
Class GranularityLattice


public class GranularityLattice
extends java.lang.Object

Nested Class Summary
private  class GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge
          LatticeEdge class is a private inner class to GranularityLattice.
private  class GranularityLattice.LatticeNode
          LatticeNode class is a private inner class to GranularityLattice.
private  class GranularityLattice.SPElement
          SPElement class is a private inner class to GranularityLattice.
Field Summary
private static int BLACK
          Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node has been fully explored.
private static boolean BUILDPATH_DEBUG
static boolean CACHE_DEBUG
private static int CACHE_SIZE
private static int COARSER
private  tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.cache.Cache coarserSpTableCache
          Cache that maps particular granularities to an already computed table of shortest path information to coarser granularities.
private static int CONGRUENT
private static int FINER
private  tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.cache.Cache finerSpTableCache
          Cache that maps particular granularities to an already computed table of shortest path information to finer granularities.
private static int GRAY
          Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node is currently being explored.
private static java.lang.Integer INFINITY
private  tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.cache.Cache mappingCache
          Cache that maps a string representing the source granularity to the destination granularity ("sourceGranStr$destGranStr") to mapping paths.
private  java.util.ArrayList nodeList
          List of all the nodes in the lattice.
private  java.util.HashMap nodeTable
          This hashtable will contain a reference to all nodes in the granularity lattice by mapping Granularity -> LatticeNode.
private static boolean SP_DEBUG
private static int SPACES
private static int WHITE
          Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node has not yet been explored.
Constructor Summary
GranularityLattice(Calendar[] calendars, Mapping[] interCalMappings)
          Constructs a GranularityLattice object.
Method Summary
 void addCalendar(Calendar calendar)
          Adds an entire calendar to the lattice by going through each mapping in the calendar, adding any nodes that are not already in the lattice plus the edges connecting the nodes in each mapping.
 void addMapping(Mapping mapping)
          Creates an edge between the "from" granularity and the "to" granularity in the Mapping object with the Mapping object itself as the edge's label.
private  java.util.ArrayList buildMappingPath(java.util.HashMap spTable, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode v, int typeOfEdges)
          Given a particular predecessor list, builds a mapping path between two nodes.
private  void buildPathHelper(java.util.HashMap spTable, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode v, java.util.ArrayList path)
          Recursive helper method used to build the mapping path.
 Granule cast(Granule granule, Granularity toGranularity)
          Uses the lattice to cast the given granule from its granularity to another granularity.
 void clearCaches()
          Resets all of the lattice's caches.
private  java.util.HashMap dijkstraShortestPaths(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s, int typeOfEdges)
          Using Djikstra's algorithm, computes all shortest paths starting from a given lattice node.
private  java.util.ArrayList findPath(Granularity sourceGranularity, Granularity destGranularity)
          Finds a path (made up of Mapping objects) that can be used to convert the given source granularity to the destination granularity.
private  java.util.HashMap getSpTable(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s, int typeOfEdges)
          Returns a table of shortest path information for the given node and type (i.e. coarser/finer).
private  tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.minpriorityqueue.MinPriorityQueue getSuccessors(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode node, int typeOfEdges)
          Returns a minimum priority queue of nodes that are reachable by the given node through the given type of edges (i.e. coarser/finer).
private  void induceMappings()
          Induces all regular mappings in the sets of coarser, finer and congruent edges in the lattice.
private  void induceMappings(int typeOfEdges)
          Performs a DFS search on each node looking for regular mappings that can be induced.
private  void induceMappingsDFSVisit(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode sourceNode, GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge sourceEdge, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode curNode, int typeOfEdges, java.util.HashMap colorTable)
          Recursive helper to the DFS part of the mapping induction.
private  void initializeSingleSource(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s, java.util.HashMap spTable)
          Initializes the data structures used in Djiksta's algorithm.
 boolean isCoarser(Granularity g1, Granularity g2)
          Uses the lattice to determine if one granularity is coarser than another.
 boolean isEquivalent(Granularity g1, Granularity g2)
          Uses the lattice to determine if the two granularities are equivalent.
 boolean isFiner(Granularity g1, Granularity g2)
          Uses the lattice to determine if one granularity is finer than another.
 boolean isIncomparable(Granularity g1, Granularity g2)
          Uses the lattice to determine if the two granularities are equivalent.
private  void printSpTable(java.util.HashMap preds)
          Helper method used to debug findPath by printing out predecessor lists.
private  void relax(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode u, GranularityLattice.LatticeNode v, int w, java.util.HashMap spTable, tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.minpriorityqueue.MinPriorityQueue Q)
          Tests whether or not we can improve the shortest path to v found so far by going through u, and, if so, updating the shortest path estimation table and the predecessor table.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of the lattice.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final int COARSER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int FINER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int CONGRUENT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int SPACES
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int CACHE_SIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final boolean BUILDPATH_DEBUG
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static boolean CACHE_DEBUG


private static final boolean SP_DEBUG
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private java.util.HashMap nodeTable
This hashtable will contain a reference to all nodes in the granularity lattice by mapping Granularity -> LatticeNode.


private tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.cache.Cache finerSpTableCache
Cache that maps particular granularities to an already computed table of shortest path information to finer granularities.


private tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.cache.Cache coarserSpTableCache
Cache that maps particular granularities to an already computed table of shortest path information to coarser granularities.


private tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.cache.Cache mappingCache
Cache that maps a string representing the source granularity to the destination granularity ("sourceGranStr$destGranStr") to mapping paths.


private java.util.ArrayList nodeList
List of all the nodes in the lattice.


private static final int WHITE
Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node has not yet been explored.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int GRAY
Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node is currently being explored.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int BLACK
Constant used in DFS part of induce mappings to indicate a node has been fully explored.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final java.lang.Integer INFINITY
Constructor Detail


public GranularityLattice(Calendar[] calendars,
                          Mapping[] interCalMappings)
                   throws CalendricSystemFormationException
Constructs a GranularityLattice object. The construction is done by: (1) For each calendar in calendars, get the calendar's mappings and set up LatticeNodes for each granularity encountered and connecting the nodes with the mappings themselves. (2) Connecting the granularities in different calendars using the mappings in the inter-calendar mappings array.

calendars - the array of all Calendar objects that are in this calendric system
CalendricSystemFormationException - if any error occurs while forming GranularityLattice
Method Detail


public void addCalendar(Calendar calendar)
                 throws CalendricSystemFormationException
Adds an entire calendar to the lattice by going through each mapping in the calendar, adding any nodes that are not already in the lattice plus the edges connecting the nodes in each mapping.

calendar - Calendar to be added to the lattice


public void addMapping(Mapping mapping)
                throws CalendricSystemFormationException
Creates an edge between the "from" granularity and the "to" granularity in the Mapping object with the Mapping object itself as the edge's label.

mapping - Mapping that is the edge's label
NoSuchGranularityException - if either of the Granularities in the mapping are not recognized by the lattice (i.e., there is no node in the lattice that has this granularity)


public Granule cast(Granule granule,
                    Granularity toGranularity)
             throws CalendricSystemServiceException
Uses the lattice to cast the given granule from its granularity to another granularity.

granule - the granule to cast from its granularity to another granularity
toGranularity - the granularity to which to cast the given granule
a Granule that represent the given granule converted to the given granularity
CalendricSystemServiceException - if either the Granularity of the given granule or the toGranularity are not recognized by the lattice (i.e., there is no node in the lattice that has this granularity)


private java.util.ArrayList findPath(Granularity sourceGranularity,
                                     Granularity destGranularity)
                              throws CalendricSystemServiceException
Finds a path (made up of Mapping objects) that can be used to convert the given source granularity to the destination granularity. This method works by first finding all shortest paths between the source granularity and all other granularities. If after this step, a path has been found from the source granularity to the destination granularity, the mapping path is built and returned. However, if no shortest path has been found, all shortest paths between the destination granularity and all other granularities is found. With these two lists of shortest paths, the greatest common granularity from which both the source and destination granularities can be reached is found and a V-path is built.

sourceGranularity - the starting granularity
destGranularity - the destination granularity
the list of mappings that can be used to convert from the source granularity to the destination granularity
CalendricSystemServiceException - if either the Granularity of the given granule or the destGranularity are not recognized by the lattice (i.e., there is no node in the lattice that has this granularity)


private java.util.HashMap getSpTable(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s,
                                     int typeOfEdges)
Returns a table of shortest path information for the given node and type (i.e. coarser/finer). First the caches are checked for a match then if no match is found in the cache Djikstra's algorithm is used to calculate the shortest path information.

s - the node for which to get shortest path information
typeOfEdges - the type of edges (FINER/COARSER/CONGRUENT) to use to get the shortest path information
a table that maps granularities -> (predecessors, cost to reach source)


private tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.minpriorityqueue.MinPriorityQueue getSuccessors(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode node,
                                                                                                    int typeOfEdges)
Returns a minimum priority queue of nodes that are reachable by the given node through the given type of edges (i.e. coarser/finer). The minimum priority queue is organized according to closest --> furthest nodes away from the given node. This serves as a "sorted" list of successors from the given node.

node - the node for which to get successor information
typeOfEdges - the type of edges (FINER/COARSER/CONGRUENT) to use to get the successor information
minimum priority queue that contains all reachable nodes from closest --> furthest


private void printSpTable(java.util.HashMap preds)
Helper method used to debug findPath by printing out predecessor lists.

preds - the hash of predecessors for a particular granularity


public boolean isCoarser(Granularity g1,
                         Granularity g2)
                  throws CalendricSystemServiceException
Uses the lattice to determine if one granularity is coarser than another.

