
Class TauZamanSystem


public class TauZamanSystem
extends java.lang.Object

TauZamanSystem is the entrance point for TauZaman services. It contains methods, which provides services to interact further Calendar related services. It contains all repositories, which will be used as a database for all services.

design complete, implementation complete

Field Summary
private static TauZamanService activeService
          Active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem
private  CalendarRepository cr
          A handle to unique CalendarRepository of this TauZamanSystem
private  CalendricSystemRepository csr
          A handle to unique CalendricSystemRepository of this TauZamanSystem
private  FVSupportRepository fvsr
          A handle to unique FVSupportRepository of this TauZamanSystem
private  PropertyRepository pr
          A handle to unique PropertyRepository of this TauZamanSystem
private  java.lang.String serverRegistryName
          Name that is used for RMI registry name binding
private  TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler tzRemoteServiceHandler
          TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler object, which handles remote services of this TauZamanSystem when it is set as server
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a TauZamanSystem object, which provides local or remote TauZamanServices, and also has the capability of being a TauZaman server.
Method Summary
static TauZamanService getActiveService()
          Returns a handle to active TauZamanService object of this TauZamanSystem.
protected  CalendricSystemRepository getCalendricSystemRepository()
          Returns a handle to CalendricSystemRepository object, which provides all Calendar related services of this system.
protected  FVSupportRepository getFVSupportRepository()
          Returns a handle to FVSupportRepository object, which provides all FVSupport related services of this system.
 TauZamanLocalService getLocalService(java.lang.String calendricSystemName, java.net.URL calendricSystemUrl, java.net.URL defaultPropertyListUrl)
          Returns a local TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Properties, ready to serve.
protected  PropertyRepository getPropertyRepository()
          Returns a handle to PropertyRepository object, which provides all Property related services of this system.
 TauZamanRemoteService getRemoteService(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String port, java.lang.String serviceName, java.lang.String calendricSystemName, java.net.URL calendricSystemUrl, java.net.URL defaultPropertyListUrl)
          Returns a remote TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Property table, ready to serve.
 TauZamanRemoteService getRemoteService(java.lang.String calendricSystemName, java.net.URL calendricSystemUrl, java.net.URL defaultPropertyListUrl)
          Returns a remote TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Property table, ready to serve.
 void setActiveService(TauZamanLocalService tzls)
          Sets a TauZamanLocalService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.
 void setActiveService(TauZamanRemoteService tzrs)
          Sets a TauZamanRemoteService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.
 void setActiveService(TauZamanService tzs)
          Sets a TauZamanService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.
 boolean setRemoteService(boolean log)
          Sets this TauZamanService as a server, which provides Calendar related services, by using Java RMI, to various TauZaman clients.
 boolean setRemoteService(java.lang.String port, java.lang.String serviceName, boolean log)
          Sets this TauZamanService as a server, which provides Calendar related services, by using Java RMI, to various TauZaman clients.
 boolean unsetRemoteService()
          Unsets this TauZamanService as a server.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler tzRemoteServiceHandler
TauZamanRemoteServiceHandler object, which handles remote services of this TauZamanSystem when it is set as server


private CalendricSystemRepository csr
A handle to unique CalendricSystemRepository of this TauZamanSystem


private PropertyRepository pr
A handle to unique PropertyRepository of this TauZamanSystem


private FVSupportRepository fvsr
A handle to unique FVSupportRepository of this TauZamanSystem


private CalendarRepository cr
A handle to unique CalendarRepository of this TauZamanSystem


private static TauZamanService activeService
Active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem


private java.lang.String serverRegistryName
Name that is used for RMI registry name binding

Constructor Detail


public TauZamanSystem()
Constructs a TauZamanSystem object, which provides local or remote TauZamanServices, and also has the capability of being a TauZaman server.

See Also:
CalendricSystemRepository, CalendarRepository, FVSupportRepository, PropertyRepository, TauZamanService
Method Detail


public TauZamanLocalService getLocalService(java.lang.String calendricSystemName,
                                            java.net.URL calendricSystemUrl,
                                            java.net.URL defaultPropertyListUrl)
                                     throws TauZamanException
Returns a local TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Properties, ready to serve. Additionally, this TauZamanService will be set as active TauZamanService in this system. And also loaded default CalendricSystem will be set as active CalendricSystem in this TauZamanService service.

