
Package tauzaman.property

Class Summary
FieldInfo FieldInfo class keeps the content of an XML element, called fieldInfo, in a Property specification file.
Format Format class represents a formatting information of an input or output temporal constant.
ImportFormat ImportFormat class represents a import format information that is used to parse a value which was parsed using other property.
Property Property class is the representation of a single property Properties are two types: Simple Type, which includes just a string, the value of Property.
PropertyCache PropertyCache class represents cached version of a Property.
PropertyManager PropertyManager class manages user specific set of Properties.
PropertyRepository PropertyRepository class manages a pool of Properties.
PropertyStackService PropertyStackService class implements data structures to store properties and provides service to PropertyManager.

Exception Summary
PropertyFormationException PropertyFormationException class represents a set of Exceptions related to parsing of Property.
PropertyServiceException PropertyServiceException class represents a set of Exceptions related to service of Property.


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