g1 - the first granule to be compared
g2 - the second granule to be compared
true if g1 is coarser than g2, false if g1 is finer than g2 or if g1 and g2 cannot be compared
NoSuchGranularityException - if either of the granularities passed in are not recognized by the lattice (i.e., there is no node in the lattice that has this granularity)


public boolean isEquivalent(Granularity g1,
                            Granularity g2)
                     throws CalendricSystemServiceException
Uses the lattice to determine if the two granularities are equivalent.

g1 - the first granule to be compared for equivalence
g2 - the second granule to be compared for equivalence
true if g1 is equivalent to g2, false if g1 is not equivalent to g2
NoSuchGranularityException - if either of the granularities passed in are not recognized by the lattice (i.e., there is no node in the lattice that has this granularity)


public boolean isIncomparable(Granularity g1,
                              Granularity g2)
                       throws CalendricSystemServiceException
Uses the lattice to determine if the two granularities are equivalent.

g1 - the first granule to be compared for equivalence
g2 - the second granule to be compared for equivalence
true if g1 is equivalent to g2, false if g1 is not equivalent to g2
NoSuchGranularityException - if either of the granularities passed in are not recognized by the lattice (i.e., there is no node in the lattice that has this granularity)


public boolean isFiner(Granularity g1,
                       Granularity g2)
                throws CalendricSystemServiceException
Uses the lattice to determine if one granularity is finer than another.

g1 - the first granule to be compared
g2 - the second granule to be compared
true if g1 is finer than g2, false if g1 is coarser than g2 or if g1 and g2 cannot be compared
NoSuchGranularityException - if either of the granularities passed in are not recognized by the lattice (i.e., there is no node in the lattice that has this granularity)


public void clearCaches()
Resets all of the lattice's caches.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of the lattice.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a String representation of the lattice.


private void induceMappings()
Induces all regular mappings in the sets of coarser, finer and congruent edges in the lattice.


private void induceMappings(int typeOfEdges)
Performs a DFS search on each node looking for regular mappings that can be induced.

typeOfEdges - the type of edges (FINER/COARSER/CONGRUENT) from which the regular mappings should be induced


private void induceMappingsDFSVisit(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode sourceNode,
                                    GranularityLattice.LatticeEdge sourceEdge,
                                    GranularityLattice.LatticeNode curNode,
                                    int typeOfEdges,
                                    java.util.HashMap colorTable)
Recursive helper to the DFS part of the mapping induction. Visits all reachable nodes from the given node.

typeOfEdges - the relationship we want to do the sort on (FINER/ COARSER/CONGRUENT)


private java.util.HashMap dijkstraShortestPaths(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s,
                                                int typeOfEdges)
Using Djikstra's algorithm, computes all shortest paths starting from a given lattice node.

s - the node from which we want all shortest paths in the lattice
typeOfEdges - the relationship from which we want to find the shortest path on (FINER/COARSER/CONGRUENT)
a table containing all shortest path information in the form of [LatticeNode --> (predecessor, cost to source)]


private void initializeSingleSource(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s,
                                    java.util.HashMap spTable)
Initializes the data structures used in Djiksta's algorithm. The shortest path estimation table begins with all the estimates being infinity. The predecessor table begins with all entries' predecessors being null. Then the source node's estimation starts at 0.

s - the node from which we want all shortest paths in the lattice
spTable - the table that maps [node --> sp est, predecessor in shortest path to source]


private void relax(GranularityLattice.LatticeNode u,
                   GranularityLattice.LatticeNode v,
                   int w,
                   java.util.HashMap spTable,
                   tauzaman.calendricsystem.granularitylattice.minpriorityqueue.MinPriorityQueue Q)
Tests whether or not we can improve the shortest path to v found so far by going through u, and, if so, updating the shortest path estimation table and the predecessor table.

u - the new node that we can now use to get a shortest path
v - the destination node of relaxation process
w - the weight of the edge between u and v
spTable - the table that maps [node --> sp est, predecessor in shortest path to source]
Q - the minimum priority queue that is used in Djiksta's algorithm - needed in this method to decrease priority of v if path is improved


private java.util.ArrayList buildMappingPath(java.util.HashMap spTable,
                                             GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s,
                                             GranularityLattice.LatticeNode v,
                                             int typeOfEdges)
Given a particular predecessor list, builds a mapping path between two nodes.

spTable - the predecessor list composing ests. & shortest paths
s - the source node
v - the destination node
typeOfEdges - the relationship from which we want to build the path (FINER/COARSER/CONGRUENT)
a list of mappings to follow to convert from s to v


private void buildPathHelper(java.util.HashMap spTable,
                             GranularityLattice.LatticeNode s,
                             GranularityLattice.LatticeNode v,
                             java.util.ArrayList path)
Recursive helper method used to build the mapping path.

spTable - the predecessor list composing ests. & shortest paths
s - the source node
v - the destination node
path - the path being built


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