

activeCalendricSystem - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Input
A handle to CalendricSystem, which is the active CalendricSystem of parent TauZamanLocalService.
activeCalendricSystemName - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
user given name of active CalendricSystem
activePropertyManager - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Input
A handle to PropertyManager, which is the active PropertyManager of parent TauZamanLocalService.
activeService - Static variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem
add(Granule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Construct a new Granule that is this + other.
add(Instant, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Displace (add) an Instant on the time-line by an Interval
add(Instant, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Displace (add) an Instant on the time-line by an Interval
add(Interval, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Add one Interval to another
add(Interval, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Add one Interval to another
add(NowRelativeGranule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Add a now-relative to a now-relative.
add(Period, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Displace (add) a Period on the time-line by an Interval
add(Period, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Displace (add) a Period on the time-line by an Interval
add(TimeValue) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct the result of "this plus other".
addCalendar(Calendar) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Adds an entire calendar to the lattice by going through each mapping in the calendar, adding any nodes that are not already in the lattice plus the edges connecting the nodes in each mapping.
addElement(Object) - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Adds a Field or a Fields to this Fields.
addMapping(Mapping) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Creates an edge between the "from" granularity and the "to" granularity in the Mapping object with the Mapping object itself as the edge's label.
ALL_OF_TIME - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
anchor - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Value of anchor
anchorGranularity - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
anchor Granularity
and(ExtendedBoolean) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
And this one with another.


BEGINNING_OF_TIME - Static variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
BEGINNING_OF_TIME - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
BLACK - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node has been fully explored.
buildMappingPath(HashMap, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, int) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Given a particular predecessor list, builds a mapping path between two nodes.
BUILDPATH_DEBUG - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
buildPathHelper(HashMap, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, ArrayList) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Recursive helper method used to build the mapping path.


cache - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
Cached version of this Property's format which includes its parsed Fields, newFormat and whitespace attribute.
CACHE_DEBUG - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
cacheCalendricSystemName() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Caches CalendricSystem name of valid TauZaman service that this TauZamanService keeps.
cachedCalendricSystem - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Output
A handle to CalendricSystem, which is the cached CalendricSystem of parent TauZamanLocalService in a temporal data type.
cachedPropertyManager - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Output
A handle to PropertyManager, which is the cached PropertyManager of parent TauZamanLocalService in a temporal data type.
cachedTauZamanService - Variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
TauZamanService that this Instant is created under
cachedTauZamanService - Variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
TauZamanService that this Instant is created under
cachedTauZamanService - Variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
TauZamanService that this Instant is created under
Calendar - class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar.
Calendar class represents a Calendar, which defines the time values of interest to user, usually over a specific segment of the physical time-line.
Calendar(URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Constructs a Calendar object from a given Calendar Specification url in a Calendric System Specification file.
calendarCache - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarRepository
Currently loaded Calendars in this CalendarRepository
CalendarFormationException - exception tauzaman.calendar.CalendarFormationException.
CalendarFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to formation of Calendars.
CalendarFormationException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarFormationException
Constructs a CalendarFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
CalendarFormationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarFormationException
Constructs a CalendarFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
calendarNamesToCalendars - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Keeps Calendar names as its keys and Calendars as values.
CalendarRepository - class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarRepository.
CalendarRepository class manages a collection of Calendar(s).
CalendarRepository() - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarRepository
Constructs a CalendarRepository object.
calendars - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
List of handle(s) of Calendar(s) that this calendric system contains, in the order of default input order, which is defined in Calendar Specification file.
CalendarServiceException - exception tauzaman.calendar.CalendarServiceException.
CalendarServiceException class represents a set of Exceptions related to service of Calendars.
CalendarServiceException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarServiceException
Constructs a CalendarServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
CalendarServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarServiceException
Constructs a CalendarServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
calendarUrl - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
URL of Calendar of which this Granularity is created
calendarUrlsToCalendarNames - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Keeps Calendar urls as its keys and Calendar names as values.
calendricSystem - Variable in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
A handle to CalendricSystem, which will be used in Input/Output multiplexing
CalendricSystem - class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem.
CalendricSystem class represents a Calendric System, which contains Calendars' Epochs and provides an entrance point to all Epoch and Calendar services.
CalendricSystem(CalendarRepository, URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Constructs a CalendricSystem object; Forms a CalendricSystem by parsing url.
CalendricSystemFormationException - exception tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemFormationException.
CalendricSystemFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to formation of CalendricSystems.
CalendricSystemFormationException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemFormationException
Constructs a CalendricSystemFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
CalendricSystemFormationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemFormationException
Constructs a CalendricSystemFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
calendricSystemName - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Cached active CalendricSystem name of valid TauZamanService
calendricSystemNamespace - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
A mapping from user given CalendricSystem names to actual CalendricSystem objects
CalendricSystemRepository - class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository.
CalendricSystemRepositoryr class is the entrance point of calendric systems and calendars that they contain.
CalendricSystemRepository(CalendarRepository) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository
Constructs a Calendric System Manager and allocates memory for database of CalendricSystem.
calendricSystems - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository
A Hashtable, whose keys are URLs of CalendricSystems and values are CalendricSystem handles.
CalendricSystemServiceException - exception tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemServiceException.
CalendricSystemServiceException class represents a set of Exceptions related to service of CalendricSystems.
CalendricSystemServiceException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemServiceException
Constructs a CalendricSystemServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
CalendricSystemServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemServiceException
Constructs a CalendricSystemServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
callMethod(String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class tauzaman.ClassLoaderMethodCaller
Calls method with specified method name with specified actual parameters.
cast() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Cast this Interval to the default granularity.
cast(Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Cast the bounding Instants to the specified granularity.
cast(Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Cast this Interval to the indicated granularity.
cast(Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Cast this Instant to the indicated granularity.
cast(Granule, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Uses the lattice to cast the given granule from its granularity to another granularity.
castDeterminantInstant(Granule, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
ClassLoaderMethodCaller - class tauzaman.ClassLoaderMethodCaller.
ClassLoaderMethodCaller class dynamically loads a Class and provide service for calling any of loaded Methods.
ClassLoaderMethodCaller(URL[]) - Constructor for class tauzaman.ClassLoaderMethodCaller
Constructs a ClassLoaderMethodCaller object with specified URLs.
clearCaches() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
clearCaches() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Resets all of the lattice's caches.
clmc - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Instance of ClassLoaderMethodCaller, which keeps dynamically loaded classes by this IrregularMapping
clmc - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
A ClassLoaderMethodCaller instance that provides access to regular functions, which are loaded dynamically.
clmc - Variable in class tauzaman.field.FVFunction
An instance of ClassLoaderMethodCaller, which will provide access to field value functions, which are loaded dynamically.
clone() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Returns a cloned version of this Fields.
clone() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Returns cloned version of this Field object.
COARSER - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
COARSER_TO_FINER - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
coarserEdges - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
A hash between [destination granularity --> edge to dest. granularity].
coarserSpTableCache - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Cache that maps particular granularities to an already computed table of shortest path information to coarser granularities.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Compare this TimeValue with another.
CONGRUENT - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
CONGRUENT - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
congruentEdges - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
A hash between [destination granularity --> edge to dest. granularity].
contains(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does this Period contain another?
contains(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does this Period contain another?
content - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
String content of this Property in case its type is simple
cr - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
A handle to unique CalendarRepository of this TauZamanSystem
cr - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository
A handle to unique CalendarRepository that this CalendricSystemRepository uses.
cr - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
a handle to unique CalendarRepository of, CalendricSystemRepository, indirectly this TauZamanSystem
csr - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
A handle to unique CalendricSystemRepository of this TauZamanSystem
csr - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
A handle to CalendricSystemRepository of parent TauZamanSystem


