfile:exprfile pipe for Icon expression expression exprfile:exec_expr execute expression in lists expression regexp:RePat regular expression pattern list expression regexp:ReMatch position past regular expression matched expression regexp:ReFind position where regular expression matched extend pdco:ExtendSeqPDCO PDCO to extend sequence extend seqops:sextend extend sequence extend strings:extend extend string extension lists:lextend list extension extension weaving:Extend weaving extension extract html:httag extract name of HTML tag extract lists:sortkeys extract keys from sorted list extract lists:sortvalues extract values from sorted list extract pdco:ExtractAER PDAE to extract values factorial factors:factorial return n! (n factorial) factorial factors:gfactorial generalized factorial factorial genrfncs:factseq factorial sequence factors factors:factors return list of factors factors factors:genfactors generate prime factors of integer factors factors:sfactors return factors in string form farey genrfncs:fareyseq Farey fraction sequence farey genrfncs:fareydseq Farey fraction denominator sequence farey genrfncs:fareynseq Farey fraction numerator sequence farey genrfncs:fareyn1seq Farey fraction numerator sequence, 1-based features adjuncts:Set_OS set global OS features fibonacci genrfncs:fibseq generalized Fibonacci sequence fibonacci genrfncs:nibonacciseq n-valued Fibonacci generalization fibonacci genrfncs:vishwanathseq random variation on Fibonacci sequence field records:field return name of field R[i] field records:fieldnum return index of field R.s field vrml:point_field create VRML point field fields records:movecorr move corresponding record fields fields sort:sortff sort on multiple fields figurate genrfncs:figurseq sequence of figurate numbers file basename:basename base name of file file conffile:ReadDirectives Builds icon data structures from a config file file ddfread:ddfopen open DDF file file ddfread:ddfclose close DDF file file digitcnt:digitcnt count digits in file file exprfile:ucode create ucode file file filesize:filesize file size file gedcom:gedload load GEDCOM data from file f file genrfncs:fileseq sequence from file file html:htchunks generate chunks of HTML file file html:htrefs generate references from HTML file file io:components get components of file name file io:dopen open file on DPATH file io:dosfiles DOS file names file io:dosname convert file name to DOS format file io:dpath full path to file on DPATH file io:exists test file existence file io:fcopy copy file file io:filetext read file into list file io:pathfind find file on path file io:suffix find suffix of file name file io:tail find tail of file name file io:tempfile get temporary file file io:tempname get temporary file name file itrcline:itrcline generate trace messages in file file lists:file2lst create list from lines in file file makelsys:readlsys make L-system from a file file ptutils:getpts make point list from coordinate file file vrml:vrml1 write VRML 1.0 file file vrml:vrml2 produce VRML 2.0 file file weavutil:write_spec write weaving include file file weavutil:write_spec1 weaving include file file weavutil:write_spec2 weaving include file file xcode:xencode write structure to file file xcode:xdecode read structure from file file xcodes:xencode write structure to file file xcodes:xdecode read structure from file filename adjuncts:Basename obtain base filename filename adjuncts:Pathname obtain path of filename files io:filelist get list of files fill pdco:SpanPDCO fill in gaps in integer sequences filter pdco:IncreasingPDCO PDCO to filter out non-increasing values filter pdco:UniquePDCO PDCO to filter out duplication values find gedcom:gedsub find subrecords find gedcom:gedval find subrecord values find gedcom:gedref find referenced nodes find gedcom:gedfind find individual by name find io:pathfind find file on path find io:suffix find suffix of file name find io:tail find tail of file name find periodic:repeater find repeat in sequence find polynom:poper find polynomial operation find seqops:get_scollate find collation in sequence find seqops:get_splace find motif along a path in sequence find seqops:get_srepeat find repeat in sequence find strings:coprefix find common prefix of strings find strings:cosuffix find common suffix of strings first gedcom:gedfnf get first name first first gedcom:gedlnf get last name first first pqueue:pqget remove first priority queue element first seqops:slocate sequences of first positions of terms first seqops:sorder positions of first occurrence first strings:ochars first appearance unique characters fix seqops:sbound compute sequence upper bound FIX! fix seqops:smin compute sequence lower bound FIX flag conffile:Directive_exists build existence flag: action flag conffile:Directive_warnin flag directive with a warning flip lists:lfliph list horizontal flip (reversal) flip lists:lflipv list vertical flip floating rational:rat2real floating-point approximation of rational floor numbers:floor floor flush io:Flush flush output buffer force gettext:sequential_search brute-force database search force pdco:OddEvenPDCO PDCO to force odd/even sequence form expander:pfl2str pattern-form to plain string form expander:pfl2pwl pattern form to Painter expression form expander:pfl2gxp pattern form to generating expression form expander:pwl2pfl Painter expression to pattern form form factors:sfactors return factors in string form form html:canpath put path in canonical form form rational:medrat form rational mediant form weavutil:check check for pattern form format gedcom:gednmf format name format io:dosname convert file name to DOS format format numbers:fix format real number format numbers:frn format real number formation polynom:pform polynomial formation fpath io:pathload load C function from $FPATH fraction converge:converge continued-fraction convergents fraction genrfncs:cfseq continued-fraction sequence fraction genrfncs:fareyseq Farey fraction sequence fraction genrfncs:fareydseq Farey fraction denominator sequence fraction genrfncs:fareynseq Farey fraction numerator sequence fraction genrfncs:fareyn1seq Farey fraction numerator sequence, 1-based fraction pdco:CFapproxPDCO PDCO for continued-fraction approximations fraction periodic:rat2cf continued fraction sequence for rational fraction periodic:cfapprox continued-fraction approximation fractional numbers:mantissa mantissa (fractional part) free factors:squarefree test for square-free number frequency strings:fchars characters in order of frequency friday datetime:full13th full moons on Friday 13ths friendly genrfncs:friendseq random friendly sequence friendly seqops:sbefriend make a sequence friendly friendly seqops:wander friendly meander friends seqops:connect connect friends full datetime:full13th full moons on Friday 13ths full io:dpath full path to file on DPATH function io:pathload load C function from $FPATH function sets:inverse inverse of table function functions iftrace:iftrace trace built-in functions gaps pdco:SpanPDCO fill in gaps in integer sequences gedcom gedcom:gedload load GEDCOM data from file f gedcom gedcom:gedwalk generate GEDCOM tree nodes in preorder generalization genrfncs:nibonacciseq n-valued Fibonacci generalization generalized factors:gfactorial generalized factorial generalized genrfncs:catlnseq generalized Catalan sequence generalized genrfncs:connellseq generalized Connell sequence generalized genrfncs:fibseq generalized Fibonacci sequence generalized genrfncs:mthuegseq generalized Morse-Thue sequence generalized genrfncs:pellseq generalized Pell sequence generalized genrfncs:versumseq generalized reversed-sum sequence generalized lists:lcollate generalized list collation generalized pdco:CondPDCO PDCO for generalized Lisp conditional generalized pdco:GconjPDCO PDCO for generalized conjunction generalized pdco:SmodPDCO generalized modular reduction generalized seqops:splaceg generalized motifs along a path generate factors:divisors generate the divisors of n generate factors:genfactors generate prime factors of integer generate factors:prime generate primes generate gedcom:gedwalk generate GEDCOM tree nodes in preorder generate genrfncs:meanderseq generate meandering characters generate genrfncs:srpseq generate square-root palindrome generate html:htchunks generate chunks of HTML file generate html:htrefs generate references from HTML file generate html:htvals generate values in HTML tag generate indices:indices generate indices generate