
Package tauzaman

Interface Summary
TauZamanRemoteService TauZamanRemoteService is a remote interface.
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler interface enables a TauZamanSystem to be set as a server.

Class Summary
ClassLoaderMethodCaller ClassLoaderMethodCaller class dynamically loads a Class and provide service for calling any of loaded Methods.
TauZamanLocalService TauZamanLocalService class provides local Calendar related services.
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl TauZamanRemoteServiceHandlerImpl class implemets TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler interface, which enables a TauZamanSystem to be set as a server.
TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl TauZamanRemoteServiceImpl class implements TauZamanRemoteService remote interface and provides remote Calendar related services.
TauZamanService TauZamanService class is a wrapper class for TauZamanLocalService and TauZamanRemoteService.
TauZamanSystem TauZamanSystem is the entrance point for TauZaman services.
XMLParser XMLParser class parses a given url, which contains an XML file, and returns the root of resulting DOM.

Exception Summary
DynamicLoadException DynamicLoadException class is a wrapper class for all exceptions thrown by Dynamic Class loading.
TauZamanException TauZamanException class represents a throwable object which is the root of tauZaman system's Exception hieararchy.
XMLParseException XMLParseException class is a wrapper class for all exceptions thrown by parsing XML.


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