decrement() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct this TimeValue - 1
decrement() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Construct a NowRelativeGranule that has the relative part decremented by 1
decrement() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Construct a Granule that has each bound decremented by 1
defaultGranularity - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Default Granularity of this CalendricSystem.
defaultPropertyListUrl - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Url of default property list.
DETERMINATE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
DeterminateSemantics - interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics.
The DeterminateSemantics interface contains all the arithmetic and comparison operations that are available on determinate time values.
dijkstraShortestPaths(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, int) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Using Djikstra's algorithm, computes all shortest paths starting from a given lattice node.
dirty - Variable in class tauzaman.field.Field
A boolean marker, which is set true when a useful information found in parsed temporal constant that matches with this Field
divide(int) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct the result of "this div N".
divide(int) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Divide by a constant.
divide(int) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Divide by a constant.
divide(Interval, int) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Divide an Interval by an integer constant.
divide(Interval, int) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Divide an Interval by an integer constant.
divide(Interval, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Divide an Interval by an Interval (integer division).
divide(Interval, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Divide an Interval by an Interval (integer division).
dummy() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Test method for calculating RTT independent of any operation, but depending on Java RMI.
dummy() - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Test method for calculating RTT independent of any operation, but depending on Java RMI.
during(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Is this Period during another?
during(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Is this Period during another?
DynamicLoadException - exception tauzaman.DynamicLoadException.
DynamicLoadException class is a wrapper class for all exceptions thrown by Dynamic Class loading.
DynamicLoadException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.DynamicLoadException
Constructs a DynamicLoadException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
DynamicLoadException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.DynamicLoadException
Constructs a DynamicLoadException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.


earliest() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Returns the earliest (only!)
END_OF_TIME - Static variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
END_OF_TIME - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
endingInstant - Variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
equals(Object) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Returns true if URL of this Calendar is equal to given Calendar.
equals(Object) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Returns true if this Mapping is equal to the given Mapping.
equals(Object) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
Returns true if this Granularity's global identity is equal to the global identity of the given Granularity.
equals(Object) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equalTo(Granule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Is this == other?
equalTo(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does this Instant represent the same times as another?
equalTo(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does this Instant represent the same times as another?
equalTo(NowRelativeGranule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
NowRelative/NowRelative comparison - Is this == other?
equalTo(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does this Period represent the same times as another?
equalTo(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does this Period represent the same times as another?
Error(String) - Static method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Internal
estimate - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.SPElement
An estimation of the cost from the shortest path source to the node that owns this shortest path information.
ExtendedBoolean - class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean.
ExtendedBoolean class implements the boolean algebra for a Three-Valued Logic.
ExtendedBoolean() - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
Build a MAYBE value in the ExtendedBoolean logic.
ExtendedBoolean(boolean) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
Build a TRUE or FALSE value in the ExtendedBoolean logic.


factory - Variable in class tauzaman.XMLParser
FALSE_EB - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
FalseEB - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
fetchRelationship(int) - Static method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Given a string corresponding of a relationship, used as in xml spec. files, returns int code of that relationship.
fetchRelationship(String) - Static method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Given a string corresponding of a relationship, used as in xml spec. files, returns int code of that relationship.
Field - class tauzaman.field.Field.
Field class represents a single Field.
Field(FieldInfo) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.Field
Constructs Field object.
fieldInfo - Variable in class tauzaman.field.Field
FieldInfo of this Field get from related Property
FieldInfo - class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo.
FieldInfo class keeps the content of an XML element, called fieldInfo, in a Property specification file.
FieldInfo(Element, Hashtable, URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
Constructs a FieldInfo object, from given DOM node parsed from Property Specification file.
fieldInfos - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
List of field infos in case this Property has a complex type
fields - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
Fields object that is cached
fields - Variable in class tauzaman.field.Fields
A vector that is a list of Fields.
fields - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Input
fields - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
Fields - class tauzaman.field.Fields.
Fields class represents a list of Fields.
Fields(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.Fields
Constructs a Fields object, which allocates memory for a list that contains a set of Fields.
FieldsBuilder - class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder.
FieldsBuilder class builds Fields object of a Property.
FieldsBuilder(String, URL, PropertyManager) - Constructor for class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
Constructs a FieldsBuilder object ready to form Fields.
fieldsToGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Forms and returns a Granule, which contains a Granularity, given Fields object, which is formed by Input by parsing a temporal constant input string.
fieldsToGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns corresponding Granule of Fields.
fillFields(Granule[], Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Fills the values of Fields, which was formed by an output Property, according to the information in Granule.
fillIndeterminateInstantFields(Granule, Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
fillInFields(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.io.Input
Fetches useful information from input according to information in format.
fillInstantFields(Granule, Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
fillIntervalFields(Granule, Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
fillNowRelativeInstantFields(Granule, Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
fillPeriodFields(Granule[], Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
findPath(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Finds a path (made up of Mapping objects) that can be used to convert the given source granularity to the destination granularity.
FINER - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
FINER_TO_COARSER - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
finerEdges - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
A hash between [destination granularity --> edge to dest. granularity].
finerSpTableCache - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Cache that maps particular granularities to an already computed table of shortest path information to finer granularities.
finishes(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does this Period finish at the same time as another, but start after it, that is, is alpha.end == beta.end but alpha.start < beta.start?
finishes(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does this Period finish at the same time as another, but start after it, that is, is alpha.end == beta.end but alpha.start < beta.start?
first(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Temporal constructor - Choose the first (earliest) from among a pair of instants
first(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Temporal constructor - Choose the first (earliest) from among a pair of instants
Format - class tauzaman.property.Format.
Format class represents a formatting information of an input or output temporal constant.
Format(Element) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.Format
Constructs a Format object, from given DOM node parsed from Property Specification file.
formatDOM - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
DOM parsed version of produced Format of cached Property
FormatParser - class tauzaman.io.FormatParser.
FormatParser class tokenizes given Format content to its variables and non-variables.
FormatParser(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.io.FormatParser
Constructs a FormatParser object, which is ready to parse given input.
formats - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
List of formats in case this Property has a complex type
formatString - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
String version of produced Format of cached Property
formatString - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Format
Content of the format
formatWhitespace - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Format
Determines whether this format is whitespace friendly or not if it is false then it is not whitespace friendly, o.w. it is true.
formCalendar() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Initializes the state of this Calendar using the Calendar Specification file pointed by a URL.
formCalendricSystem() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Initializes this CalendricSystem's states by parsing file that its url points.
formFieldInfo(Element, Hashtable, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
Initializes this FieldInfo from DOM Node, which points to a fieldInfo element in the Property Specification file.
formFields() - Method in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
Returns built Fields.
formFormat(Element) - Method in class tauzaman.property.Format
Initializes this Format from DOM Node, which points to a format element in the Property Specification file.
formFVFunction() - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVFunction
Forms a FVFunction from url, which contains a java class file that includes actual content of this FVFunction.
formFVTable() - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVTable
Forms a FVTable from url, which contains an xml file that includes actual content of this FVTable.
formGranularity(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns a Granularity produced from global identity of mapping elements.
formImportFormat(Element, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Initializes this ImportFormat from DOM Node, which points to a importFormat element in the Property Specification file.
formIrregularMapping(Element) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Forms an IrregularMapping object by parsing a xml specification file.
formOutputString(Fields, String) - Method in class tauzaman.io.Output
Returns String temporal constant given Fields, which are formed from Granules, and String format, which comes form Property's Format information.
formProperty(Element, Hashtable) - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Initializes this Property from DOM Node, which points to a property element in the Property Specification file.
formRegularMapping(Element) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Forms an RegularMapping object by parsing a xml specification file.
from - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
from Granularity
FVFormationException - exception tauzaman.field.FVFormationException.
FVFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to parsing of FVSupports.
FVFormationException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.FVFormationException
Constructs a FVFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
FVFormationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.FVFormationException
Constructs a FVFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
FVFunction - class tauzaman.field.FVFunction.
FVFunction class represents a generic table class for Field Value functions.
FVFunction(URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.FVFunction
Constructs a FVFunction object form a given label, url and a regex for this Function strings from Field Value Function XML file.
FVServiceException - exception tauzaman.field.FVServiceException.
FVServiceException class represents a set of Exceptions related to service of FVSupports.
FVServiceException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.FVServiceException
Constructs a FVServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
FVServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.FVServiceException
Constructs a FVServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
fvsr - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
A handle to unique FVSupportRepository of this TauZamanSystem
fvsr - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
A handle to FVSupportRepository of parent TauZamanSystem
fvsr - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Output
A handle to FVSupportRepository of parent TauZamanSystem
fvsr - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Input
A handle to FVSupportRepository of parent TauZamanSystem
FVSupport - class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport.
FVSupport abstrat class represents a generic field value support information, that provides two basic functionality when converting temporal constant strings to timestamps or vice versa.
FVSupport() - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
fvSupportCache - Variable in class tauzaman.field.FVSupportRepository
List of FVSupports in this manager.
FVSupportRepository - class tauzaman.field.FVSupportRepository.
FVSupportRepository class represents Field Support and manages the services to input and ouput operations by mapping and handling field value tables and functions.
FVSupportRepository() - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.FVSupportRepository
Constructs a FVSupportRepository object.
FVTable - class tauzaman.field.FVTable.
FVTable class represents a generic table class for Field Value tables.
FVTable(URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.field.FVTable
Constructs a FVTable object form a given label, url and a regex for this Table from Field Value Table XML file.
fvtableIndexToString - Variable in class tauzaman.field.FVTable
A Hashtable, whose keys are indexes as String and values are string
fvtableStringToIndex - Variable in class tauzaman.field.FVTable
A Hashtable, whose keys are strings and values are indexes as String


getActiveCalendricSystemDefaultGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Returns default Granularity of active CalendricSystem of this TauZamanService.
getActiveCalendricSystemDefaultGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Returns default Granularity of active CalendricSystem.
getActiveCalendricSystemDefaultGranularity() - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Returns default Granularity of active CalendricSystem.
getActiveCalendricSystemDefaultGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns default Granularity of active CalendricSystem.
getActiveCalendricSystemName() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Returns name of active CalendricSystem of this service.
getActiveCalendricSystemName() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Returns name of active CalendricSystem of this service.
getActiveCalendricSystemName() - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Returns name of active CalendricSystem of this service.
getActiveCalendricSystemName() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns name of active CalendricSystem of this service.
getActiveService() - Static method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Returns a handle to active TauZamanService object of this TauZamanSystem.
getAllCalendars() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns all Calendars in this CalendricSystem.
getAllCalendricSystemUrls() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository
Returns urls of all CalendricSystems in the database.
getAnchor() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Returns the value anchor
getAnchorGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Returns anchor Granularity
getCache() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Returns PropertyCache object of this Property.
getCalendar(String) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
getCalendarUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
Returns calendar url part of this Granularity.
getCalendricSystem(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns a handle to CalendricSystem object given its name.
getCalendricSystem(URL) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository
Returns a handle to CalendricSystem in the database.
getCalendricSystemRepository() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Returns a handle to CalendricSystemRepository object, which provides all Calendar related services of this system.
getContent() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
If simple type then return content, o.w. return null.
getConverseRel(int) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
getDefaultGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns default Granularity of this CalendricSystem.
getDefaultRegex() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns default regular expression for this CalendricSystem
getEarliest() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Selector - Returns the earliest Granule in the Period.
getElementContent(Element) - Method in class tauzaman.XMLParser
Returns content of a DOM Element node as a string.
getEnding() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Selector - Returns the ending Instant in the Period.
getFieldByName(String) - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Returns the first Field with a given name that this Fields contains.
getFieldByVariableName(String) - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Returns the first unmarked (clean) Field with a given variable name that this Fields contains.
getFieldInfoName() - Method in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
Returns the Field Name of this FieldInfo
getFieldInfos() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Return the field value List
getFields() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
Returns cached Fields.
getFields() - Method in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
Returns Property's newly built Fields.
getFormat() - Method in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
Returns Property's newly built Format's value.
getFormatDOM() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
Returns cached Format as DOM.
getFormatName() - Method in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Returns the name of the field value
getFormatPropertyUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Returns the url of property
getFormats() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Return the format list
getFormatString() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
Returns cached Format as String.
getFormatString() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Format
Returns the formatString of this format
getFrom() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Returns from Granularity
getFVSupportRepository() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Returns a handle to FVSupportRepository object, which provides all FVSupport related services of this system.
getFVSupportRepository() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns a handle to FVSupportRepository of this service.
getFVSUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
Returns the URL of the FVS service table|function.
getGranularities() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Returns Granularities of this Calendar.
getGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Retrieve the granularity of the Period.
getGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Retrieve the Granularity from this Interval
getGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Retrieve the Granularity from this Instant
getGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Accessor - retrieve the granularity of this granule
getGranularityByLocalName(String) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Returns Granularity of this Calendar given its local name.
getGranularityLattice() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
getGranule() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Retrieve the granule from this Instant
getGranule() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Accessor - retrieve the granule.
getGranule() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Accessor - retrieve the granules from a determinate granule (defaults to lower bound for indeterminate granule)
getGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns an array of Granule, which is formed by using given Fields.
getGroupSize() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Returns the group size of from Granularity with respect to to Granularity.
getImmediateField() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Returns an array of Field, which are immediate Field objects of this Fields.
getImmediateFields() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Returns an array of Fields, which are immediate Fields objects of this Fields.
getImportFormats() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Return the import format list
getIndeterminateInstantGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns a Granule, which corresponds to an IndeterminateInstant, by using Fields.
getInstantGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns a Granule, which corresponds to an Instant, by using Fields.
getIntervalGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns a Granule, which corresponds to an Interval, by using Fields.
getKind() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Accessor function to get the kind represented by this TimeValue.
getKind() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Accessor - retrieve the kind of this granule, INDETERMINATE or DETERMINATE
getLatest() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Selector - Returns the latest Granule in the Period.
getLocalName() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
Returns name of this Granularity.
getLocalService(String, URL, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Returns a local TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Properties, ready to serve.
getLower() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Accessor - retrieve the lower bound from the now-relative granule.
getLower() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Accessor - retrieve the lower bound from an indeterminate granule (defaults to granules for determinate granule)
getMappings() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Returns Mappings of this Calendar.
getMappings() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns Mappings of this CalendricSystem.
getName() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Returns the string name of this Property.
getName() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Returns name of this Fields.
getName() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Returns name of this Field.
getNowRelativeInstantGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns a Granule, which corresponds to an NowRelativeInstant, by using Fields.
getOrderedCalendars() - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns an array of Calendars, which are in order to call for temporal constant or timestamp parsing.
getOrderedCalendars(Property) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns an array of ordered list of Calendars for converting a temporal data type to corresponding output string.
getPeriodGranule(Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Returns an array of Granule, which corresponds to an Period, by using Fields.
getPeriodSize() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Returns the period size of from Granularity with respect to to Granularity.
getProperty(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Returns the active Property given its name.
getProperty(URL, String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Loads Properties without activating it.
getPropertyImage(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Gets all the current Property information of a specific Property name in a String.
getPropertyManager(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns a handle to PropertyManager object given its fellow CalendricSystem name.
getPropertyRepository() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Returns a handle to PropertyRepository object, which provides all Property related services of this system.