itrcline:itrcline generate trace messages in file generate lists:lindex generate indices for items matching x generate numbers:distseq generate low to high nonsequentially generate pdco:ComplintPDCO PDCO to generate integers not in sequence generate pdco:DeltaPDCO PDCO to generate difference sequence generate pdco:PivotPDCO PDCO to generate pivot points generate pdco:RandomPDCO PDCO to generate from sequences at random generate pqueue:pqgen generate priority queue elements generate random:randseq generate &random generate sort:sortgen generate by different sorting orders generate strings:permutes generate string permutations generate strings:slugs generate s in chunks of size <= n generate strings:substrings generate substrings generate strings:words generate words from string generate weavgenr:genshafts generate shafts for string mapping generate weavgenr:genmapshafts map string and generate shafts generated evallist:evallist list of values generated by Icon expression generating expander:pfl2gxp pattern form to generating expression generator random:rand_num random number generator generator random:rng random number generator geodetic geodat:geodat define geodetic conversion geodetic geodat:molodensky define geodetic conversion geometric genrfncs:geomseq geometric sequence geometric numbers:gmean geometric mean gets calendar:Cal_NthWeekdayTo gets seconds of nth specified weekday of month global adjuncts:Set_OS set global OS features global wdiag:wdiag write labeled global values globals calendar:Cal_Init initialize calendar globals grams ngrams:ngrams n-grams with count grams ngrams:ngramset n-grams set graph graphpak:read_graph read graph graph graphpak:write_graph write graph graph graphpak:closure transitive closure of graph greatest numbers:gcd greatest common divisor greatest numbers:gcdl greatest common divisor of list ground seqops:sground ground sequence to i hailstone genrfncs:hailseq hailstone sequence handle seqops:remod handle modulus harmonic numbers:hmean harmonic mean header pscript:epsheader write PostScript header hexamorphic genrfncs:chexmorphseq sequence of centered hexamorphic numbers high numbers:distseq generate low to high nonsequentially histogram pdco:HistoPDCO histogram hofstadter genrfncs:chaosseq Hofstadter's chaotic sequence horizontal lists:lfliph list horizontal flip (reversal) horizontally seqops:sreflecth reflect sequence horizontally html html:htchunks generate chunks of HTML file html html:htrefs generate references from HTML file html html:httag extract name of HTML tag html html:htvals generate values in HTML tag http vhttp:vhttp validate HTTP: URL hyperbolic math:cosh hyperbolic cosine hyperbolic math:sinh hyperbolic sine hyperbolic math:tanh hyperbolic tanh icon conffile:ReadDirectives Builds icon data structures from a config file icon evallist:evallist list of values generated by Icon expression icon exprfile:exprfile pipe for Icon expression icon ivalue:ivalue convert string to Icon value ignore conffile:Directive_ignore quietly ignore any directive image lists:limage list image image periodic:seqimage sequence image image seqops:simage string image of sequence image seqops:simageb bracketed sequence image image sets:simage string image of set image ximage:ximage string image of value images ximage:xdump write images of values include weavutil:write_spec write weaving include file include weavutil:write_spec1 weaving include file include weavutil:write_spec2 weaving include file inclusion sets:setlt set inclusion increasing pdco:IncreasingPDCO PDCO to filter out non-increasing values index adjuncts:getidxname obtain index from datafile name index gettext:get_offsets binary search of index index records:fieldnum return index of field R.s index vrml:u_crd_idx create VRML coordinate index indexed gettext:gettext search database by indexed term indices indices:indices generate indices indices lists:lindex generate indices for items matching x individual gedcom:gedfind find individual by name initialize calendar:Cal_Init initialize calendar globals initialize seqops:sinit initialize sequence operations insert numbers:commas insert commas in number insert pqueue:pqput insert priority queue element integer factors:genfactors generate prime factors of integer integer factors:pfactors primes that divide integer integer factors:ispower test for integer power integer genrfncs:partitseq sequence of integer partitions integer numbers:digred sum digits of integer repeated to one digit integer numbers:roman convert integer to Roman numeral integer numbers:spell spell integer in American English integer numbers:unroman convert Roman numeral to integer integer pdco:SpanPDCO fill in gaps in integer sequences integers genrfncs:multiseq sequence of repeated integers integers numbers:large detect large integers integers numbers:mod1 modulus for 1-based integers integers numbers:residue residue for j-based integers integers pdco:ComplintPDCO PDCO to generate integers not in sequence integers random:choose set of k integers in [1..n] integration polynom:polyintg polynomial integration inter pdco:ParallelPDCO synonym for Inter interleave lists:llayer interleave lists with layering interleave pdco:InterPDCO PDCO to interleave sequences interleave strings:interleave interleave strings interleave weaving:Interleave weaving interleave interleaving lists:linterl list interleaving intermixing seqops:sintermix sequence intermixing interpolate echo:echo interpolate variables and print interpret lterps:seqterp interpret L-system output intersection tables:tblinter table intersection intervals genrfncs:arandseq arithmetic sequence with random intervals inverse sets:inverse inverse of table function inversion cartog:invp return inversion of projection inversion tables:tblinvrt table inversion items lists:lindex generate indices for items matching x items scan:limatch matching items in list iteration pdco:EveryPDCO PDCO to model iteration iteration pdco:ResumePDCO PDCO to model limited iteration julian datetime:calendat Julian date julian datetime:julian Julian date keep lists:lunique keep only unique list elements key conffile:Directive_table_ build table of sets: action key value(s) key conffile:Directive_table build table: action key value key kmap:kmap map letter with modifier key to lowercase keys lists:sortkeys extract keys from sorted list keys tables:keylist list of keys in table labeled wdiag:wdiag write labeled global values large numbers:large detect large integers largest lists:lmaxlen size of largest list entry last gedcom:gedlnf get last name first layer seqops:slayer layer sequences layering lists:llayer interleave lists with layering leap calendar:Cal_IsLeapYear determine if year is leap leap datetime:IsLeapYear determine if year is leap least numbers:lcm least common multiple least numbers:lcml least common multiple of list left lists:llpad list padding at left left lists:lltrim list left trimming length pdco:LengthPDCO PDCO to produce length of sequence length seqops:slength compute sequence length length strings:maxlen maximum string length letter kmap:kmap map letter with modifier key to lowercase lexical strings:schars lexical unique characters lexically strings:csort lexically ordered characters lifo pdco:FifoAER PDAE for reversal of lifo evaluation lifo pdco:LifoAER PDAE for standard lifo evaluation limit pdco:SumlimitPDCO PDCO to sum sequence to a limit limitation pdco:LimitPDCO PDCO to model limitation limited pdco:ResumePDCO PDCO to model limited iteration line io:GetBack get back line written line io:LookAhead look at next line line io:PutBack put back line read line io:Read read a line in buffered mode line io:splitline split line into pieces linear genrfncs:lrrcseq linear recurrence sequence lines io:readline assemble backslash-continued lines lines lists:file2lst create list from lines in file lisp pdco:CondPDCO PDCO for generalized Lisp conditional lisp pdco:LcondPDCO PDCO for Lisp conditional list cartog:project project a list of coordinates list conffile:Directive_list build list: action value(s) list evallist:evallist list of values generated by Icon expression list exprfile:plst2pstr convert program list to string list exprfile:pstr2plst convert program string to list list factors:divisorl return list of divisors of n list factors:factors return list of factors list factors:primel primes from list list io:dosdirlist get list of DOS directory list io:filelist get list of files list io:filetext read file