- Galileo Circle Fellow, College of Science, University of Arizona, December 2015.
- 2014 Catapult Award, Tech Launch Arizona, University of Arizona, March 2014.
- 2013-2014 Faculty Research Award, Department of Computer Science, April 2014.
- 2012-2013 Faculty Impact Award, Department of Computer Science, April 2013.
- Excellence in Advising Award, Honors College, April 2011.
- Outstanding Faculty Award, Honors College, April 2009.
- 20052006 Outstanding Service Award, Department of Computer Science, for "leadership and vision in guiding the growth of the Department strategic plan, as well as for outstanding service to the profession," May 2006.
- 2004 Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award, "For exceptional leadership in broadening the vision of the ACM Digital Library into a portal to computer science literature, and for service as an outstanding leader of the ACM SIGMOD community, of the Publications Board, and of the SIG Board."
- 2002 ACM SIGMOD Outstanding Contributions Award, for "service as SIGMOD chair from 1997-2001. He took the lead to create the ACM/SIGMOD Digital Library, and personally built the necessary bridges to sister societies, in order to complete the project. Through the example of his leadership, the number of SIGMOD volunteers more than tripled, and SIGMOD membership itself began a significant upward trend."
- Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery, awarded May 1999, "For originating, providing leadership to, and for fundamental contributions to the research area of temporal databases, and for outstanding, wide-ranging service to the database community."
- Best paper award, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, awarded April 1993, for "Valid–time Indeterminacy".
- UNC-CH Foundation Junior Faculty Development Award, 1985.
- IBM Faculty Development Award, 1984.
- National Science Foundation Fellowship, 19771980.
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