getPropertyStackImage(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Gets all the current Property information of a specific Property name in a String.
getPropertyStackImage(String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Gets all the current Property information of a specific Property name in a String.
getPropertyStackImage(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Gets all the current Property information of a specific Property name in a String.
getPropertyStackImage(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Gets all the current Property information of a specific Property name in a String.
getPropertyStackImage(String, String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Gets all the current Property information of a specific Property name in a String.
getPropertyStackImage(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Gets all the current Property information of a specific Property name in a String.
getPropertyStackImageInternal(PropertyManager, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Internal use...
getRegex() - Method in class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
Returns regex for this field value if it exists.
getRelationship() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Returns relationship of this Mapping
getRemoteService(String, String, String, String, URL, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Returns a remote TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Property table, ready to serve.
getRemoteService(String, URL, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Returns a remote TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Property table, ready to serve.
getService(String, URL, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl
Returns a TauZamanRemoteService with a default CalendricSystem and Property list.
getService(String, URL, URL) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler
Returns a TauZamanRemoteService with a default CalendricSystem and Property list.
getSpTable(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, int) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Returns a table of shortest path information for the given node and type (i.e. coarser/finer).
getStack(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Returns the index of Property given its key, that is to say its name.
getStarting() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Selector - Returns the starting Instant in the Period.
getSuccessors(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, int) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Returns a minimum priority queue of nodes that are reachable by the given node through the given type of edges (i.e. coarser/finer).
getTo() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Returns to Granularity
getUnderlyingGranularity() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Returns underlying Granularity of this Calendar.
getUpper() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Accessor - retrieve the upper bound from the now-relative granule.
getUpper() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Accessor - retrieve the upper bound from an indeterminate granule (defaults to granules for determinate granule)
getUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Returns irregular mapping implementation url.
getUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Returns the URL, which is also Primary Key in CalendarRepository, of this Calendar.
getUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns url of this CalendricSystem's specification file.
getUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Returns URL of this Property.
getUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Returns URL of FVSupport of this Field.
getUrl() - Method in class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
Returns url for this field value if it exists.
getValue() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Returns value of this Field.
getValue() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Accessor function to get the value represented by this TimeValue.
getVariableName() - Method in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Returns the name of the variable
getVariableName() - Method in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
Returns the name of the variable
getVariableName() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Returns variable name of this Field.
getWhitespace() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
Returns whitespace characteristic of cached Format.
getWhitespace() - Method in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
Returns whitespace characteristic of Property's Format.
granularities - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Array of Granularities that this Calendar contains.
granularity - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
The granularity in the calendric system that the LatticeNode is representing.
granularity - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Granularity - class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity.
The Granularity class is for granularities in calendars.
Granularity(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
Constructs a Calendarless Granularity.
Granularity(String, URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
Constructs a Granularity.
GranularityLattice - class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.
GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge - class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge.
LatticeEdge class is a private inner class to GranularityLattice.
GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, Mapping) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
Construct a LatticeEdge given a "to" node and a mapping.
GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, Mapping, int) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
Construct a LatticeEdge.
GranularityLattice.LatticeNode - class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode.
LatticeNode class is a private inner class to GranularityLattice.
GranularityLattice.LatticeNode(Granularity) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
Construct a LatticeNode by setting the node's granularity to the given granularity.
GranularityLattice.LatticeNode(Granularity, Hashtable, Hashtable, Hashtable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
Construct a LatticeNode by setting the node's granularity to the given granularity and setting the node's edges to the given lists of edges.
GranularityLattice.SPElement - class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.SPElement.
SPElement class is a private inner class to GranularityLattice.
GranularityLattice.SPElement(Integer, Object) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.SPElement
Constructs a shortest path element.
GranularityLattice(Calendar[], Mapping[]) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Constructs a GranularityLattice object.
granule - Variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
granule - Variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Granule - class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule.
A Granule is a pairing of a TimeValue and a Granularity, independent of a TauZamanService.
granule() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Accessor - retrieve the Granule from this Interval.
Granule(Granularity, long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create a determinate granule at the specified Granularity
Granule(Granularity, long, long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with an unknown PMF at the specified Granularity
Granule(Granularity, long, long, ProbabilityMassFunction) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with the specified PMF at the specified Granularity
Granule(Granularity, TimeValue) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create a determinate granule at the specified Granularity
Granule(Granularity, TimeValue, TimeValue) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with an unknown PMF at the specified Granularity
Granule(Granularity, TimeValue, TimeValue, ProbabilityMassFunction) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with the specified PMF at the specified Granularity
Granule(long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create a determinate granule at the default Granularity
Granule(long, long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with an unknown PMF at the default Granularity
Granule(long, long, ProbabilityMassFunction) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with the specified PMF at the default Granularity
Granule(TimeValue) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create a determinate granule at the default Granularity
Granule(TimeValue, TimeValue) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with an unknown PMF at the default Granularity
Granule(TimeValue, TimeValue, ProbabilityMassFunction) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create an indeterminate granule with the specified PMF at the default Granularity
granuleToFields(Granule, Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Forms and returns a Fields, which is unpacked version of a timestamp parsed into each Field.
granuleToFields(Granule, Fields) - Method in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Fills given Fields's Field objects according to information in Granule.
GRAY - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node is currently being explored.
greaterThan(Granule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Is this > other?
greaterThan(NowRelativeGranule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
NowRelative/NowRelative comparison - Is this > other?
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Granule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Is this >= other?
greaterThanOrEqualTo(NowRelativeGranule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
NowRelative/NowRelative comparison - Is this >= other?
groupSize - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Group size of from Granularity in to Granularity.