into list list lists:file2lst create list from lines in file list lists:imag2lst convert limage() output to list list lists:l_Bscan begin list scanning list lists:l_Escan end list scanning list lists:l_any any() for list scanning list lists:l_bal bal() for list scanning list lists:l_find find() for list scanning list lists:l_many many() for list scanning list lists:l_match match() for list scanning list lists:l_move move() for list scanning list lists:l_pos pos() for list scanning list lists:l_tab tab() for list scanning list lists:l_upto upto() for list scanning list lists:lcomb list combinations list lists:ldecollate list decollation list lists:ldelete delete specified list elements list lists:ldupl list term duplication list lists:lextend list extension list lists:lfliph list horizontal flip (reversal) list lists:lflipv list vertical flip list lists:limage list image list lists:lcollate generalized list collation list lists:lconstant test list for all terms equal list lists:linterl list interleaving list lists:llpad list padding at left list lists:lrunup list run up list lists:lrundown list run up list lists:lltrim list left trimming list lists:lmap list mapping list lists:lresidue list residue list lists:lpalin list palindrome list lists:lpermute list permutations list lists:lreflect list reflection list lists:lremvals remove values from list list lists:lrepl list replication list lists:lreverse list reverse list lists:lrotate list rotation list lists:lrpad list right padding list lists:lrtrim list right trimming list lists:lshift shift list terms list lists:lst2str convert list to string list lists:lswap list element swap list lists:lunique keep only unique list elements list lists:lmaxlen size of largest list entry list lists:lminlen size of smallest list entry list lists:sortkeys extract keys from sorted list list lists:sortvalues extract values from sorted list list lists:str2lst list from string list makelsys:makelsys make L-system from list list numbers:gcdl greatest common divisor of list list numbers:lcml least common multiple of list list pdco:ListPDCO list from sequence list pdco:SeqlistPDCO PDCO to return list of values list ptutils:getpts make point list from coordinate file list regexp:RePat regular expression pattern list list scan:limatch matching items in list list seqops:copyl copy list of lists list sort:sortt sort to produce list of records list strings:multicoll collate strings in list list tables:keylist list of keys in table list tables:vallist list of table values list weavutil:sympos position of symbol in symbol list list weavutil:possym symbol in position i of symbol list list xforms:transform transform point list by matrix list xforms:transform_points transform point list lists exprfile:exec_expr execute expression in lists lists lists:llayer interleave lists with layering lists lists:lequiv compare lists for equivalence lists seqops:copyl copy list of lists load gedcom:gedload load GEDCOM data from file f load io:pathload load C function from $FPATH local calendar:Cal_IsDST determines if seconds (local) is DST log memlog:memlog log memory usage look io:LookAhead look at next line low numbers:distseq generate low to high nonsequentially lower pdco:LowerTrimPDCO lower trimming lower seqops:smin compute sequence lower bound FIX lowercase kmap:kmap map letter with modifier key to lowercase lowest rational:ratred reduce rational to lowest terms lrrcseq genrfncs:linrecseq synonym for lrrcseq make makelsys:makelsys make L-system from list make makelsys:readlsys make L-system from a file make ptutils:getpts make point list from coordinate file make seqops:sundulate make undulating sequence make seqops:sbefriend make a sequence friendly mantissa numbers:mantissa mantissa (fractional part) map kmap:kmap map letter with modifier key to lowercase map pdco:MapPDCO PDCO to map values map seqops:smap map terms in sequence map weavgenr:shaftmap produce shaft map for characters map weavgenr:genmapshafts map string and generate shafts mapping lists:lmap list mapping mapping weavgenr:genshafts generate shafts for string mapping matched regexp:ReMatch position past regular expression matched matched regexp:ReFind position where regular expression matched matching lists:lindex generate indices for items matching x matching scan:limatch matching items in list matrix readcpt:read_cpt convert numerical carpet to matrix matrix writecpt:write_cpt convert matrix to numerical carpet matrix xforms:transform transform point list by matrix matrix xforms:set_scale matrix for scaling matrix xforms:set_trans matrix for translation matrix xforms:set_xshear matrix for x shear matrix xforms:set_yshear matrix for y shear matrix xforms:set_rotate matrix for rotation maximum numbers:max maximum value maximum strings:maxlen maximum string length mean numbers:amean arithmetic mean mean numbers:gmean geometric mean mean numbers:hmean harmonic mean mean numbers:qmean quadratic mean meander seqops:wander friendly meander meandering genrfncs:meanderseq generate meandering characters meandering strings:meander meandering strings mediant rational:medrat form rational mediant member zipread:zipfile open member of ZIP archive memory memlog:memlog log memory usage merge html:urlmerge merge URLs messages itrcline:itrcline generate trace messages in file midnight datetime:walltime time since midnight mime base64:base64encode encode a string into base 64 (MIME) mime base64:base64decode decode a string from base 64 (MIME) minimum numbers:min minimum value missing seqops:smissing missing terms in sequence BOGUS?? mixed mixsort:mixsort mixed-case string sorting mode io:Read read a line in buffered mode mode io:Write write in buffered mode modifier kmap:kmap map letter with modifier key to lowercase modular pdco:SmodPDCO generalized modular reduction modular polynom:polymod polynomial modular reduction modular seqops:smod modular reduction modular seqops:sunmod modular expansion modulus numbers:mod1 modulus for 1-based integers modulus seqops:remod handle modulus month calendar:Cal_NthWeekdayTo gets seconds of nth specified weekday of month moon datetime:pom phase of moon moons datetime:full13th full moons on Friday 13ths morse genrfncs:mthueseq Morse-Thue sequence morse genrfncs:mthuegseq generalized Morse-Thue sequence motif seqops:get_splace find motif along a path in sequence motif seqops:splace place motif along a path motif seqops:splacep place motif along a path motifs seqops:splaceg generalized motifs along a path move records:movecorr move corresponding record fields multi permutat:multireduce multi-reduction permutation multiple numbers:lcm least common multiple multiple numbers:lcml least common multiple of list multiple pdco:SelfreplPDCO PDCO to produce multiple of values in sequence multiple sort:sortff sort on multiple fields multiple strings:replacem multiple string replacement multiplicative numbers:mdp multiplicative digital persistence multiplicative numbers:mdr multiplicative digital root multiply complex:cpxmul complex multiply multiply polynom:polymul multiply polynomials multiply rational:mpyrat multiply rationals mutate permutat:mutate mutate sequence mutation seqops:smutate mutation nad geodat:nadcon define NAD data conversion name adjuncts:getidxname obtain index from datafile name name basename:basename base name of file name gedcom:gedfnf get first name first name gedcom:gedlnf get last name first name gedcom:gednmf format name name gedcom:gedfind find individual by name name html:httag extract name of HTML tag name io:DOS_FileParts parse DOSfile name name io:components get components of file name name io:dosname convert file name to DOS format name io:directory succeed if name is a directory name io:suffix find suffix of file name name io:tail find tail of file name name io:tempname get temporary file name name records:field return name of field R[i] named geodat:ellipsoid return [a, 1/f] for named ellipsoid names io:dosfiles DOS file names natural datetime:date date in natural English natural datetime:saytime time in natural English negative ptutils:negpt negative of point negative rational:negrat negative of rational next factors:nxtprime next prime beyond n next io:LookAhead look at next line nodes gedcom:gedwalk generate GEDCOM tree nodes in preorder nodes gedcom:gedref find referenced nodes nodes trees:visit visit nodes of tree nonsequentially numbers:distseq generate low to high nonsequentially normalize seqops:snormal normalize sequence