calendricSystemName - String name, given by user, which loaded default CalendricSystem will be referred as
calendricSystemUrl - default CalendricSystem for this TauZamanService
a TauZamanLocalService ready to serve
TauZamanException - if any abnormal condition occurs when getting a local service


public TauZamanRemoteService getRemoteService(java.lang.String host,
                                              java.lang.String port,
                                              java.lang.String serviceName,
                                              java.lang.String calendricSystemName,
                                              java.net.URL calendricSystemUrl,
                                              java.net.URL defaultPropertyListUrl)
                                       throws TauZamanException
Returns a remote TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Property table, ready to serve. Additionally, this TauZamanService will be set as active TauZamanService in this system. And also loaded default CalendricSystem will be set as active CalendricSystem in this TauZamanService service.

host - url of remote TauZaman system
port - port of remote TauZaman system
serviceName - String name under which remote TauZaman system serves
calendricSystemName - String name, given by user, which loaded default CalendricSystem will be referred as
calendricSystemUrl - default CalendricSystem for this TauZamanService
a TauZamanRemoteService ready to serve
TauZamanException - if any abnormal condition occurs when getting requested remote service


public TauZamanRemoteService getRemoteService(java.lang.String calendricSystemName,
                                              java.net.URL calendricSystemUrl,
                                              java.net.URL defaultPropertyListUrl)
                                       throws TauZamanException
Returns a remote TauZamanService object, with a default CalendricSystem and a default Property table, ready to serve. Additionally, this TauZamanService will be set as active TauZamanService in this system. And also loaded default CalendricSystem will be set as active CalendricSystem in this TauZamanService service.

calendricSystemName - String name, given by user, which loaded default CalendricSystem will be referred as
calendricSystemUrl - default CalendricSystem for this TauZamanService
a TauZamanRemoteService ready to serve
TauZamanException - if any abnormal condition occurs when getting requested remote service


public boolean setRemoteService(java.lang.String port,
                                java.lang.String serviceName,
                                boolean log)
                         throws TauZamanException
Sets this TauZamanService as a server, which provides Calendar related services, by using Java RMI, to various TauZaman clients.

port - port of host registry that this server will make use of for publishing remote service
serviceName - String name of remote service that clients can use for their connection
log - a boolean value, which determines if this server will keep logs of remote calls. If it is true, server keeps log, o.w. server will not keep log
true if remote service is set successfully, and returns false if and only if this TauZamanSystem is already set as a server
TauZamanException - if any abnormal condition occurs when setting this TauZamanSystem as a server. A frequent exception might be using a service name, which is already in use. A possible solution is to use package-like names for services, such as; myTauZaman.myRemoteService


public boolean setRemoteService(boolean log)
                         throws TauZamanException
Sets this TauZamanService as a server, which provides Calendar related services, by using Java RMI, to various TauZaman clients.

log - a boolean value, which determines if this server will keep logs of remote calls. If it is true, server keeps log, o.w. server will not keep log
true if remote service is set successfully, and returns false if and only if this TauZamanSystem is already set as a server
TauZamanException - if any abnormal condition occurs when setting this TauZamanSystem as a server.A frequent exception might be using a service name, which is already in use


public boolean unsetRemoteService()
                           throws TauZamanException
Unsets this TauZamanService as a server.

true when this TauZamanService successfully unset. Returns false if and only if this TauZamanService was never set as a server.
TauZamanException - if any abnormal condition occurs when unsetting this TauZamanSystem as a server.


public void setActiveService(TauZamanLocalService tzls)
                      throws TauZamanException
Sets a TauZamanLocalService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.

tzls - TauZamanLocalService object to be set active
TauZamanException - if this service was not set to a valid TauZamanLocalService
See Also:


public void setActiveService(TauZamanService tzs)
Sets a TauZamanService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.

tzs - TauZamanService object to be set active
See Also:


public void setActiveService(TauZamanRemoteService tzrs)
                      throws TauZamanException
Sets a TauZamanRemoteService object as the active TauZamanService of this TauZamanSystem.

tzrs - TauZamanRemoteService object to be set active
TauZamanException - if this service was not set to a valid TauZamanRemoteService
See Also:


public static TauZamanService getActiveService()
Returns a handle to active TauZamanService object of this TauZamanSystem.

a handle to active TauZamanService
See Also:


protected CalendricSystemRepository getCalendricSystemRepository()
Returns a handle to CalendricSystemRepository object, which provides all Calendar related services of this system.

a handle to CalendricSystemRepository object
See Also:


protected PropertyRepository getPropertyRepository()
Returns a handle to PropertyRepository object, which provides all Property related services of this system.

a handle to PropertyRepository object
See Also:


protected FVSupportRepository getFVSupportRepository()
Returns a handle to FVSupportRepository object, which provides all FVSupport related services of this system.

a handle to FVSupportRepository object
See Also:


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