hasCache() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Returns true if this Property has already been loaded for Input/Output reasons.
hashCode() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity


image() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Build a nice string image of an Period, for debugging mostly.
image() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Build a nice string image of an Interval, for debugging mostly.
image() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Build a nice string image of an Instant, for debugging mostly.
image() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Create a nice string image of a time value
image() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Create a nice string image of a granule, alternative to toString()
image() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Create a nice string image of a granule, alternative to toString()
implUrl - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Url of this Calendar implementation.
ImportFormat - class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat.
ImportFormat class represents a import format information that is used to parse a value which was parsed using other property.
ImportFormat(Element, URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Constructs a Format object, from given DOM node parsed from Property Specification file.
importFormats - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
List of imported formats in case this Property has a complex type
increment() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct this TimeValue + 1
increment() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Construct a NowRelativeGranule that has the relative part incremented by 1
increment() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Construct a Granule that has each bound incremented by 1
INDETERMINATE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ProbabilityMassFunction
INDETERMINATE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
IndeterminateSemantics - interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics.
The IndeterminateSemantics interface contains all the arithmetic and comparison operations that are available on indeterminate time values.
indexToString(long) - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVTable
Converts a given long to corresponding string.
indexToString(long) - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVFunction
Converts a given integer to corresponding string.
indexToString(long) - Method in class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
Converts a given long to corresponding string.
INDUCED_WEIGHT - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
induceMappings() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Induces all regular mappings in the sets of coarser, finer and congruent edges in the lattice.
induceMappings(int) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Performs a DFS search on each node looking for regular mappings that can be induced.
induceMappingsDFSVisit(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, int, HashMap) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Recursive helper to the DFS part of the mapping induction.
INFINITY - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
initializeSingleSource(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, HashMap) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Initializes the data structures used in Djiksta's algorithm.
initStackMap() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Initialize the hash table.
input - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FormatParser
String input that will be tokenized
Input - class tauzaman.io.Input.
Input class handles conversion of temporal constants to timestamps.
Input(CalendricSystem, PropertyManager, FVSupportRepository) - Constructor for class tauzaman.io.Input
Constructs an Input object.
Instant - class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant.
The Instant class provides a set of constructor and accessor operations on Instants.
Instant() - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Construct a zero Instant in the default granularity.
Instant(Granularity) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Construct a zero Instant in the desired granularity.
Instant(Granularity, Granule) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Construct an Instant from a granule representing the distance from the granularity anchor point Convert the Instant to the desired granularity.
Instant(Granule) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Construct an Instant from a granule representing the distance from the granularity anchor point
Instant(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Construct an Instant by parsing a string, using the default granularity.
Instant(String, Granularity) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Construct an Instant by parsing a string.
Internal - class tauzaman.timestamp.Internal.
Internal() - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.Internal
Interval - class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval.
The Interval class provides a set of constructor and accessor operations for intervals.
Interval(Granularity, Granule) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Construct an Interval from a count of granules.
Interval(Granule) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Construct an Interval from a count of granules.
Interval(Period) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Construct an Interval as the distance between a period's endpoints
Interval(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Construct a Interval given a String literal.
IOException - exception tauzaman.io.IOException.
IOException class represents a set of Exceptions related to Input/Output parsing.
IOException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.io.IOException
Constructs an IOException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
IOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.io.IOException
Constructs an IOException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
IOMultiplexer - class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer.
IOMultiplexer, abbreviation for Input/Output Multiplexer, class classifies behaviours of different temporal data types using their parsed Fields.
IOMultiplexer(CalendricSystem, PropertyManager) - Constructor for class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
Constructs a IOMultiplexer object ready to serve.
IRREGULAR_WEIGHT - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
IrregularMapping - class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping.
IrregularMapping class represents the irregular granularity mapping information of a Calendar.
IrregularMapping(Granularity, Granularity, int, URL, Element) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Constructs an IrregularMapping object, which allocates memory for method names and urls.
IrregularMappingFormationException - exception tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMappingFormationException.
IrregularMappingFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to formation of Calendars.
IrregularMappingFormationException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMappingFormationException
Constructs a IrregularMappingFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
IrregularMappingFormationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMappingFormationException
Constructs a IrregularMappingFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
isCoarser(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
isCoarser(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Uses the lattice to determine if one granularity is coarser than another.
isDirty() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Return true if this Field is marked.
isEquivalent(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
isEquivalent(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Uses the lattice to determine if the two granularities are equivalent.
isFiner(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
isFiner(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Uses the lattice to determine if one granularity is finer than another.
isFormatWhitespaceFriendly() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Format
Returns whether this format is whitespace friendly or not
isIncomparable(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
isIncomparable(Granularity, Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Uses the lattice to determine if the two granularities are equivalent.
isSimple - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
Whether type of this Property is a simple one or not
isSimpleType() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Returns the type of this Value
isValidCalendricSystemName(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Returns true if given CalendricSystem name is actually mapped to a loaded CalendricSystem object.
isValidCalendricSystemName(String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Returns true if given CalendricSystem name is actually mapped to a loaded CalendricSystem object.
isValidCalendricSystemName(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns true if given CalendricSystem name is actually mapped to a loaded CalendricSystem object.
isValidPropertyName(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyRepository
Returns true if given property name is one of the valid names.


kind - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
kind - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule


largest() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Get the largest (only!)
last(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Temporal constructor - Choose the last (latest) from among a pair of instants
last(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Temporal constructor - Choose the last (latest) from among a pair of instants
latest() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Returns the latest (only!)
lattice - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
lessThan(Granule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Is this < other?
lessThan(NowRelativeGranule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
NowRelative/NowRelative comparison - Is this < other?
lessThanOrEqualTo(Granule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Is this <= other?
lessThanOrEqualTo(NowRelativeGranule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
NowRelative/NowRelative comparison - Is this <= other?
loadCalendar(URL) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarRepository
Loads a Calendar into this CalendarRepository.
loadCalendricSystem(String, URL, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Loads the CalendricSystem, whose specification file and default Property list URLs are given.
loadCalendricSystem(String, URL, URL) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Loads the CalendricSystem, whose specification file and default Property list URLs are given.
loadCalendricSystem(String, URL, URL) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Loads the CalendricSystem, whose specification file and default Property list URLs are given.
loadCalendricSystem(URL) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository
Loads a CalendricSystem, given its URL and returns a handle to loaded CalendricSystem.
loadClass(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.ClassLoaderMethodCaller
Finds and loads the class with the specified name from the URL search path.
loadFVSupport(URL) - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVSupportRepository
Returns a handle to FVSupport with a given label if it exists, loads it otherwise.
loadProperty(URL, String[]) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyRepository
Loads Property(ies) into this PropertyRepository and also returns them.
loadPropertyInternal(URL, String[], boolean) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyRepository
Loads Property(ies) into this PropertyRepository and also returns them.
locator(Element, String) - Method in class tauzaman.XMLParser
lower - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule


main(String[]) - Static method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
A simple test for the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
A simple test for the class.
mapping - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
The mapping that is a label of this edge and can be used to convert from the owning granularity (LatticeNode) to the granularity of the node to which this edge connects.
Mapping - class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping.
Mapping abstract class represents the granularity mapping information of a Calendar.
Mapping(Granularity, Granularity, int) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Constructs a Mapping from "from" Granularity to "to" Granularity.
mappingCache - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Cache that maps a string representing the source granularity to the destination granularity ("sourceGranStr$destGranStr") to mapping paths.
mappings - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Array of Mappings that this Calendar contains.
mappings - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Granularity mappings belong to this CalendricSystem.
matcher - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FormatParser
Matcher class of java.util.regex, that will be used when finding variable patterns in input string
MAX - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
MAYBE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
MAYBE_EB - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
maybe() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
MaybeEB - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
meets(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does the end of a Period meet the start of another Period, that is, is alpha.end == beta.start?
meets(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does the end of a Period meet the start of another Period, that is, is alpha.end == beta.start?
metBy(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Is the start of a Period metBy the start of another Period, that is, is beta.end == alpha.start?
metBy(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Is the start of a Period metBy the start of another Period, that is, is beta.end == alpha.start?
methodBehaviorTypeToNames - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
A Hashtable relates type and behavior of methods to method names.
methodsToClass - Variable in class tauzaman.ClassLoaderMethodCaller
A Hashtable, which maps methods of this CLMC to loaded classes.
MIN - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
MINUS_ONE_TIMEVALUE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
multiply(int) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct the result of "this times N".
multiply(int) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Multiply by a constant.
multiply(int) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Multiply by a constant.
multiply(Interval, int) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Multiply an Interval by an integer constant.
multiply(Interval, int) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Multiply an Interval by an integer constant.


name - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
local name of this Granularity
name - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
name of this Property
name - Variable in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Name of the property content of the variable will be parsed with
name - Variable in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
Name of the Field.
name - Variable in class tauzaman.field.Fields
negate() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct the result of "minus this".
negate() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Negate the granule.
negate() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Negate the granule.
negate(Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Negate an Interval.
negate(Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Negate an Interval.
NEGATIVE_ALL_OF_TIME - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
newFormat - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
node - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
The node to which this edge connects (the node from which this edge connects will be the node that has this edge in its list of edges).
nodeList - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
List of all the nodes in the lattice.
nodeTable - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
This hashtable will contain a reference to all nodes in the granularity lattice by mapping Granularity -> LatticeNode.
NORMAL - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
not(ExtendedBoolean) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
NOWRELATIVE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
NowRelativeGranule - class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule.
The Granule class implements the arithmetic and comparison operations on Granules.
NowRelativeGranule() - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Create the now granule at the default Granularity (i.e., 'now + 0')
NowRelativeGranule(Granularity) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Create the now granule at the specified Granularity (i.e., 'now + 0')
NowRelativeGranule(Granularity, long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Create a now-relative granule at the specified Granularity
NowRelativeGranule(Granularity, TimeValue) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Create a now-relative granule at the specified Granularity
NowRelativeGranule(long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Create a now-relative granule at the default Granularity
NowRelativeGranule(TimeValue) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Create a now-relative granule at the default Granularity


ONE_TIMEVALUE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
or(ExtendedBoolean) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
Or this one with another.
Output - class tauzaman.io.Output.
Output class handles conversion of timestamps to temporal constants.
output() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Returns string representation of this Instant.
output() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Returns string representation of this Interval.
output() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Returns string representation of this Instant.
Output(CalendricSystem, PropertyManager, FVSupportRepository) - Constructor for class tauzaman.io.Output
Constructs an Output object.
overlaps(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does one Period overlap another?
overlaps(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does one Period overlap another?


parentSystem - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl
A handle to parent TauZamanSystem
parseFormat(boolean) - Method in class tauzaman.io.FormatParser
Returns tokens, which are resulted from parsing process.
parseFragment(String) - Method in class tauzaman.XMLParser
Parses a given String XML fragment.
parseInput(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Returns an array of Granule objects formed by using input temporal constant and given Property name.
parseInput(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Returns an array of Granule objects formed by using input temporal constant and given Property name.
parseInput(String, String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Returns an array of Granule objects formed by using input temporal constant and given Property name.
parseInput(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns an array of Granule objects formed by using input temporal constant and given Property name.
parseInput(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.io.Input
Returns formed Granule(s) given a temporal constant and name of the Property to be used.
parseInputInternal(Element, Element) - Method in class tauzaman.io.Input
Traverses two DOM trees (parsed from temporal constant and Property's Format) and checks whether they match.
parseOutput(Granule[], String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Converts a timestamp (in terms of Granule(s)) into temporal constant as string.
parseOutput(Granule[], String) - Method in class tauzaman.io.Output
Returns formed String temporal constant given Granules and name of the Property to be used.
parseOutput(Granule[], String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Converts a timestamp (in terms of Granule(s)) into temporal constant as string.
parseOutput(Granule[], String, String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Converts a timestamp (in terms of Granule(s)) into temporal constant as string.
parseOutput(Granule[], String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Converts a timestamp (in terms of Granule(s)) into temporal constant as string.
parseURL(URL) - Method in class tauzaman.XMLParser
Parses a given URL, which points to an xml file.
pattern - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FormatParser
Pattern class of java.util.regex, that will be used when finding variable patterns in input string
peek(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Gets and returns the top element (Property) of the stack (without removing it).
peekAll(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Returns all elements of a given stack
performAnchoredCast(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Casts a given anchored point.
performAnchoredCast(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Casts a given anchored point.
performAnchoredCast(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Casts a given anchored point.
performAnchoredScale(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Scales a given anchored point.
performAnchoredScale(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Scales a given anchored point.
performAnchoredScale(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Scales a given anchored point.
performUnanchoredCast(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Casts a given unanchored point.
performUnanchoredCast(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Casts a given unanchored point.
performUnanchoredCast(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Casts a given unanchored point.
performUnanchoredScale(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Scales a given unanchored point.
performUnanchoredScale(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Scales a given unanchored point.
performUnanchoredScale(long) - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Scales a given unanchored point.
Period - class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period.
The Period class provides a set of constructor and accessor operations on periods.
Period(Granularity, Instant, Instant) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Construct a Period from a pair of Instants.
Period(Instant, Instant) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Construct a Period from a pair of Instants.
Period(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Construct a Period object from a given String temporal constant.
periodSize - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Period size of from Granularity in to Granularity.
pm - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
pmf - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
pop() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Pops all active Propertyies from their stacks, except default ones, which are the last elements in stacks.Does not deactivates default Property.
pop(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Pops the corresponding active Property from its stack.
popToLast() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Pop all elements from their stack until the last elements, which are the default properties.
popToLast(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Pops all elements from given property stack until the last elements, which are the default properties.
pr - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
A handle to unique PropertyRepository of this TauZamanSystem
pr - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
A handle to PropertyRepository of parent TauZamanSystem
pr - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Unique PropertyRepository of this TauZaman system
precedes(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does one Instant precede another, that is, is alpha < beta?
precedes(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does one Instant precede another, that is, is alpha < beta?
precedes(Instant, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does an Instant precede the start of a Period, that is, is alpha < beta.start?
precedes(Instant, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does an Instant precede the start of a Period, that is, is alpha < beta.start?
precedes(Period, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does the end of a Period precede the start of an Instant, that is, is alpha.end < beta?
precedes(Period, Instant) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does the end of a Period precede the start of an Instant, that is, is alpha.end < beta?
precedes(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does the end of a Period precede the start of another, that is, is alpha.end < beta.start?
precedes(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does the end of a Period precede the start of another, that is, is alpha.end < beta.start?
predecessor - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.SPElement
The predecessor of the node that owns this shortest path information.
printSpTable(HashMap) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Helper method used to debug findPath by printing out predecessor lists.
ProbabilityMassFunction - class tauzaman.timestamp.ProbabilityMassFunction.
The ProbabilityMassFunction class implements the probability mass function for indeterminate granules.
ProbabilityMassFunction() - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.ProbabilityMassFunction
property - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FieldsBuilder
Property - class tauzaman.property.Property.
Property class is the representation of a single property Properties are two types: Simple Type, which includes just a string, the value of Property.
Property(String, URL, Element, Hashtable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.Property
Constructs a Property, from a given DOM Node, parsed from Property Specification file.
propertyActivate(String, URL, String[]) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Activates a Property from given URL of Property specification file.
propertyActivate(String, URL, String[]) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Activates a Property from given URL of Property specification file.
propertyActivate(String, URL, String[]) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Activates a Property from given URL of Property specification file.
propertyActivate(URL, String[]) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Activates a Property from given Property specification file URL.
propertyActivate(URL, String[]) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Activates a Property from given Property specification file URL.
propertyActivate(URL, String[]) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Activates a Property from given Property specification file URL.
propertyActivate(URL, String[]) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Inserts a new Property(possibly Properties, given by url) to property structure, which is handled by PropertyStackService and activates it.
propertyActivateInternal(PropertyManager, URL, String[]) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Internal use...
PropertyCache - class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache.
PropertyCache class represents cached version of a Property.
PropertyCache(Fields, Element, String, boolean) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
Constructs a PropertyCache object.
propertyDeactivate(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Deactivates a Property whose has the given name.
propertyDeactivate(String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Deactivates a Property whose has the given name.
propertyDeactivate(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Deactivates a Property whose has the given name.
propertyDeactivate(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Deactivates a Property (given by its name) and removes it from property list, which is managed by PropertyStackService.
propertyDeactivate(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivate(String, String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivate(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivateAll() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivateAll() - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivateAll() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivateAll() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Deactivates any active properties and removes them from PropertyStackService.
propertyDeactivateAll(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivateAll(String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivateAll(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Deactivates and removes any active Properties.
propertyDeactivateAllInternal(PropertyManager) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Internal use...
propertyDeactivateInternal(PropertyManager, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Internal use...
propertyDefaultListInit() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Initializes this PropertyManager with a default property list.
PropertyFormationException - exception tauzaman.property.PropertyFormationException.
PropertyFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to parsing of Property.
PropertyFormationException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyFormationException
Constructs a PropertyFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
PropertyFormationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyFormationException
Constructs a PropertyFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
propertyManager - Variable in class tauzaman.io.IOMultiplexer
A handle to PropertyManager, which will be used in Input/Output multiplexing
PropertyManager - class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager.
PropertyManager class manages user specific set of Properties.
PropertyManager(PropertyRepository, URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Constructs a PropertyManager object and initializes the default property list.
propertyNames - Static variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyRepository
All currently avaliable Property names
propertyRepository - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyRepository
Hashtable, which has url and name of a Property as keys and their corresponding Property object as values.
PropertyRepository - class tauzaman.property.PropertyRepository.
PropertyRepository class manages a pool of Properties.
PropertyRepository() - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyRepository
Constructs a PropertyRepository object.
PropertyServiceException - exception tauzaman.property.PropertyServiceException.
PropertyServiceException class represents a set of Exceptions related to service of Property.
PropertyServiceException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyServiceException
Constructs a PropertyServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
PropertyServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyServiceException
Constructs a PropertyServiceException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
propertySetDefault(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Sets Property (given by its name) to its default value.
propertySetDefault(String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Sets Property (given by its name) to its default value.
propertySetDefault(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Sets Property (given by its name) to its default value.
propertySetDefault(String) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Sets Property (given by its name) to its default value.
propertySetDefault(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Sets Property (given by its name) to its default value.
propertySetDefault(String, String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Sets Property (given by its name) to its default value.
propertySetDefault(String, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Sets Property (given by its name) to its default value.
propertySetDefaultAll() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Sets all active Properties to their default values.
propertySetDefaultAll() - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Sets all active Properties to their default values.
propertySetDefaultAll() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Sets all active Properties to their default values.
propertySetDefaultAll() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Sets all active Properties to their default values.
propertySetDefaultAll(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Sets all active Properties to their default values.
propertySetDefaultAll(String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Sets all active Properties to their default values.
propertySetDefaultAll(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Sets all active Properties to their default values.
propertySetDefaultAllInternal(PropertyManager) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Internal use...
propertySetDefaultInternal(PropertyManager, String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Internal use...
propertyStackList - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Property Stack List
propertyStackMap - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Property Stack Hash table, provides efficient indexing of stacks
propertyStackService - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Service that provides operations on active properties
PropertyStackService - class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService.
PropertyStackService class implements data structures to store properties and provides service to PropertyManager.
PropertyStackService() - Constructor for class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Constructs a PropertyStackService object, which provides stack operations for Property.
push(Property) - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyStackService
Pushes a Property to its stack.


regex - Variable in class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
regex for this structure, that will be used to parse input string
REGULAR_WEIGHT - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
RegularMapping - class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping.
RegularMapping class represents the granularity and granularity mapping information of a Calendar.
RegularMapping(Granularity, Granularity, int, Element) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
Constructs a RegularMapping object, which stores a Regular Mapping information for a Calendar.
RegularMapping(Granularity, Granularity, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
relationship - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
Relationship between the Granularities of this Mapping
relax(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode, int, HashMap, MinPriorityQueue) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Tests whether or not we can improve the shortest path to v found so far by going through u, and, if so, updating the shortest path estimation table and the predecessor table.


SATISFIED - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
satisfied() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
scale() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Scale this Interval to the default granularity.
scale(Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
Scale the bounding Instants to the specified granularity.
scale(Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Scale this Interval to the indicated granularity.
scale(Granularity) - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
Scale this Instant to the indicated granularity.
serverRegistryName - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Name that is used for RMI registry name binding
setActiveCalendricSystem(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Sets given CalendricSystem name as active CalendricSystem of this service.
setActiveCalendricSystem(String) - Method in interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService
Sets given CalendricSystem name as active CalendricSystem of this service.
setActiveCalendricSystem(String) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Sets given CalendricSystem name as active CalendricSystem of this service.
setActiveService(TauZamanLocalService) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Sets a TauZamanLocalService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.
setActiveService(TauZamanRemoteService) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Sets a TauZamanRemoteService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.
setActiveService(TauZamanService) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Sets a TauZamanService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.
setAsDirty() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Sets this Field as being used.
setCache(PropertyCache) - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
Sets PropertyCache object of this Property.
setCalendarUrl(URL) - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
Sets Calendar URL of this Granularity.
setRemoteService(boolean) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Sets this TauZamanService as a server, which provides Calendar related services, by using Java RMI, to various TauZaman clients.
setRemoteService(String, String, boolean) - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Sets this TauZamanService as a server, which provides Calendar related services, by using Java RMI, to various TauZaman clients.
setValue(long) - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Sets value of this Field to a given value.
smallest() - Method in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Interval
Get the smallest (only!)
SP_DEBUG - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
SPACES - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
startingInstant - Variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Period
starts(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Does this Period begin at the same time as another, but end before it, that is, is alpha.start == beta.start but alpha.end < beta.end?
starts(Period, Period) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Does this Period begin at the same time as another, but end before it, that is, is alpha.start == beta.start but alpha.end < beta.end?
status - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
stringToIndex(String) - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVTable
Converts a given string to corresponding index.
stringToIndex(String) - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVFunction
Converts a given string to corresponding index.
stringToIndex(String) - Method in class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
Converts a given string to corresponding index.
subtract(Granule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
Construct a new Granule that is this - other.
subtract(Instant, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Displace (subtract) an Instant on the time-line by an Interval
subtract(Instant, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Displace (subtract) an Instant on the time-line by an Interval
subtract(Interval, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Subtract one Interval from another
subtract(Interval, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Subtract one Interval from another
subtract(NowRelativeGranule) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.NowRelativeGranule
Subtract a now-relative from a now-relative.
subtract(Period, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.IndeterminateSemantics
Displace (subtract) a Period on the time-line by an Interval
subtract(Period, Interval) - Method in interface tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.DeterminateSemantics
Displace (subtract) a Period on the time-line by an Interval
subtract(TimeValue) - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct the result of "this minus other".