nth calendar:Cal_NthWeekdayTo gets seconds of nth specified weekday of month number complex:strcpx convert string to complex number number complex:cpxstr return complex number as string number created:created number of structures created number factors:squarefree test for square-free number number numbers:commas insert commas in number number numbers:fix format real number number numbers:frn format real number number random:rand_num random number generator number random:randrange random number in range number random:rng random number generator number serial:serial structure serial number number strings:diffcnt number of different characters number verncnt:verncnt number of n-digit versum numbers numbers genrfncs:chexmorphseq sequence of centered hexamorphic numbers numbers genrfncs:figurseq sequence of figurate numbers numbers genrfncs:ngonalseq sequence of polygonal numbers numbers genrfncs:primeseq sequence of prime numbers numbers numbers:npalins palindromic numbers numbers numbers:sum sum of numbers numbers verncnt:verncnt number of n-digit versum numbers numeral numbers:roman convert integer to Roman numeral numeral numbers:unroman convert Roman numeral to integer numerator genrfncs:fareynseq Farey fraction numerator sequence numerator genrfncs:fareyn1seq Farey fraction numerator sequence, 1-based numerical readcpt:read_cpt convert numerical carpet to matrix numerical strings:odd_even odd-even numerical string numerical writecpt:write_cpt convert matrix to numerical carpet obtain adjuncts:Basename obtain base filename obtain adjuncts:Pathname obtain path of filename obtain adjuncts:getidxname obtain index from datafile name occurrence seqops:sorder positions of first occurrence odd pdco:OddEvenPDCO PDCO to force odd/even sequence odd strings:odd_even odd-even numerical string one numbers:digred sum digits of integer repeated to one digit only lists:lunique keep only unique list elements open ddfread:ddfopen open DDF file open io:dopen open file on DPATH open lists:lclose close open palindrome open seqops:sopal create open sequence palindrome open zipread:zipdir open ZIP directory open zipread:zipfile open member of ZIP archive operations seqops:sinit initialize sequence operations order strings:fchars characters in order of frequency ordered strings:csort lexically ordered characters orders sort:sortgen generate by different sorting orders output io:ClearOut remove contents of output buffer output io:Flush flush output buffer output lists:imag2lst convert limage() output to list output lterps:seqterp interpret L-system output pack binary:pack pack values into a string padding lists:llpad list padding at left padding lists:lrpad list right padding painter expander:pfl2pwl pattern form to Painter expression painter expander:pwl2pfl Painter expression to pattern form pairs sets:pairset set of table pairs palindrome genrfncs:srpseq generate square-root palindrome palindrome lists:lclose close open palindrome palindrome lists:lpalin list palindrome palindrome pdco:PatternPalinPDCO PDCO to produce pattern palindrome palindrome seqops:scpal closed sequence palindrome palindrome seqops:sopal create open sequence palindrome palindrome strings:ispal test for palindrome palindrome weaving:Palindrome weaving palindrome palindromes strings:palins palindromes palindromic numbers:npalins palindromic numbers palindromic pdco:PalinPDCO PDCO to produce palindromic sequence parallel pdco:AllparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with repeats parallel pdco:CycleparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with cycling parallel pdco:ParallelAER PDAE for parallel evaluation parity seqops:sparity adjust parity parse io:DOS_FileParts parse DOSfile name part numbers:mantissa mantissa (fractional part) part pdco:PeriodPDCO PDCO for periodic part of sequence partitions genrfncs:partitseq sequence of integer partitions pascal pascal:pascal Pascal triangle pascal pascltri:PascalsTriangle Pascal triangle row past regexp:ReMatch position past regular expression matched path adjuncts:Pathname obtain path of filename path html:canpath put path in canonical form path io:dpath full path to file on DPATH path io:pathfind find file on path path ptutils:coord2pt convert coordinate to path path seqops:get_splace find motif along a path in sequence path seqops:splace place motif along a path path seqops:splacep place motif along a path path seqops:splaceg generalized motifs along a path pattern boolops:b01 complement pattern pattern expander:pfl2str pattern-form to plain string pattern expander:pfl2pwl pattern form to Painter expression pattern expander:pfl2gxp pattern form to generating expression pattern expander:pwl2pfl Painter expression to pattern form pattern pdco:PatternPalinPDCO PDCO to produce pattern palindrome pattern regexp:RePat regular expression pattern list pattern seqops:sconcatp concatenate sequences as pattern pattern weavutil:check check for pattern form patterns boolops:b0110 "xor" of two patterns patterns boolops:b1000 "and" of two patterns patterns boolops:b1110 "or" of two patterns pbox weaving:Pbox weaving pbox pdae pdco:AllparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with repeats pdae pdco:CycleparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with cycling pdae pdco:ExtractAER PDAE to extract values pdae pdco:FifoAER PDAE for reversal of lifo evaluation pdae pdco:LifoAER PDAE for standard lifo evaluation pdae pdco:ParallelAER PDAE for parallel evaluation pdae pdco:SimpleAER PDAE for simple evaluation pdco pdco:AddTabbyPDCO PDCO to add tabby to treadling pdco pdco:AltPDCO PDCO to model alternation pdco pdco:BinopPDCO PDCO to apply binary operation to sequences pdco pdco:CFapproxPDCO PDCO for continued-fraction approximations pdco pdco:ComparePDCO PDCO to compare sequences pdco pdco:ComplintPDCO PDCO to generate integers not in sequence pdco pdco:CondPDCO PDCO for generalized Lisp conditional pdco pdco:CumsumPDCO PDCO to produce cumulative sum pdco pdco:DecimatePDCO PDCO to decimate sequence pdco pdco:DecimationPDCO PDCO to create decimation sequence pdco pdco:DecollatePDCO PDCO to decollate sequence pdco pdco:DeltaPDCO PDCO to generate difference sequence pdco pdco:ElevatePDCO PDCO to elevate sequence pdco pdco:EveryPDCO PDCO to model iteration pdco pdco:ExtendSeqPDCO PDCO to extend sequence pdco pdco:GaltPDCO PDCO to concatenate sequences pdco pdco:GconjPDCO PDCO for generalized conjunction pdco pdco:IncreasingPDCO PDCO to filter out non-increasing values pdco pdco:IndexPDCO PDCO to select terms by position pdco pdco:InterPDCO PDCO to interleave sequences pdco pdco:LcondPDCO PDCO for Lisp conditional pdco pdco:LengthPDCO PDCO to produce length of sequence pdco pdco:LimitPDCO PDCO to model limitation pdco pdco:MapPDCO PDCO to map values pdco pdco:OddEvenPDCO PDCO to force odd/even sequence pdco pdco:PalinPDCO PDCO to produce palindromic sequence pdco pdco:PatternPalinPDCO PDCO to produce pattern palindrome pdco pdco:PeriodPDCO PDCO for periodic part of sequence pdco pdco:PermutePDCO PDCO for permutations pdco pdco:PivotPDCO PDCO to generate pivot points pdco pdco:RandomPDCO PDCO to generate from sequences at random pdco pdco:RepaltPDCO PDCO to model repeated alternation pdco pdco:ReducePDCO PDCO to reduce sequence using binary operation pdco pdco:RepeatPDCO PDCO to repeat sequence pdco pdco:RemoveDuplPDCO PDCO for remove duplicate values in a sequence pdco pdco:ReplPDCO PDCO to replicate values in a sequence pdco pdco:ResumePDCO PDCO to model limited iteration pdco pdco:ReversePDCO PDCO to reverse sequence pdco pdco:RotatePDCO PDCO to rotate sequence pdco pdco:SelfreplPDCO PDCO to produce multiple of values in sequence pdco pdco:SeqlistPDCO PDCO to return list of values pdco pdco:SkipPDCO PDCO to skip terms pdco pdco:SumlimitPDCO PDCO to sum sequence to a limit pdco pdco:TrinopPDCO PDCO to apply trinary operator to sequences pdco pdco:UndulantPDCO PDCO to produce undulant pdco pdco:UniquePDCO PDCO to filter out duplication values pdco pdco:UnopPDCO PDCO to apply unary operation to sequence pdco pdco:WobblePDCO PDCO to produce sequence values alternately pell genrfncs:pellseq generalized Pell sequence period permutat:permperiod period of permutation period seqops:shaft_period shaft period period seqops:speriod period of sequence periodic pdco:PeriodPDCO PDCO for periodic part of sequence permutation permutat:multireduce multi-reduction permutation permutation permutat:permperiod period of permutation permutation permutat:cycles permutation cycles permutation weaving:Permute weaving permutation permutations lists:lpermute list permutations permutations pdco:PermutePDCO PDCO for permutations permutations strings:permutes generate string permutations perrin genrfncs:perrinseq perrin sequence persistence numbers:adp additive digital persistence persistence numbers:mdp multiplicative digital persistence pfd weavutil:writepfd write PFD pfd weavutil:expandpfd expand PFD phase datetime:pom phase of moon pieces io:splitline split line into pieces pipe exprfile:exprfile pipe for Icon expression pivot pdco:PivotPDCO PDCO to generate pivot points place seqops:splace place motif along a path place seqops:splacep place motif along a path plain expander:pfl2str pattern-form to plain string planar cartog:pptrans define planar projective transformation plural plural:plural produce plural of word point numbers:decipos position decimal point point ptutils:pt2coord convert point to coordinate point ptutils:negpt negative of point point ptutils:pteq test point equality point ptutils:getpts make point list from coordinate file point rational:rat2real floating-point approximation of rational point vrml:point_field create VRML point field point xforms:transform transform point list by matrix point xforms:transform_points transform point list points pdco:PivotPDCO PDCO to generate pivot points polygonal genrfncs:ngonalseq sequence of polygonal numbers polynomial genrfncs:polyseq sequence of polynomial evaluations polynomial polynom:str2poly convert string to polynomial polynomial polynom:polymod polynomial modular reduction polynomial polynom:polyexp exponentiate polynomial polynomial polynom:poly2str polynomial to string polynomial polynom:polydiff polynomial differentiation polynomial polynom:polyintg polynomial integration polynomial polynom:peval string polynomial simplification polynomial polynom:poper find polynomial operation polynomial polynom:pform polynomial formation polynomial polynom:poly2profile polynomial to profile sequence polynomial polynom:poly2profilelen polynomial to profile sequence polynomials polynom:polyadd add polynomials polynomials polynom:polysub subtract polynomials polynomials polynom:polymul multiply polynomials position numbers:decipos position decimal point position pdco:IndexPDCO PDCO to select terms by position position regexp:ReMatch position past regular expression matched position regexp:ReFind position where regular expression matched position weavutil:sympos position of symbol in symbol list position weavutil:possym symbol in position i of symbol list positions seqops:slocate sequences of first positions of terms positions seqops:sorder positions of first occurrence positions seqops:spositions positions of values in sequence postscript pscript:epsheader write PostScript header postscript pscript:psprotect escape special PostScript characters power factors:ispower test for integer power powers genrfncs:powersofseq powers powers genrfncs:powerseq powers sequence pre strings:pretrim pre-trim string precision rational:real2rat convert to rational with precision p prefix strings:coprefix find common prefix of strings preorder gedcom:gedwalk generate GEDCOM tree nodes in preorder primality factors:isprime test for primality prime factors:genfactors generate prime factors of integer prime factors:nxtprime next prime beyond n prime factors:prdecomp prime decomposition prime genrfncs:primeseq sequence of prime numbers primes factors:pfactors primes that divide integer primes factors:prime generate primes primes factors:primel primes from list primes factors:primorial product of primes print echo:echo interpolate variables and print priority pqueue:pq create priority queue priority pqueue:pqget remove first priority queue element priority pqueue:pqgen generate priority queue elements priority pqueue:pqput insert priority queue element process io:dosdir process DOS directory product factors:primorial product of primes product numbers:digprod product of digits profile polynom:poly2profile polynomial to profile sequence profile polynom:poly2profilelen polynomial to profile sequence program exprfile:plst2pstr convert program list to string program exprfile:pstr2plst convert program string to list project cartog:project project a list of coordinates projection cartog:invp return inversion of projection projection cartog:rectp define rectangular projection projection cartog:utm define UTM projection projection cartog:compose define composite projection projective cartog:pptrans define planar projective transformation promote seqops:spromote promote term to sequence quadratic numbers:qmean quadratic mean queue pqueue:pq create priority queue queue pqueue:pqget remove first priority queue element queue pqueue:pqgen generate priority queue elements queue pqueue:pqput insert priority queue element quietly conffile:Directive_ignore quietly ignore any directive quote scan:balq bal() with quote escaping. rabbit genrfncs:rabbitseq rabbit sequence random genrfncs:arandseq arithmetic sequence with random intervals random genrfncs:friendseq random friendly sequence random genrfncs:vishwanathseq random variation on Fibonacci sequence random pdco:RandomPDCO PDCO to generate from sequences at random random random:rand_num random number generator random random:randrange random number in range random random:randrangeseq random sequence in range random random:randseq generate &random random random:rng random number generator random seqops:srandom random selection randomize random:randomize randomize range random:randrange random number in range range random:randrangeseq random sequence in range range sets:range range of table rational numbers:decimal decimal expansion of rational rational periodic:Sqrt rational approximate to square root rational periodic:rat2cf continued fraction sequence for rational rational periodic:dec2rat convert repeating decimal to rational rational periodic:rat2dec decimal expansion of rational rational rational:medrat form rational mediant rational rational:negrat negative of rational rational rational:rat2real floating-point approximation of rational rational rational:rat2str convert rational to string rational rational:ratred reduce rational to lowest terms rational rational:real2rat convert to rational with precision p rational rational:reciprat reciprocal of rational rationals rational:addrat sum of rationals rationals rational:divrat divide rationals. rationals rational:mpyrat multiply rationals rationals rational:subrat difference of rationals read ddfread:ddfread read DDF record read graphpak:read_graph read graph read io:PutBack put back line read read io:Read read a line in buffered mode read io:ReadAhead read ahead read io:filetext read file into list read xcode:xdecode read structure from file read xcodes:xdecode read structure from file real numbers:div real division real numbers:fix format real number real numbers:frn format real number real numbers:round round real real numbers:trunc truncate real reciprocal rational:reciprat reciprocal of rational record ddfread:ddfread read DDF record record records:movecorr move corresponding record fields records sort:sortt sort to produce list of records rectangular cartog:rectp define rectangular projection recurrence genrfncs:lrrcseq linear recurrence sequence reduce pdco:ReducePDCO PDCO to reduce sequence using binary operation reduce rational:ratred reduce rational to lowest terms reduction pdco:SmodPDCO generalized modular reduction reduction permutat:multireduce multi-reduction permutation reduction polynom:polymod polynomial modular reduction reduction seqops:smod modular reduction referenced gedcom:gedref find referenced nodes references html:htrefs generate references from HTML file reflect seqops:sreflecth reflect sequence horizontally reflect seqops:sreflectv reflect sequence vertically reflection lists:lreflect list reflection reflection strings:reflect string reflection regular regexp:RePat regular expression pattern list regular regexp:ReMatch position past regular expression matched regular regexp:ReFind position where regular expression matched remove adjuncts:Strip remove chars from string remove io:ClearOut remove contents of output buffer remove lists:lremvals remove values from list remove pdco:RemoveDuplPDCO PDCO for remove duplicate values in a sequence remove pqueue:pqget remove first priority queue element remove seqops:sremdupl remove duplicate adjacent terms repeat