
Package tauzaman.temporaldatatypes

Interface Summary
DeterminateSemantics The DeterminateSemantics interface contains all the arithmetic and comparison operations that are available on determinate time values.
IndeterminateSemantics The IndeterminateSemantics interface contains all the arithmetic and comparison operations that are available on indeterminate time values.

Class Summary
Instant The Instant class provides a set of constructor and accessor operations on Instants.
Interval The Interval class provides a set of constructor and accessor operations for intervals.
Period The Period class provides a set of constructor and accessor operations on periods.

Exception Summary
TemporalDataTypeFormationException TemporalDataTypeFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to parsing of temporal elements.
TemporalDataTypeServiceException TemporalDataTypeServiceException class represents a set of Exceptions related to service of temporal elements.


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