tauzaman - package tauzaman
tauzaman.calendar - package tauzaman.calendar
tauzaman.calendar.mapping - package tauzaman.calendar.mapping
tauzaman.calendricsystem - package tauzaman.calendricsystem
tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice - package tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice
tauzaman.field - package tauzaman.field
tauzaman.field.fvsupport - package tauzaman.field.fvsupport
tauzaman.io - package tauzaman.io
tauzaman.property - package tauzaman.property
tauzaman.temporaldatatypes - package tauzaman.temporaldatatypes
tauzaman.timestamp - package tauzaman.timestamp
TauZamanException - exception tauzaman.TauZamanException.
TauZamanException class represents a throwable object which is the root of tauZaman system's Exception hieararchy.
TauZamanException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanException
Constructs a TauZamanException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
TauZamanException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanException
Constructs a TauZamanException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
TauZamanLocalService - class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService.
TauZamanLocalService class provides local Calendar related services.
TauZamanLocalService(TauZamanSystem, String, URL, URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Constructs a TauZamanLocalService object ready to serve.
TauZamanRemoteService - interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteService.
TauZamanRemoteService is a remote interface.
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler - interface tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler.
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler interface enables a TauZamanSystem to be set as a server.
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl - class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl.
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl class implemets TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler interface, which enables a TauZamanSystem to be set as a server.
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl(TauZamanSystem, boolean) - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl
Constructs a TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl.
TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl - class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl.
TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl class implements TauZamanRemoteService remote interface and provides remote Calendar related services.
TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl(TauZamanSystem, String, URL, URL) - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
Constructs a TauZamanRemoteService object ready to serve.
TauZamanService - class tauzaman.TauZamanService.
TauZamanService class is a wrapper class for TauZamanLocalService and TauZamanRemoteService.
TauZamanService(TauZamanLocalService) - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Constructs a TauZamanService from given TauZamanLocalService.
TauZamanService(TauZamanRemoteService) - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanService
Constructs a TauZamanService from given TauZamanRemoteService.
TauZamanSystem - class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem.
TauZamanSystem is the entrance point for TauZaman services.
TauZamanSystem() - Constructor for class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Constructs a TauZamanSystem object, which provides local or remote TauZamanServices, and also has the capability of being a TauZaman server.
TemporalDataTypeFormationException - exception tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.TemporalDataTypeFormationException.
TemporalDataTypeFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to parsing of temporal elements.
TemporalDataTypeFormationException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.TemporalDataTypeFormationException
Constructs a TemporalDataTypeFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
TemporalDataTypeFormationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.TemporalDataTypeFormationException
Constructs a TemporalDataTypeFormationException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
TemporalDataTypeServiceException - exception tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.TemporalDataTypeServiceException.
TemporalDataTypeServiceException class represents a set of Exceptions related to service of temporal elements.
TemporalDataTypeServiceException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.TemporalDataTypeServiceException
Constructs a TemporalDataTypeException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
TemporalDataTypeServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.TemporalDataTypeServiceException
Constructs a TemporalDataTypeException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
testPerformMappings() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Tests mappings when constructed...
TimeValue - class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue.
TimeValue class implements the arithmetic and comparison operations for an underlying domain of times times that are bounded by "MIN" and "MAX" values.
TimeValue(int) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct a NORMAL time value.
TimeValue(int, int) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct a NORMAL, MAX or MIN time value.
TimeValue(int, long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Construct a NORMAL, MAX or MIN time value.
TimeValue(long) - Constructor for class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
Creates a NORMAL TimeValue.
to - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
to Granularity
token - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Default regular expression for useful information in inputs.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanLocalService
Returns String representation of this TauZamanLocalService.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.ClassLoaderMethodCaller
Returns string representation of method name - class name mapping of this ClassLoaderMethodCaller.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.RegularMapping
toString method
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
Returns a String representing this IrregularMapping object.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.CalendarRepository
Returns all URLs in this CalendarRepository<>.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Returns string representation of this Calendar.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendar.mapping.Mapping
toString method as abstract
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.Granularity
Returns String representation of this Granularity.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystemRepository
Returns urls of all CalendricSystems.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Returns url of this CalendricSystem.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Returns a string representation of the lattice.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
Returns a string representation of the lattice node.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
Returns a string representation of the lattice edge.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.SPElement
Returns a string representation of this shortest path element.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.property.PropertyManager
Returns this PropertyManager's default property list URL.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Property
toString method
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
toString method
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.property.Format
toString method
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
toString method
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVTable
toString method, which produces string representation of this FVTable.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVSupportRepository
toString method, which produces string representation of this FVSupportRepository.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.field.FVFunction
toString method, which produces string representation of this FVFunction.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Fields
Returns String representation of this Fields.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.field.Field
Returns String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
Returns a String representation of this FVSupport.
TRUE_EB - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
TrueEB - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
tzls - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
A handle to TauZamanLocalService
tzls - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl
TauZamanRemoteService "has a" TauZamanLocalService
tzRemoteServiceHandler - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler object, which handles remote services of this TauZamanSystem when it is set as server
tzrs - Variable in class tauzaman.TauZamanService
A handle to TauZamanRemoteService


underlyingGranularity - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Underlying Granularity of this Calendar.
UNSATISFIED - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
unsatisfied() - Method in class tauzaman.timestamp.ExtendedBoolean
unsetRemoteService() - Method in class tauzaman.TauZamanSystem
Unsets this TauZamanService as a server.
upper - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.Granule
url - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.IrregularMapping
URL that points either to a (.jar file | directory) or a class file
url - Variable in class tauzaman.calendar.Calendar
Url of this Calendar, which is the Primary Key in CalendarRepository.
url - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.CalendricSystem
Url of the this CalendricSystem, which is enforced to be unique in database
url - Variable in class tauzaman.property.Property
url of this Property
url - Variable in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Url of property to be used
url - Variable in class tauzaman.field.fvsupport.FVSupport
url of this structure, which contains actual conversion informatio
using - Variable in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
URL of the Field Value service (name of the table or function) to be used.


value - Variable in class tauzaman.field.Field
long value(index) of this Field
value - Variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue
variable - Variable in class tauzaman.property.ImportFormat
Variable name that is stored in format string
variable - Variable in class tauzaman.property.FieldInfo
Variable name that is stored in format string.
varPattern - Variable in class tauzaman.io.FormatParser


Warning(String) - Static method in class tauzaman.timestamp.Internal
weight - Variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
The weight of this edge.
WHITE - Static variable in class tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.GranularityLattice
Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node has not yet been explored.
whitespace - Variable in class tauzaman.property.PropertyCache
whitespace characteristic of Format
whitespace - Variable in class tauzaman.io.Input


XMLParseException - exception tauzaman.XMLParseException.
XMLParseException class is a wrapper class for all exceptions thrown by parsing XML.
XMLParseException(String) - Constructor for class tauzaman.XMLParseException
Constructs a XMLParseException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message.
XMLParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class tauzaman.XMLParseException
Constructs a XMLParseException object given a detailed explanation of abnormal condition in String message and another exception, which is the immediate cause of this exception.
XMLParser - class tauzaman.XMLParser.
XMLParser class parses a given url, which contains an XML file, and returns the root of resulting DOM.
XMLParser() - Constructor for class tauzaman.XMLParser
Constructs an XMLParser object, which parses an xml file, which given url points to.


ZERO_TIME - Static variable in class tauzaman.temporaldatatypes.Instant
ZERO_TIMEVALUE - Static variable in class tauzaman.timestamp.TimeValue


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