The University of Arizona

Events & News

2008–2009 Research Colloquia

Unless otherwise indicated, colloquia were held at 11:00 AM in room 906 of the Gould-Simpson Building.

Friday, May 1 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Renee Baillargeon, Alumni Professor, Psychology Department, Univ. of Illinois at UC
Cog Sci Brown Bag Seminar

Thursday, April 30 (9:00 am, GS 942):
David Perkins, MS Thesis Defense, Computer Science Department
Predicting secondary structure of proteins by linear and dynamic programming

Wednesday, April 29 (2:00 pm, GS 701):
Dengfeng Gao, PhD Thesis Defense, Computer Science Department
Supporting the Procedural Component of Query Languages over Time-Varing Data

Tuesday, April 28:
Qing Ju, Computer Science Department, UA
Detecting Large-Scale Route Leak Event

Friday, April 24 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Tania Lombrozo, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology, Univ. California - Berkeley
Cog Sci Brown Bag Seminar
Causal and Explanatory Pluralism

Friday, April 17 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Jenann Ismael, Associate Professor, Dept of Philosophy, UA
Cog Sci Brown Bag Seminar
Nations and Egos (Nations have their ego, just like individuals. James Joyce)

Monday, April 13 (2:00 pm, GS 906):
Alejandro Estrella Balderrama, PhD Thesis Defense, Computer Science Department
Simultaneous Embedding and Level Planarity

Monday, April 13 (11:00 am, GS 701):
Joe Fowler, PhD Thesis Defense, Computer Science Department
Unlabeled Level Planarity

Friday, April 10 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Sheng He, Professor, Dept of Psychology, University of Minnesota
Cog Sci Brown Bag Seminar
Visual Processing of Faces, Tools and Body Movements in the Absence of Awareness

Wednesday, April 8 (11:00 am, SU 411-A ):
Rich Zemel, U. Toronto
Learning to label complex images

Tuesday, April 7:
Valentin Polishchuk
Routing Air Traffic Flows: From Continuous to Discrete and Back

Friday, April 3 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Marisa Carrasco, Professor, Dept of Psychology, New York University
Cog Sci Brown Bag Seminar
How Spatial Attention Affects Visual Performance and Alters Appearance

Friday, April 3 (10:00 am, GLD-S 701):
Michael Marcellin, University of Arizona
ECE/CS Joint Talk

Friday, March 27 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Kay Holecamp, Professor, Dept of Zoology, Michigan State University
Cog Sci Brown Bag Seminar
Selective Forces Shaping the Evolution of Intelligence

Friday, March 27 (12:00 pm, SU 411-A):
Russell J. Hamilton, Christopher J. Watchman, University of Arizona
ECE/CS Joint Talk

Tuesday, March 24:
Yu-Han Chang, Research Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, ISI
Humans and Machines in Multi-Agent Learning

Tuesday, March 10 (7:00 pm, Centennial Hall):
Paul Cohen, Head and Professor, Computer Science Department, UA
CoS Lecture
Really Intelligent Computers

Friday, March 6 (3:00 pm, GS 701):
Stephen Thomas, Computer Science Department
Implementation and Evaluation of Temporal Representations in XML

Friday, March 6 (10:00 am, GS 701):
Bongki Moon, Professor, Computer Science Department, UA
CS/ECE Joint Talk
Flash Memory Database Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

Friday, February 27 (10:00 am, ECE 530):
Dr. Anthony M. Lewis, Associate Professor, University of Arizona, ECE
Neurorobotics and Walking Machines

Wednesday, February 11 (9:30 am, GS 906):
Miron Livny, Computer Science Department, Univ. of Wisconsin
The GLOW and OSG experience

Friday, February 6 (10:00 am, SU Rm 411-A):
Kobus Barnard, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, UA
CS/ECE Joint Talk
Learning Models for Object Structure

Friday, January 16 (10:00 am, GS 906):
Haifeng He, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Computer Science
Memory Footprint Reduction of Operating System Kernels

Thursday, December 18:
Swaminathan Sankararaman, Computer Science Department
On Channel-Discontinuity-Constraint Routing in Wireless Networks

Tuesday, December 9:
Carole Beal, Professor, Cognitive Science, University of Arizona
High school students’ motivation and engagement with an online tutoring system for SAT-Math problem solving

Thursday, December 4:
Varun Khare, Computer Science Department
Joint Talk

Thursday, December 4:
Jie Yao, Computer Science Department
Joint Talk

Friday, November 21 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Marvin Chun, Professor, Dept of Psychology, Yale University

Friday, November 21 (10:00 am, SU 411-A):
Prof. Bane Vasic, Electrical & Computer Engineering, UA
Guaranteed Error Correction of LDPC Codes

Friday, November 14 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Vladimir Konecni, Professor, Dept of Psychology, UC-San Diego
The Relationship Between Music and Emotion

Friday, November 14 (10:00 am, SU 411-A):
Prof. Paul Cohen, Professor, Head, Computer Science Department
Segmentation and Chunking of Sequences

Thursday, November 13:
Dr. Sudha Ram, McClelland Professor of MIS, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
Linking Biological Databases Semantically for Knowledge Discovery

Monday, November 10:
Dr. Xifeng Yan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Robust Methods for Mining Interesting Graph Patterns

Friday, November 7 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Thomas G. Bever, and David Medeiros, Professor, and graduate student, Dept of Linguistics, UA

Friday, October 31 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Silvia Bunge, Assistant Professor, Psychology Dept, UC-Berkeley

Tuesday, October 28:
Dr. Niall Adams, Dept of Mathematics, Imperial College, London
Credit card transaction fraud detection

Friday, October 24 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Kevin LaBar, Associate Professor, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke University
Perception, Attention, and Learning in the Face of Fear

Tuesday, October 21:
Anna Dornhaus, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UA
Algorithms for distributed problem-solving: when & how do they work in social insects

Friday, October 17 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Joan Bybee, Distinguished Professor, Dept of Linguistics, University of New Mexico
Gradient Constituent Structure and Gradual Reanalysis

Friday, October 10 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Colin Phillips, Professor, Dept of Linguistics, University of Maryland
How Grammars Leak

Friday, October 3 (12:00 pm, GS 906):
Lila Davachi, Assistant Professor, Dept Psychology, New York University
Cognitive Neuroscience of Episodic Memory

Thursday, October 2:
Mohan Rajagopalan, Senior Research Scientist, Intel, Programming Systems Lab
Primitives for Forward-scalable Parallel Programming

Thursday, August 7 (11:30 am, GS 906):
Dean Starrett, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Computer Science
On Aligning Alignments Exactly

Wednesday, August 6 (2:00 pm, GS 906):
Eagu Kim, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Computer Science
Inverse Parametric Alignment for Accurate Biological Sequence Comparison

Monday, August 4 (10:00 am, GS 701):
Huilong Huang, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Computer Science
Efficient Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks