
Class Calendar


public class Calendar
extends java.lang.Object

Calendar class represents a Calendar, which defines the time values of interest to user, usually over a specific segment of the physical time-line. Calendar keeps Granularity/additional FieldName(s) information and provides Calendar dependent functions for time-stamp/temporal constant conversions.

Calendars can be formed given Calendar specification files' URL s, which are fetched as String and formed by CalendricSystem from Calendric System specification files. For example;

  URL url = new URL("http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/burgun/calendars/Gregorian/GregV1.cal");
  Calendar calendar = new Calendar(url);

Also Calendars are kept in a database called CalendarRepository.

See Also:
CalendarRepository, CalendricSystem, ClassLoaderMethodCaller
Design complete, implementation not started

Field Summary
private  ClassLoaderMethodCaller clmc
          A ClassLoaderMethodCaller instance that provides access to regular functions, which are loaded dynamically.
private  Granularity[] granularities
          Array of Granularities that this Calendar contains.
private  java.net.URL implUrl
          Url of this Calendar implementation.
private  Mapping[] mappings
          Array of Mappings that this Calendar contains.
private  Granularity underlyingGranularity
          Underlying Granularity of this Calendar.
private  java.net.URL url
          Url of this Calendar, which is the Primary Key in CalendarRepository.
Constructor Summary
Calendar(java.net.URL url)
          Constructs a Calendar object from a given Calendar Specification url in a Calendric System Specification file.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns true if URL of this Calendar is equal to given Calendar.
 Granule fieldsToGranule(Fields fields)
           Forms and returns a Granule, which contains a Granularity, given Fields object, which is formed by Input by parsing a temporal constant input string.
private  void formCalendar()
          Initializes the state of this Calendar using the Calendar Specification file pointed by a URL.
private  int getConverseRel(int rel)
 Granularity[] getGranularities()
          Returns Granularities of this Calendar.
 Granularity getGranularityByLocalName(java.lang.String localName)
          Returns Granularity of this Calendar given its local name.
 Mapping[] getMappings()
          Returns Mappings of this Calendar.
 Granularity getUnderlyingGranularity()
          Returns underlying Granularity of this Calendar.
 java.net.URL getUrl()
          Returns the URL, which is also Primary Key in CalendarRepository, of this Calendar.
 boolean granuleToFields(Granule granule, Fields fields)
           Forms and returns a Fields, which is unpacked version of a timestamp parsed into each Field.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns string representation of this Calendar.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.net.URL url
Url of this Calendar, which is the Primary Key in CalendarRepository.


private java.net.URL implUrl
Url of this Calendar implementation.


private ClassLoaderMethodCaller clmc
A ClassLoaderMethodCaller instance that provides access to regular functions, which are loaded dynamically. regular functions refer to two functions, which all Calendars should have: "granuleToFields and fieldsToGranule"


private Granularity[] granularities
Array of Granularities that this Calendar contains.


private Mapping[] mappings
Array of Mappings that this Calendar contains.


private Granularity underlyingGranularity
Underlying Granularity of this Calendar.

Constructor Detail


public Calendar(java.net.URL url)
         throws CalendarFormationException
Constructs a Calendar object from a given Calendar Specification url in a Calendric System Specification file.

url - URL of Calendar Specification file.
CalendarFormationException - If any problem happens while parsing the file; Any problem related to xml parsing, any bad information fetched from parsed file, such as, a bad URL or a URL that causes problems with dynamic loading.
Method Detail


private void formCalendar()
                   throws CalendarFormationException
Initializes the state of this Calendar using the Calendar Specification file pointed by a URL.

CalendarFormationException - If any problem happens while parsing the file; Any problem related to xml parsing, any bad information fetched from parsed file, such as, a bad URL or a URL that causes problems with dynamic loading.


public Granularity getGranularityByLocalName(java.lang.String localName)
Returns Granularity of this Calendar given its local name.

localName - String local name of a Granularity
Granularity of this Calendar given its local name. Returns null if no such Granularity exists.


public java.net.URL getUrl()
Returns the URL, which is also Primary Key in CalendarRepository, of this Calendar.

URL of this Calendar


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns true if URL of this Calendar is equal to given Calendar.

equals in class java.lang.Object
boolean true if this Calendar equals to given Calendar


public Granule fieldsToGranule(Fields fields)
                        throws CalendarServiceException

Forms and returns a Granule, which contains a Granularity, given Fields object, which is formed by Input by parsing a temporal constant input string. This is a regular Calendar function, which means every Calendar is required to implement it.

This method calls actual implementation, which is loaded dynamically from given URL in Calendar Specification file.

fields - temporal constant input string, which is parsed into its Fields
a Granule formed given Fields object
CalendarServiceException - if any problem occurs when performing this dynamically loaded method, this also includes problems with dynamic loading exceptions.
See Also:
Fields, Field, Granule, Property


public boolean granuleToFields(Granule granule,
                               Fields fields)
                        throws CalendarServiceException

Forms and returns a Fields, which is unpacked version of a timestamp parsed into each Field. This is a regular Calendar function, which means every Calendar is required to implement it.

This method calls actual implementation, which is loaded dynamically from given URL in Calendar Specification file.

CalendarServiceException - if any problem occurs when performing this dynamically loaded method, this also includes problems with dynamic loading exceptions.
See Also:
Fields, Field, Granule, Property


public Granularity[] getGranularities()
Returns Granularities of this Calendar.

an array of Granularities


public Mapping[] getMappings()
Returns Mappings of this Calendar.

an array of Mappings


public Granularity getUnderlyingGranularity()
Returns underlying Granularity of this Calendar.

underlying Granularity


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns string representation of this Calendar.

toString in class java.lang.Object
String representation of a URL


private int getConverseRel(int rel)


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