pdco:RepeatPDCO PDCO to repeat sequence repeat periodic:repeater find repeat in sequence repeat seqops:get_srepeat find repeat in sequence repeat seqops:srepeat repeat sequence repeated genrfncs:irepl repeated sequence repeated genrfncs:multiseq sequence of repeated integers repeated numbers:digred sum digits of integer repeated to one digit repeated pdco:RepaltPDCO PDCO to model repeated alternation repeating periodic:dec2rat convert repeating decimal to rational repeats pdco:AllparAER PDAE for parallel evaluation with repeats repl pdco:ValrptPDCO synonym for Repl replacement strings:replace string replacement replacement strings:replacem multiple string replacement replicate pdco:ReplPDCO PDCO to replicate values in a sequence replicate strings:replc replicate characters replication lists:lrepl list replication residue lists:lresidue list residue residue numbers:residue residue for j-based integers return cartog:invp return inversion of projection return complex:cpxstr return complex number as string return factors:divisorl return list of divisors of n return factors:factorial return n! (n factorial) return factors:factors return list of factors return factors:sfactors return factors in string form return geodat:ellipsoid return [a, 1/f] for named ellipsoid return pdco:SeqlistPDCO PDCO to return list of values return records:field return name of field R[i] return records:fieldnum return index of field R.s reversal lists:lfliph list horizontal flip (reversal) reversal pdco:FifoAER PDAE for reversal of lifo evaluation reverse genrfncs:ratsseq reverse add and then sort sequence reverse lists:lreverse list reverse reverse pdco:ReversePDCO PDCO to reverse sequence reversed genrfncs:versumseq generalized reversed-sum sequence rewrite lindgen:lindgen rewrite L-system rewrite lindgen:lindgenx rewrite L-system right lists:lrpad list right padding right lists:lrtrim list right trimming roman numbers:roman convert integer to Roman numeral roman numbers:unroman convert Roman numeral to integer root genrfncs:srpseq generate square-root palindrome root numbers:adr additive digital root root numbers:digroot digital root root numbers:mdr multiplicative digital root root periodic:Sqrt rational approximate to square root rotate pdco:RotatePDCO PDCO to rotate sequence rotate seqops:srotatev rotate sequence vertically rotation lists:lrotate list rotation rotation strings:rotate string rotation rotation xforms:set_rotate matrix for rotation round numbers:round round real row pascltri:PascalsTriangle Pascal triangle row run lists:lrunup list run up run lists:lrundown list run up runs seqops:srun create connected runs scale seqops:sscale scale terms in sequence scalebar cartog:sbsize calculate scalebar size scaling xforms:set_scale matrix for scaling scanning lists:l_Bscan begin list scanning scanning lists:l_Escan end list scanning scanning lists:l_any any() for list scanning scanning lists:l_bal bal() for list scanning scanning lists:l_find find() for list scanning scanning lists:l_many many() for list scanning scanning lists:l_match match() for list scanning scanning lists:l_move move() for list scanning scanning lists:l_pos pos() for list scanning scanning lists:l_tab tab() for list scanning scanning lists:l_upto upto() for list scanning scanning scan:snapshot snapshot of string scanning scramble strings:scramble scramble string search gettext:gettext search database by indexed term search gettext:get_offsets binary search of index search gettext:sequential_search brute-force database search seconds calendar:Cal_IsDST determines if seconds (local) is DST seconds calendar:Cal_NthWeekdayTo gets seconds of nth specified weekday of month seconds calendar:Cal_DateLineToSe convert &dateline to seconds seconds calendar:Cal_DateToSec convert &date to seconds seconds calendar:Cal_SecToDate convert seconds to &date seconds calendar:Cal_SecToDateLin convert seconds to &dateline seconds calendar:Cal_SecToUnixDat convert seconds to UNIX time seconds calendar:Cal_ClockToSec convert &date to seconds seconds calendar:Cal_SecToClock convert seconds to &clock seconds datetime:ClockToSec convert &date to seconds seconds datetime:DateLineToSec convert &dateline to seconds seconds datetime:DateToSec convert &date to seconds seconds datetime:SecToClock convert seconds to &clock seconds datetime:SecToDate convert seconds to &date seconds datetime:SecToDateLine convert seconds to &dateline seconds datetime:SecToUnixDate convert seconds to UNIX time select pdco:IndexPDCO PDCO to select terms by position select seqops:sselect select terms from sequence select strings:selectp select characters selection seqops:srandom random selection sequence genrfncs:arandseq arithmetic sequence with random intervals sequence genrfncs:arithseq arithmetic sequence sequence genrfncs:beatty1seq Beatty sequence 1 sequence genrfncs:beatty2seq Beatty sequence 2 sequence genrfncs:catlnseq generalized Catalan sequence sequence genrfncs:chaosseq Hofstadter's chaotic sequence sequence genrfncs:connellseq generalized Connell sequence sequence genrfncs:chexmorphseq sequence of centered hexamorphic numbers sequence genrfncs:cfseq continued-fraction sequence sequence genrfncs:eisseq EIS A sequence sequence genrfncs:factseq factorial sequence sequence genrfncs:fareyseq Farey fraction sequence sequence genrfncs:fareydseq Farey fraction denominator sequence sequence genrfncs:fareynseq Farey fraction numerator sequence sequence genrfncs:fareyn1seq Farey fraction numerator sequence, 1-based sequence genrfncs:fibseq generalized Fibonacci sequence sequence genrfncs:fileseq sequence from file sequence genrfncs:figurseq sequence of figurate numbers sequence genrfncs:friendseq random friendly sequence sequence genrfncs:geomseq geometric sequence sequence genrfncs:hailseq hailstone sequence sequence genrfncs:irepl repeated sequence sequence genrfncs:lrrcseq linear recurrence sequence sequence genrfncs:mthueseq Morse-Thue sequence sequence genrfncs:mthuegseq generalized Morse-Thue sequence sequence genrfncs:multiseq sequence of repeated integers sequence genrfncs:ngonalseq sequence of polygonal numbers sequence genrfncs:partitseq sequence of integer partitions sequence genrfncs:pellseq generalized Pell sequence sequence genrfncs:perrinseq perrin sequence sequence genrfncs:polyseq sequence of polynomial evaluations sequence genrfncs:primeseq sequence of prime numbers sequence genrfncs:powerseq powers sequence sequence genrfncs:rabbitseq rabbit sequence sequence genrfncs:ratsseq reverse add and then sort sequence sequence genrfncs:signaseq signature sequence sequence genrfncs:spectseq spectral sequence sequence genrfncs:versumseq generalized reversed-sum sequence sequence genrfncs:versumopseq versum sequence with operator sequence genrfncs:vishwanathseq random variation on Fibonacci sequence sequence lists:lcompact compact sequence sequence pdco:ComplintPDCO PDCO to generate integers not in sequence sequence pdco:DecimatePDCO PDCO to decimate sequence sequence pdco:DecimationPDCO PDCO to create decimation sequence sequence pdco:DecollatePDCO PDCO to decollate sequence sequence pdco:DeltaPDCO PDCO to generate difference sequence sequence pdco:ElevatePDCO PDCO to elevate sequence sequence pdco:ExtendSeqPDCO PDCO to extend sequence sequence pdco:LengthPDCO PDCO to produce length of sequence sequence pdco:ListPDCO list from sequence sequence pdco:OddEvenPDCO PDCO to force odd/even sequence sequence pdco:PalinPDCO PDCO to produce palindromic sequence sequence pdco:PeriodPDCO PDCO for periodic part of sequence sequence pdco:ReducePDCO PDCO to reduce sequence using binary operation sequence pdco:RepeatPDCO PDCO to repeat sequence sequence pdco:RemoveDuplPDCO PDCO for remove duplicate values in a sequence sequence pdco:ReplPDCO PDCO to replicate values in a sequence sequence pdco:ReversePDCO PDCO to reverse sequence sequence pdco:RotatePDCO PDCO to rotate sequence sequence pdco:SelfreplPDCO PDCO to produce multiple of values in sequence sequence pdco:SumlimitPDCO PDCO to sum sequence to a limit sequence pdco:UnopPDCO PDCO to apply unary operation to sequence sequence pdco:UpperTrimPDCO upper sequence trimming sequence pdco:WobblePDCO PDCO to produce sequence values alternately sequence periodic:rat2cf continued fraction sequence for rational sequence periodic:repeater find repeat in sequence sequence periodic:seqimage sequence image sequence permutat:mutate mutate sequence sequence polynom:poly2profile polynomial to profile sequence sequence polynom:poly2profilelen polynomial to profile sequence sequence random:randrangeseq random sequence in range sequence seqops:get_scollate find collation in sequence sequence seqops:get_splace find motif along a path in sequence sequence seqops:get_srepeat find repeat in sequence sequence seqops:is_scompact test sequence for compactness sequence seqops:sbound compute sequence upper bound FIX! sequence seqops:scollate sequence term collation sequence seqops:scompress compact sequence sequence seqops:sconstant test for constant sequence sequence seqops:scpal closed sequence palindrome sequence seqops:sdecimate decimate sequence sequence seqops:sdecollate sequence decollation sequence seqops:sdelta sequence delta sequence seqops:sdirection sequence delta "direction" sequence seqops:sextend extend sequence sequence seqops:sground ground sequence to i sequence seqops:simage string image of sequence sequence seqops:simageb bracketed sequence image sequence seqops:sinit initialize sequence operations sequence seqops:sintermix sequence intermixing sequence seqops:slength compute sequence length sequence seqops:smap map terms in sequence sequence seqops:smin compute sequence lower bound FIX sequence seqops:smissing missing terms in sequence BOGUS?? sequence seqops:snormal normalize sequence sequence seqops:sopal create open sequence palindrome sequence seqops:speriod period of sequence sequence seqops:spositions positions of values in sequence sequence seqops:spromote promote term to sequence sequence seqops:sreflecth reflect sequence horizontally sequence seqops:sreflectv reflect sequence vertically sequence seqops:srepeat repeat sequence sequence seqops:srotatev rotate sequence vertically sequence seqops:sscale scale terms in sequence sequence seqops:sscollate entire sequence collation sequence seqops:sselect select terms from sequence sequence seqops:sshift shift terms sequence sequence seqops:sundulate make undulating sequence sequence seqops:sbefriend make a sequence friendly sequence strings:starseq closure sequence sequences pdco:BinopPDCO PDCO to apply binary operation to sequences sequences pdco:ComparePDCO PDCO to compare sequences sequences pdco:GaltPDCO PDCO to concatenate sequences sequences pdco:InterPDCO PDCO to interleave sequences sequences pdco:RandomPDCO PDCO to generate from sequences at random sequences pdco:SpanPDCO fill in gaps in integer sequences sequences pdco:TrinopPDCO PDCO to apply trinary operator to sequences sequences seqops:sconcat concatenate sequences sequences seqops:sconcatp concatenate sequences as pattern sequences seqops:slayer layer sequences sequences seqops:slocate sequences of first positions of terms serial serial:serial structure serial number set adjuncts:Set_OS set global OS features set conffile:Directive_set build set: action value(s) set ngrams:ngramset n-grams set set random:choose set of k integers in [1..n] set sets:cset2set set of characters set sets:pairset set of table pairs set sets:seteq set equivalence set sets:setlt set inclusion set sets:simage string image of set set tables:valset set of table values sets conffile:Directive_table_ build table of sets: action key value(s) shaft seqops:shaft_period shaft period shaft weavgenr:shaftmap produce shaft map for characters shafts weavgenr:genshafts generate shafts for string mapping shafts weavgenr:genmapshafts map string and generate shafts shear xforms:set_xshear matrix for x shear shear xforms:set_yshear matrix for y shear shift lists:lshift shift list terms shift seqops:sshift shift terms sequence show showtbl:showtbl show table contents shuffle random:shuffle shuffle sign numbers:sign sign signature genrfncs:signaseq signature sequence simple pdco:SimpleAER PDAE for simple evaluation simplification polynom:peval string polynomial simplification since datetime:walltime time since midnight sine math:sinh hyperbolic sine size cartog:sbsize calculate scalebar size size filesize:filesize file size size lists:lmaxlen size of largest list entry size lists:lminlen size of smallest list entry size strings:slugs generate s in chunks of size <= n skip pdco:SkipPDCO PDCO to skip terms smallest lists:lminlen size of smallest list entry snapshot scan:snapshot snapshot of string scanning sort genrfncs:ratsseq reverse add and then sort sequence sort sort:sortff sort on multiple fields sort sort:sortt sort to produce list of records sorted lists:sortkeys extract keys from sorted list sorted lists:sortvalues extract values from sorted list sorting mixsort:mixsort mixed-case string sorting sorting sort:sortgen generate by different sorting orders special pscript:psprotect escape special PostScript characters specification conffile:Directive Wrapper to build directive specification specified calendar:Cal_NthWeekdayTo gets seconds of nth specified weekday of month specified lists:ldelete delete specified list elements spectral genrfncs:spectseq spectral sequence spell numbers:spell spell integer in American English split io:splitline split line into pieces split seqops:ssplitdupl split duplicate adjacent terms square factors:squarefree test for square-free number square genrfncs:srpseq generate square-root palindrome square periodic:Sqrt rational approximate to square root standard pdco:LifoAER PDAE for standard lifo evaluation string adjuncts:Strip remove chars from string string base64:base64encode encode a string into base 64 (MIME) string base64:base64decode decode a string from base 64 (MIME) string binary:pack pack values into a string string binary:unpack unpack values from string string complex:strcpx convert string to complex number string complex:cpxstr return complex number as string string expander:pfl2str pattern-form to plain string string exprfile:plst2pstr convert program list to string string exprfile:pstr2plst convert program string to list string factors:sfactors return factors in string form string ivalue:ivalue convert string to Icon value string lists:lst2str convert list to string string lists:str2lst list from string string mixsort:mixsort mixed-case string sorting string polynom:str2poly convert string to polynomial string polynom:poly2str polynomial to string string polynom:peval string polynomial simplification string rational:rat2str convert rational to string string scan:snapshot snapshot of string scanning string seqops:simage string image of sequence string sets:simage string image of set string strings:collate string collation string strings:decollate string decollation string strings:deletes delete string string strings:extend extend string string strings:maxlen maximum string length string strings:odd_even odd-even numerical string string strings:permutes generate string permutations string strings:pretrim pre-trim string string strings:reflect string reflection string strings:replace string replacement string strings:replacem multiple string replacement string strings:rotate string rotation string strings:scramble scramble string string strings:words generate words from string string trees:ldag construct dag from string string trees:ltree construct tree from string string trees:stree construct string from tree string weavgenr:genshafts generate shafts for string mapping string weavgenr:genmapshafts map string and generate shafts string ximage:ximage string image of value strings strings:cat concatenate strings strings strings:coprefix find common prefix of strings strings strings:cosuffix find common suffix of strings strings strings:interleave interleave strings strings strings:meander meandering strings strings strings:multicoll collate strings in list structure hetero:stypes types of structure elements structure serial:serial structure serial number structure xcode:xencode write structure to file structure xcode:xdecode read structure from file structure xcodes:xencode write structure to file structure xcodes:xdecode read structure from file structures conffile:ReadDirectives Builds icon data structures from a config file structures created:created number of structures created subrecord gedcom:gedval find subrecord values subrecords gedcom:gedsub find subrecords substring strings:strcnt substring count substrings strings:substrings generate substrings subtract complex:cpxsub complex subtract subtract polynom:polysub subtract polynomials succeed io:directory succeed if name is a directory suffix io:suffix find suffix of file name suffix strings:cosuffix find common suffix of strings sum genrfncs:versumseq generalized reversed-sum sequence sum numbers:digred sum digits of integer repeated to one digit sum numbers:digsum sum of digits sum numbers:sum sum of numbers sum pdco:CumsumPDCO PDCO to produce cumulative sum sum pdco:SumlimitPDCO PDCO to sum sequence to a limit sum rational:addrat sum of rationals swap lists:lswap list element swap symbol weavutil:sympos position of symbol in symbol list symbol weavutil:possym symbol in position i of symbol list synonym genrfncs:linrecseq synonym for lrrcseq synonym numbers:sigma synonym for digroot() synonym pdco:ParallelPDCO synonym for Inter synonym pdco:ValrptPDCO synonym for Repl system lindgen:lindgen rewrite L-system system lindgen:lindgenx rewrite L-system system lterps:seqterp interpret L-system output system makelsys:makelsys make L-system from list system makelsys:readlsys make L-system from a file tabby pdco:AddTabbyPDCO PDCO to add tabby to treadling table conffile:Directive_table_ build table of sets: action key value(s) table conffile:Directive_table build table: action key value table sets:pairset set of table pairs table sets:domain domain of table table sets:range range of table table sets:inverse inverse of table function table showtbl:showtbl show table contents table tables:tblunion table union table tables:tblinter table intersection table tables:tbldiff table difference table tables:tblinvrt table inversion table tables:tbldflt table default table tables:twt two-way table table tables:keylist list of keys in table table tables:tbleq table equivalence table tables:vallist list of table values table tables:valset set of table values tag html:httag extract name of HTML tag tag html:htvals generate values in HTML tag tail io:tail find tail of file name tanh math:tanh hyperbolic tanh template weaving:Template weaving Template temporary io:tempfile get temporary file temporary io:tempname get temporary file name term gettext:gettext search database by indexed term term lists:ldupl list term duplication term seqops:scollate sequence term collation term seqops:spromote promote term to sequence terms lists:lconstant test list for all terms equal terms lists:lshift shift list terms terms pdco:IndexPDCO PDCO to select terms by position terms pdco:SkipPDCO PDCO to skip terms terms rational:ratred reduce rational to lowest terms terms seqops:sbinop binary operation on terms terms seqops:slocate sequences of first positions of terms terms seqops:smap map terms in sequence terms seqops:smissing missing terms in sequence BOGUS?? terms seqops:sremdupl remove duplicate adjacent terms terms seqops:ssplitdupl split duplicate adjacent terms terms seqops:sscale scale terms in sequence terms seqops:sselect select terms from sequence terms seqops:sshift shift terms sequence terms seqops:sunop unary operation on terms test factors:ispower test for integer power test factors:isprime test for primality test factors:squarefree test for square-free number test io:exists test file existence test lists:lconstant test list for all terms equal test ptutils:pteq test point equality test seqops:is_scompact test sequence for compactness test seqops:sconstant test for constant sequence test strings:ispal test for palindrome then genrfncs:ratsseq reverse add and then sort sequence thue genrfncs:mthueseq Morse-Thue sequence thue genrfncs:mthuegseq generalized Morse-Thue sequence time calendar:Cal_SecToUnixDat convert seconds to UNIX time time datetime:SecToUnixDate convert seconds to UNIX time time datetime:saytime time in natural English time datetime:walltime time since midnight trace iftrace:iftrace trace built-in functions trace itrcline:itrcline generate trace messages in file transform xforms:transform transform point list by matrix transform xforms:transform_points transform point list transformation cartog:pptrans define planar projective transformation transitive graphpak:closure transitive closure of graph translation xforms:set_trans matrix for translation transpose strings:transpose transpose characters treadling pdco:AddTabbyPDCO PDCO to add tabby to treadling tree gedcom:gedwalk generate GEDCOM tree nodes in preorder tree trees:depth depth of tree tree trees:ltree construct tree from string tree trees:stree construct string from tree tree trees:tcopy tree copy tree trees:teq tree equivalence tree trees:visit visit nodes of tree triangle pascal:pascal Pascal triangle triangle pascltri:PascalsTriangle Pascal triangle row trim strings:pretrim pre-trim string trimming lists:lltrim list left trimming trimming lists:lrtrim list right trimming trimming pdco:LowerTrimPDCO lower trimming trimming pdco:UpperTrimPDCO upper sequence trimming trinary pdco:TrinopPDCO PDCO to apply trinary operator to sequences truncate numbers:trunc truncate real two boolops:b0110 "xor" of two patterns two boolops:b1000 "and" of two patterns two boolops:b1110 "or" of two patterns two tables:twt two-way table types hetero:stypes types of structure elements ucode exprfile:ucode create ucode file unary pdco:UnopPDCO PDCO to apply unary operation to sequence unary seqops:sunop unary operation on terms undulant pdco:UndulantPDCO PDCO to produce undulant undulating seqops:sundulate make undulating sequence union tables:tblunion table union unique lists:lunique keep only unique list elements unique strings:ochars first appearance unique characters unique strings:schars lexical unique characters unix calendar:Cal_SecToUnixDat convert seconds to UNIX time unix datetime:SecToUnixDate convert seconds to UNIX time unpack binary:unpack unpack values from string updown weaving:UpDown weaving updown upper pdco:UpperTrimPDCO upper sequence trimming upper seqops:sbound compute sequence upper bound FIX! uprun weaving:UpRun weaving uprun upto weaving:Upto weaving upto url vhttp:vhttp validate HTTP: URL urls html:urlmerge merge URLs usage memlog:memlog log memory usage utm cartog:utm define UTM projection validate vhttp:vhttp validate HTTP: URL valued genrfncs:nibonacciseq n-valued Fibonacci generalization variables echo:echo interpolate variables and print variation genrfncs:vishwanathseq random variation on Fibonacci sequence versum genrfncs:versumopseq versum sequence with operator versum verncnt:verncnt number of n-digit versum numbers vertical lists:lflipv list vertical flip vertically seqops:sreflectv reflect sequence vertically vertically seqops:srotatev rotate sequence vertically visit trees:visit visit nodes of tree vrml vrml:point_field create VRML point field vrml vrml:u_crd_idx create VRML coordinate index vrml vrml:vrml1 write VRML 1.0 file vrml vrml:vrml2 produce VRML 2.0 file warning conffile:Directive_warnin flag directive with a warning weaving weaving:Block weaving block weaving weaving:DownRun weaving downrun weaving weaving:DownUp weaving downup weaving weaving:Downto weaving downto weaving weaving:Extend weaving extension weaving weaving:Interleave weaving interleave weaving weaving:Palindrome weaving palindrome weaving weaving:Pbox weaving pbox weaving weaving:Permute weaving permutation weaving weaving:Template weaving Template weaving weaving:UpDown weaving updown weaving weaving:UpRun weaving uprun weaving weaving:Upto weaving upto weaving weavutil:write_spec write weaving include file weaving weavutil:write_spec1 weaving include file weaving weavutil:write_spec2 weaving include file week datetime:dayoweek day of the week weekday calendar:Cal_NthWeekdayTo gets seconds of nth specified weekday of month where regexp:ReFind position where regular expression matched white genrfncs:zebra black and white bands word plural:plural produce plural of word words strings:words generate words from string working io:getwd get DOS working directory wrapper conffile:Directive Wrapper to build directive specification write graphpak:write_graph write graph write io:Write write in buffered mode write pscript:epsheader write PostScript header write vrml:vrml1 write VRML 1.0 file write wdiag:wdiag write labeled global values write weavutil:writepfd write PFD write weavutil:write_spec write weaving include file write xcode:xencode write structure to file write xcodes:xencode write structure to file write ximage:xdump write images of values written io:GetBack get back line written xor boolops:b0110 "xor" of two patterns year calendar:Cal_IsLeapYear determine if year is leap year datetime:IsLeapYear determine if year is leap year gedcom:gedyear get year zip zipread:iszip check for ZIP archive zip zipread:zipdir open ZIP directory zip zipread:zipfile open member of ZIP archive